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Part 3 Extensive ReadingText BFamous ArchitectsUnit 4 American Architectural StylesContentslWordwiselProper NounslUseful ExpressionslText B Famous ArchitectslCheck on Your Learningindividual individjul adj.个人的,个体的,单独的representativereprizenttiv n.典型,代表,代表物,代理人pioneer paini n.先驱masterpiece m:stpi:s n.(个人或团体的)杰作mast m:st n.无线塔influential influenl adj.有影响的trustee trsti:n.财产、业务等的受托管理人rationalist rnlist n.理性主义者,唯理主义者commission kmin n.委任,委托catapult ktplt v./n.猛投,抛出mainstream meinstri:m n.(人、活动、思想等的)主流,主要倾向 Text B UNIT 4录音录音PART 3WORDWISE.mp3 Text B Proper Nouns 1.Liang Sicheng 梁思成(1901-1972),中国著名建筑大师。2.Liang Qichao 梁启超(1873-1929),中国晚清著名思想家,戊戌维新运动领袖之一。3.Qing Dynasty 清朝,中国末代王朝。4.United Nations headquarters 联合国总部,设在美国纽约市 曼哈顿区哈得孙河边。5.Princeton prinstn University普林斯顿大学,位于美国新 泽西州的普林斯顿,是英属北美洲部分成立的第四所大学。6.Ieoh Ming Pei 贝聿铭(1917-),著名华裔美国建筑大师。Text B Proper Nouns7.Pritzker Prize 普利兹克奖是每年一次颁给建筑师个人的奖项,有建筑界的诺贝尔奖之称。1979年由普利兹克家族的杰伊普利兹克和他的妻子辛蒂发起,凯悦基金会(Hyatt Foundation)所赞助的针对建筑师个人颁布的奖项。每年约有五百多名从事建筑设计工作的建筑师被提名,由来自世界各地的知名建筑师及学者组成评审团评出一个个人或组合,以表彰其在建筑设计创作中所表现出的才智、洞察力和献身精神,以及其通过建筑艺术为人类及人工环境方面所做出的杰出贡献,被誉为“建筑学界的诺贝尔奖”。8.The National Gallery of Art(美国)国家美术馆。它位于美国国会大厦西阶,国家大草坪北边和宾夕法尼亚大街夹角地带,是世界上建筑最精美、藏品最丰富的美术馆之一。Text B Proper Nouns9. Bank of China Tower 香港中国银行大厦,由贝聿铭建筑师事务所设计,1990年完工。Central,Hong Kong 在香港中环地区Philip Cortelyou Johnson 菲力普约翰逊(1906-2005)美国建筑大师。New Canaan,Connecticut njukenn knetikt 康涅狄格州新迦南市,美国地名。American Institute of Architects 美国建筑师学会,为美国建筑界权威性的组织,总部位于华盛顿哥伦比亚特区。Text B Proper Nouns14.Richard Meier理查德迈耶(1934-),美国建筑大师。15.The New York Five 纽约五人派,纽约五人组,又称“白派”,是现代派原则的拥护者。代表人物有理查德迈 耶、迈克格雷夫斯、查理士盖斯密、彼得艾森曼及约 翰黑达克。16.Getty Center 洛杉矶盖蒂中心,它包括一座非常现代化 的美术博物馆,一个艺术研究中心和一座漂亮的花园。17.Los Angeles ls ndls 洛杉矶,位于美国加州西 南部,美国新泽西州中部是一个享有自治权的城市。throughouthistory有史以来Thecolorwhitehasbeenusedinmanyarchitecturallandmarkbuildingsthroughouthistory.历史上白色一直是许多标志性建筑的主色调。makecontributionto为做出贡献Chinawillcontinuetomakecontributiontopromotetheworldpeace.中国将会继续为促进世界和平而做出贡献。bearepresentativeof/in是代表ShesoursalesrepresentativeinFrance.她是我们公司驻法国的销售代表。HeisarepresentativeoftheUN.他是联合国代表。beregardedas被认为,被视为Theoldmandoesnotwanttoberegardedasaburden.这位老人不想被当作负担。Text B Useful ExpressionsText B Famous Architects超链接超链接 UNIT 4录音录音PART 3TEXT B.mp3There are a lot of architects around the world throughout history,who have made great contribution to the development of world architecture.The following is a list of famous architectswell-known individuals with a large body of published workboth in America and in China.(para1)Chinese Versions Liang Sicheng is one of the most famous architects in China.He was the son of Liang Qichao,a well-known Chinese thinker in the late Qing Dynasty.Liang is the author of Chinas first modern history on Chinese architecture and the founder of the Architecture Department of Northeast University in 1928 and Tsinghua University in 1946.He was the Chinese representative in the Design Board which designed the United Nations headquarters in New York.He is regarded to be the“Father of Modern Chinese Architecture”.Chinese VersionsText B Famous ArchitectsTo cite Princeton University,which awarded him an honorary doctoral degree in 1947,he was“a creative architect who has also been a teacher of architectural history,a pioneer in historical research and exploration in Chinese architecture and planning,and a leader in the restoration and preservation of the priceless monuments of his country.”(Para 2)Chinese VersionsText B Famous Architects Ieoh Ming Pei,commonly known by his initials I.M.Pei,is a Pritzker Prize-winning Chinese-born American architect,known as the last master of high modernist architecture.In 1974 he designed the East Building of the National Gallery of Art,a national art museum,located on the National Mall in Washington,D.CChinese VersionsText B Famous Architects Another masterpiece of his is the Bank of China Tower(abbreviated BOC Tower)in 1989,which is one of the most recognizable skyscrapers in Central,Hong Kong.Designed by I.M.Pei,the building is 305m(1,000.7ft.)high with two masts reaching 367.4m(1,205.4ft)high.It was the tallest building in Hong Kong and Asia from 1989 to 1992,and it was the first building outside the United States to break the 305 m(1,000 ft)mark.(Para 3)Chinese VersionsText B Famous Architects Philip Cortelyou Johnson was an influential American architect.With his thick,round-framed glasses,Johnson was the most recognizable figure in American architecture for decades.Johnsons early influence as a practicing architect was his use of glass;His masterpiece was the Glass House he designed in 1949 as his own residence in New Canaan,Connecticut,which is a profoundly influential work.(continuous)(continuous)Chinese VersionsText B Famous ArchitectsIn 1930,he founded the Department of Architecture and Design at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City and later in 1978,as a trustee,he was awarded an American Institute of Architects Gold Medal.He was the first Pritzker Architecture Prize winner for decades in 1979.(Par
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