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Unit 6Unit 6Do you like bananas?Do you like bananas?1 重难考点强化训练重难考点一辨析have,eat,take 与 drink 用eat,have,take或drink的适当形式填空。1He often milk for breakfast.2We lunch at school.3Please some medicine(药)4Tigers and wolves meat(肉)5We must enough(足够的)water every day.has/drinkshave/eattakeeatdrink重难考点二辨析good与well.单项选择。()1.Do they eat for breakfast every day?Yes,they do.Agood Bnice Cfine Dwell()2.Tom has a eating habit.Aboring Bgood Cwell DfineDB.用good或well填空。3Does his friend play volleyball?No,he doesnt.4Lets play volleyball after class.That sounds 5How is your father?He is Thank you.wellgoodwell重难考点三含实义动词句子的一般现在时按要求完成句子,每空一词。1Mike wants some eggs for breakfast.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)Mike some eggs for breakfast?Yes,he 2I watch TV every day.(改为否定句)I TV every day.Doeswantdoes dontwatch3He eats rice and vegetables for lunch.(对画线部分提问)he for lunch?4她早餐吃什么?(汉译英)What she breakfast?5他有一根胡萝卜。(汉译英)He a 6咱们喝些牛奶吧!(汉译英)Lets some !Whatdoeseatdoeshave forhascarrot havemilk重难考点四How about?的用法.单项选择。()1.Im 15.How you?Aof Babout Cwith Dfor()2.How about to Former Residence of Confucius(孔子故居)?Ago Bgoes Cto go DgoingBD()3.How about watching the soccer game?.AHave a good dayBYoure welcomeCSounds goodDCome onC.根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。4这个黄色的书包怎么样?the yellow schoolbag?5吃面包怎么样?some bread?6我的饮食习惯好,你的呢?My eating habits are good.?How/WhataboutHow/WhatabouteatingHow/Whataboutyours重难考点五want的用法.单项选择。()1.His schoolbag is old(旧的),so he a new one.Ameets BwantsCdoes Dplays()2.Whos the boy?Mr.Li wants .Aknow Bto knowCknows Dknowing()3.She wants to get some apples for her.Athem Bthey Ctheir DtheirsBBA.根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。4我想要一本词典。I a .5他想要和我们一起打篮球。He basketball with us.wantdictionarywantstoplay重难考点六辨析and,but与so.单项选择。()1.I like bread,my sister doesnt like it.AandBbutCsoDof()2.Detective Chinatown 唐人街探案2is interesting,I like it.Aand Bbut Cso Dthen()3.Tom likes bread,I like bread,too.Aand Bbut Cso DthenBCA.用and,so或but填空。4My parents like fruit,I dont like it.5The TV play(电视剧)is boring we dont like it.6Lucy Lily are sisters.butsoand 2 话题阅读提升训练一、完形填空。My name is Linda.Im a mother of two 1 ,Paul and David.Paul is a healthy boy 2 David is not.Paul always eats 3 .In the morning,he likes milk and eggs for breakfast.He eats rice and carrots for lunch 4 school.For()1.A.brothersBsistersCsons Ddaughters()2.A.andBsoCthenDbut()3.A.well BgoodCfine Dnice()4.A.to Bat CofDwith CDABdinner,he likes strawberries.He likes sports very much.He 5 sports every morning.6 David?He doesnt have a good eating 7 .He is really 8 .He likes meat(肉)He eats 9 for three meals(餐)He likes sports,too.But he doesnt play 10 .He only watches TV on the sofa.()5.A.knows BgoesChelps Dplays()6.A.How is BWho isCWhere is DHow about()7.A.question BhabitCbirthday Dschool()8.A.right BtidyCfat Dwelcome()9.A.bread BsaladCapples Dchicken()10.A.it BthemCthat DthisDDBCDB二、阅读理解。Hi!My name is Jenny.In the morning,I eat bread and fruit.I drink milk,too.For lunch and dinner,I like rice and vegetables.After dinner,I often(经常)have icecream and Coke.But I know they are not healthy.I like sports.Im on the basketball team(队)in my school.Hello!I am Colin.I have good eating habits.I often have milk and bread for breakfast.For lunch,I like hamburgers.I often have chicken and vegetables for dinner.I like them.After school,I like to play soccer with my classmates.()1.Jenny doesnt have for breakfast.AfruitBmilkCbread Dvegetables()2.What does Colin like for lunch?AHamburgers.BVegetables.CMilk and bread.DChicken and rice.DA()3.What does Colin like to do after school?AWatch TV.BPlay soccer.CGo to the library.DPlay basketball.()4.Jenny and Colin like for dinner.Arice BvegetablesCchicken DfruitBB三、任务型阅读。(20192020菏泽牡丹区七上期末)Here are my three photos.This is my friend,Wu Huan.She is a good girl.She is 11 years old.She is in Chongqing with her family.She likes vegetables and chicken.(A)She doesnt like icecream or strawberries.This is me.My name is Chen Ming.I am 12 years old.I am a middle school student in Suzhou.I like eating fruit and vegetables.But I dont like eggs or carrots.I dont like sports,but I have two pingpong bats and one baseball bat.This is my friend,too.His name is Doudou.He is in Suzhou with me.He likes bones(骨头).He doesnt like rice.(B)他喜欢玩球。He is a nice dog!根据短文内容,完成下列任务。1How many(多少)friends does Chen Ming have?.2What does Chen Ming like?.3把(A)处画线句子翻译成汉语。.Two.She likes eating fruit and vegetables.她不喜欢冰激凌和草莓。4把(B)处画线句子翻译成英语。.5What is the best title(最佳标题)of the text?.He likes to play with balls.My Friends and I 四、综合填空。根据短文内容,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号内所给单词的正确形式。Cindy is my good friend.She likes 1.(sport)very much.She plays basketball 2.her father every morning.Her father plays basketball 3.(good)sports withwell Cindy has good 4.(eat)habits.5.breakfast,she likes eggs,bread and some 6.(milk)For lunch,she 7.(have)chicken,rice and vegetables.For dinner,she has some fruit 8.bread.She eats apples,bananas and pears.She likes 9.(hamburger),but she doesnt eat them.She think they are not ealthy.Cindy eats well and 10.(play)sports every day,so she is very healthy.ea
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