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Lesson 17: Staying Safe in an EarthquakeI. Learning aims:Master the new words: earthquake, calm, object, system, survival II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) What should you do it this happens to you?2) You need to have something strong around you to protect you from falling objects.3) Keep an eye out of things that can fall on you.4) Staying calm is not easy, but it can save your life.Language Points:1. What should you do it this happens to you? 如果这发生在你身上你应该怎么办?【用法】句式happen to somebody (something) 表示“某人 (物)出事或发生情况。【举例】Many things have happened to us these years. 这些年我们这里发生了很多事情。【拓展】happen表示“发生、偶然发生”时不能用于被动语态中。表示“碰巧、恰巧”,后面加不定式。【举例】The accident happened at four oclock.事故是四点钟发生的。You happened to be out when I came to see you. 我来看你的时候,你正好出去了。2. You need to have something strong around you to protect you from falling objects. 你需要在你身边弄一些坚固的东西这样才能保护您不受跌落下来的物体的伤害。【用法】句中的need作实义动词用,意思是“需要”,后面可以加名词、代词、不定式作宾语。后加动名词时,动名词和主语之间有动宾关系。【举例】They are certain to need help. 他们一定需要帮助。You dont need to buy a new computer. 你不必买新计算机。This machine needs repairing. 这台机器需要维修了。【拓展】need作情态动词用,意思是“需要、必须”,后加动词原形,并且多用于否定句和疑问句中。【举例】She neednt wait for them. 她不必等他们了。Need they do the same thing again? 他们需要把同样的事情再做一遍吗?【拓展】need作名词用,意思是“需要”,可用于句式in need of中。【举例】Our school is in great need of English teachers. 我们学校需要英语老师。1
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