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Computer Hardware Reading Chapter 1What can I do?The problem is solved!计算机专业英语计算机专业英语What can I do?Background:Richard and Jim were classmates in high school and they are also very good friends.Now Richard is majoring in computer science in a university while Jim majors in business trade.Jim wants to buy a computer,but he knows little about it,so he wants Richard to introduce him something about computer hardware.They talked about this on the phone before and made this appointment.RICHARD:Hi.Havent seen you for a long time.How is everything going?JIM:So far so good.And you?RICHARD:Im fine.JIM:Thank you for lending me a hand.RICHARD:You are welcome.Have you decided whether youll buy a brand machine or DIY (Do It Yourself)?JIM:I dont know for sure.RICHARD:Do you have any idea of CPU,Input devices,Output devices and Storage?JIM:You know,Im a layman.I am at a loss when hearing these specialized words and phrases.RICHARD:In my opinion,first of all,you should have some knowledge of computer hardware,especially if you want to DIY.Ive brought you some materials.Youd better have a look.Then well make a further decision.JIM:Ok.Thats just what I think.After going through the materials,Ill call you or we may meet somewhere.RICHARD:Thats all right.See you.JIM:See you计算机专业英语计算机专业英语Computer HardwarevWhat is a computer?vWhat is the hardware and software?vHow many categories can computer hardware be divided into?计算机专业英语计算机专业英语Computer HardwareA computer is a fast and accurate system 主句 【that is organized to accept,store and 定语从句 process data,and produce results under the direction of a stored program】.译文:译文:计算机是快速而精准的系统,它用来接收、存储和处理数据,并在已存储程序的指引下输出结果精准的接收存储处理数据指引已存储程序计算机专业英语计算机专业英语Computer HardwareThe following figure shows the basic organization of a computer system.Input devicesCPUOutput devicesMemory计算机专业英语计算机专业英语Computer HardwareHardware is the physical part of the system【that can be seen and touched】定语从句while software refers to programs【that 定从control the operation of the hardware】.译文:译文:硬件是系统的物理部件,是看得见摸得着的,软件是指控制硬件操作的程序。物理部件指程序操作计算机专业英语计算机专业英语Computer HardwareComputer hardware can be divided into four categories:CPU,storage devices,input devices and output devices.译文:译文:计算机硬件可以分为四个部分:中央计算机硬件可以分为四个部分:中央处理器,存储设备,输入和输出设备。处理器,存储设备,输入和输出设备。计算机专业英语计算机专业英语Contents1.3 Storage1.2 Motherboard and CPU1.1 Input and Output Devices计算机专业英语计算机专业英语1.1 Input and Output DevicesvDo you know the input devices?keyboardmousescannermicrophone计算机专业英语计算机专业英语1.1 Input and Output DevicesvInput Devices 1.To serve different application purposes,input devices can be classified into four types:letter input devices,pointing input devices,scanning input devices and audio-input devices.译文:译文:为满足不同的应用目的,输入设备可以分为四类:字为满足不同的应用目的,输入设备可以分为四类:字符输入设备、指点输入设备、扫描输入设备和语音输入设符输入设备、指点输入设备、扫描输入设备和语音输入设备。备。字符输入指点输入扫描输入语音输入计算机专业英语计算机专业英语1.1 Input and Output Devices2.Generally,the traditional 101-key keyboard has four key groups:the function key row at the top of the keyboard,the typewriter keypad,the cursor-edit keypad with arrows indicating up,down,right and left,and the numeric keypad.译文:译文:一般而言,传统的一般而言,传统的101101键位的键盘有四个键区:位于键盘顶部的功能键区、键位的键盘有四个键区:位于键盘顶部的功能键区、打字键区、包含上下左右四个箭头移动光标的光标打字键区、包含上下左右四个箭头移动光标的光标/编辑键区和数字键区。编辑键区和数字键区。功能键区打字键区光标/编辑键区数字键区计算机专业英语计算机专业英语1.1 Input and Output Devicesv 101-key keyboardfunction key rownumeric keypadcursor-edit keypadtypewriter keypad计算机专业英语计算机专业英语1.1 Input and Output Devicesv Types of keyboard101-key keyboard104-key keyboardfolding keyboardergonomic keyboard计算机专业英语计算机专业英语1.1 Input and Output Devices3.A mouse can have one,two or three buttons,which are used to select command options and to control information presented on the monitor.译文:译文:鼠标上面通常有一个、两个或三个键,这些键用来选鼠标上面通常有一个、两个或三个键,这些键用来选择要执行的命令和控制显示在显示器上的信息。择要执行的命令和控制显示在显示器上的信息。按钮显示器计算机专业英语计算机专业英语1.1 Input and Output Devicesv Types of mousemechanic mouseoptical mousecordless mouse计算机专业英语计算机专业英语1.1 Input and Output Devices4.Most scanners are of the flatbed,sheet-fed,drum or handheld type,among which flatbed and handheld are the most popular.译文译文:扫描仪可以分为平板式、馈纸式、滚筒式和手持式,扫描仪可以分为平板式、馈纸式、滚筒式和手持式,其中,以平板式和手持式两款最为流行。其中,以平板式和手持式两款最为流行。平板馈纸手持计算机专业英语计算机专业英语1.1 Input and Output Devicesv Types of scannerflatbed scannerdrum scannerhandheld scannersheet-fed scanner计算机专业英语计算机专业英语1.1 Input and Output Devicesv Do you know the output devices?monitorprinter计算机专业英语计算机专业英语1.1 Input and Output Devicesv Output Devices 5.It(monitor)shows text and graphic images to the computer users,using cathode ray tube(CRT),liquid crystal display(LCD)or other image projection technology.译文:译文:它是用阴极射线管、液晶显示器、或其他图像显象技术将文本和它是用阴极射线管、液晶显示器、或其他图像显象技术将文本和图形呈现给计算机用户。图形呈现给计算机用户。阴极射线管液晶显示器CRTLCD计算机专业英语计算机专业英语1.1 Input and Output Devices6.Clarity is indicated by its resolution,which is measured in pixels.For a fixed size monitor,the more pixels,the clearer the images.译文:译文:清晰度通过分辨率显示,而分辨率又由像素决定。在清晰度通过分辨率显示,而分辨率又由像素决定。在显示器尺寸不变的情况下,像素越多,图像越清晰。显示器尺寸不变的情况下,像素越多,图像越清晰。清晰度分辨率像素计算机专业英语计算机专业英语1.1 Input and Output Devices7.A printer transfers what you
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