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幼儿园面试10分钟试讲教案模板(多篇)推荐第1篇:画杨桃10分钟试讲稿 画杨桃 一、图画课上,对杨桃进行写生练习,“我”根据自己看到的,把杨桃画成像个五角星的样子,同学们觉得好笑。老师通过这件事,既启发我们知道同一个事物从不同角度看有不同结果,从中受到科学思想方法的教育;同时又教育我们要尊重他人的多元理解,要设身处地地去看待事物。 孩子们,上节我们了解了在图画课上,我的画因为像五角星而被几个同学嘲笑了,我们的老师是怎样反应的呢,下面大家先来自由的读读课文吧 读完以后你有什么发现吗? 这位满脸疑问的同学,你来说吧,为什么看的角度不同,杨桃的样子也就不一样呢?你真的善于发现问题。老师这儿有一枚杨桃,现在我放在讲台上,在观察了杨桃之后,每一排的同学以传话筒的方式去交流一下。 大家交流的真是热火朝天啊,谁能告诉老师你们的发现吗,看来大家是意见不一啊,现在大家互换位置,你来,真聪明,你帮刚才那位同学找到了答案。 还有一些同学沉默了,能说为什么吗?真有勇气,文中的孩子说些什么呢? 说的真深刻啊,让我们带着这种感悟再来读读课文吧。大家读的真投入啊,仿佛你们就是其中的孩子,那现在谁能扮演一下老师,把老师的话再读一遍呢,对,就是这中语重心长的语气,大家就像他那样来读读吧 老师说的第三句话,老师总感觉有句话跟他很相似,谁能帮老师找找呢。这位迫不及待站起来的同学,说说吧。第一段父亲的话也是这样的。 他们有什么相似呢,给带来什么样的影响呢,小组讨论 找两个小组,真深刻 谁来总结一下做事看问题要实事求是 推荐第2篇:试讲试教15分钟教案 关于国家的教案 1、教学对象 初级阶段泰国初中生 第二学期 2、所用教材 自编 3、教学目标及要求 学完本课后学生能正确认出并准确拼读所教国家词汇 4、教学内容 中国 泰国 韩国 日本 新加坡 马来西亚 美国 英国 法国 国家 5、教学重点 准确拼读并记住各个国家的名称 6、教学方法 (1)PPT图片教学 (2)联系以前所学知识 (3)奖励激励法 7、教学时间 15分钟 7、教学步骤 (1)组织教学(1分钟) 同学们好!老师好! 问候同学们:吃饭了吗? 讲解一下奖励规则,第一名,第二名,第三名分别获得什么礼物。 (2)学习新课 A、播放PPT,老师带着学生一起拼读,拼读完之后,再抽一位同学起来拼读,没有问题便接着讲下一个,有问题纠正了再讲下一个。 B、讲完所有国家名称,最后按国旗总结。 C、最后,总结出“国家”这个单词。 9、本课小结 总结这课所学所有国家中文名称。 10、布置作业 课后记住所教国家名称词汇,并自己再查一查其他国家的中文名称,下次课抽同学起来读并说出一个没有教过的国家名称。 推荐第3篇:小学英语教师面试 10分钟试讲 个人方法总结 小学英语教师面试 10分钟试讲 个人方法总结 进场开始:Good morning every leaders.I am candidate number_ applying for primary school English teacher , I am ready for my English leon presentation , may I begin? Thank you . Boys and girls, its time for our English cla, are you ready? okay , lets start .Today we are going to learn Unit.热身暖场:At the beginning ,let me introduce myself. Okay ,now back to todays topic How are you today ? Do you have a good weekend ? As a tradition, lets sing a English song together at the beginning .Have you heard the sound of a donkey ? Donkeys voice is “” , yeah its very funny , there is a funny song about donkeys voice , do you want to listen ? Good,lets sing together , when I sing “heehaw” , you sing “heehaw” , okay ? yeah , lets go .”.” Wonderful , you are all clever boys and girls . 阅读课文:turn to page_ and read the paage after me./ read after me . Good , now read by yourself , then I will ask someone to show his voice , all right ? Yeah , begin . 要求实践:个人练:lets do some practice , everyone should use this .to ./ imitate me ! 2人小组:I want everyone to do practice with your partner , you should ask each other questions in the patterns .A/B组:Do you like apples ? Yeah of course .I will divided you into two groups,boys group A and girls group B / this half group A and that half group B, which group do better , I will give more apples . 要求展示:Okay , you please / Oh this brave.and your partner , you act .you act ./ group A act.and., please.Okay time is up , please stop./ Ding Dong, just now have seen all of you did your best ./Well done , my children .So , which one wants to come here and show.? Any volunteers to act out your dialogue ? Who wants to try ? Good job , you read very well , but please pay attention to the vowels “i:” and “i” / your pronunciation , remember to do more exercise , sit down please ./ Perfect , you give us a good example .Anybody else ? 回顾:So we have learned all the things of today , lets review them .First ,we have learned new words “”, second we have leaned useful sentences “” .作业:For todays homework,we should copy.and use the pattern.to make .sentences ,are you clear?remember it.课程结束:Oh , the cla time is up, I must say goodbye to you .Goodbye , everybody, see you next time. Ladies and gentlemen , all the previous is my English leon presentation , please give comments , thank you . 开始:begin , start , do it , ready go 好的(可承前启后):all right , okay , yes , so , now 理解:clear ? following ? understand ? 时间:at first , beginning , before , first step , next step after a while , sometime later by now , time is up 肯定: very well , good Good job,well done wonderful , cool lets clap for them 鼓励:Dont be afraid / failure is the mother of succe / practice makes perfect / come on 全过程:热身 呈现 课本学习 作业 关键:放松,即使卡壳了,也要一笑置之 呈现部分:陈述 激趣 正式导出 引申解释 实践 学生展示 板书陈述:First , we should learn some new words and phrases , please look at the blackboard ,read after me please . After the new words , we should learn some new sentences .故事陈述:At the beginning,lets invite our old friend SanMao.Hi,my clamates,Im your friend SanMao.Use SanMao to ask question to students or lead in the key knowledge.Okay,this is SanMaos.,from his story we have learned. 数数陈述:lets count , the next one is . 激趣:just now SanMao ask us., how can we ./ can you ./ if., how or what we .正式导出:板书文字+图画:直观联结事物形象、空间形象、时间形象、情感形象 引申解释:So if we want to ./ If.,you can say or do.; if someone ask / you need t
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