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专项训练三专项训练三完形填空从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,使短文意思完整。AA man once had four sons.They never stopped quarreling(争吵)with one another.He often told them life was easy if they worked hard together,but they didnt _1_ him.()1.A.look atB.listen toC.wait forD.help withBOne day,he called all the _2_ together.He put a bundle(捆)of sticks on the floor in front of _3_.“Can you break that?”he _4_ the youngest son.The boy put his knee(膝盖)on the bundle,pressed(压)and pulled with his arms but he _5_ break the sticks.()2.A.daughters B.students C.women D.sons()3.A.you B.her C.them D.us()4.A.asked B.said C.talked D.spoke()5.A.could B.must C.couldnt D.mustntDCACThe father asked each son in turn to try to break the bundle,_6_ none of them could do it.Then he untied(解开)the string and scattered(散开)the _7_.“Now try,”he said.The boys broke the sticks _8_ in their hands.()6.A.but B.or C.and D.so()7.A.books B.sticks C.flowers D.sons()8.A.carefully B.happily C.early D.easilyABD“Do you see what I mean?”asked the _9_.“If you stand together,no one can hurt you.If you all quarrel,you cant do any _10_ things for your future.”This time,the sons listened to their father carefully.()9.A.father B.mother C.son D.daughter()10.A.boring B.difficult C.expensive D.helpfulADBOne summer,three friends came to New York.They decided to stay in a hotel during the visit.But they felt _1_ because their room was on the 60th floor.And for safety,the hotel closed the elevators(电梯)_2_ 10:00 at night.The next day,the three friends rented(租)a _3_ and went out to travel around the city.()1.A.glad B.excited C.unhappy D.cheerful()2.A.in B.on C.after D.before()3.A.car B.room C.train D.plane CCAThey _4_ movies,concerts(音乐会),and other things.When they returned to the _5_,it was too late.The elevators _6_.So they had to take the stairs.At that time,one friend got a(n)_7_.He said,“For the first 20 floors,I will tell jokes.()4.A.talked B.went C.listened D.enjoyed()5.A.car B.room C.hotel D.train()6.A.opened B.stopped C.began D.finished()7.A.joke B.idea C.advice D.secret CBABThen another of us will _8_ smart stories for the next 20 floors.Then we will finish the other 20 floors _9_ sad stories.”Soon,the first one started with his jokes.With joy,they reached the 20th floor.Then the next one started telling some smart stories.So,they learned a lot when reaching the 40th floor.In the end,it was time for sad stories.The third one started like this.“My first _10_ story is that I left the key to the door in the car.”()8.A.say B.tell C.talk D.speak()9.A.with B.on C.about D.by()10.A.sad B.funny C.smart D.pleasant DADCAs healthy teenagers,most of us are healthy.We must think us lucky ones.There are unlucky ones in the world too.They _1_ face many problems.Suppose(假设)you cant hold anyone in your arms.You cant walk anywhere with your feet.How would you last a day like that?Would you _2_ at yourself in the mirror(镜子)sadly?()1.A.have to B.want to C.like to D.hope to()2.A.laugh B.cry C.smile D.shoutCC_3_ would you smile like Nick Vujicic,an Australian young man?Nick was born without arms and legs,and there were only two small toes(脚趾)on his left hip(臀部).So life was not _4_ for him.At school many students played jokes on him _5_ he looked different from everyone else.()3.A.And B.But C.Or D.If()4.A.old B.easy C.modern D.difficult()5.A.because B.if C.until D.althoughADCNobody wanted to make friends with him,so he always felt lonely.However,he faced that in _6_ way.He learned to type and write with two toes at the age of six,and he could even surf and play golf.In college,he worked hard and was one of the _7_ students.And he decided on what to do later in his lifeto call on others to work hard for their dreams.He is making his life colorful and meaningful(有意义的)_8_ traveling.()6.A.the same B.a different C.the worst D.the hardest()7.A.tall B.lazy C.smart D.top()8.A.at B.for C.into D.byBBBNow Nick is one of the most popular _9_ in the world.He travels to many countries and gives speeches about his stories.“Living life fully is about looking at what you _10_,not what you dont have,”he said.()9.A.doctors B.speakers C.scientists D.writers()10.A.make B.have C.lose D.wantAADOne day a great general(将军)asked his soldiers,“Whats the strongest power in the world?”Four of his soldiers _1_ their hands.They all wanted to answer the question.()1.A.put out B.put off C.put up D.put away AThe general asked the first man to speak.The first man is younger _2_ the other three,and he was not strong.He said,“My gun is the strongest.It can kill _3_.”“Thank you._4_,please.()2.A.then B.than C.and D.that()3.A.someone B.somebody C.anyone D.all persons()4.A.Next B.OK C.Sorry D.Not goodBCB“The second man was very strong.He said,“I dont _5_.Soldiers use guns,so the soldier is the strongest.”The _6_ man said,“Soldiers use guns,_7_ our general gives orders(命令).So I think our general is the strongest.”()5.A.know B.think C.have D.agree()6.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth()7.A.and B.but C.still D.soABDThe fourth man was the _8_.He said
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