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博物馆博物馆 museumscience museum科学博物馆科学博物馆邮局邮局post office书店书店bookstore电影院电影院cinema 医院医院hospitalscience museumI want to buy some books.Where can I go?bookstore science museum I want to see robots.Where can I go?I want to see a film(电影电影).Where can I go?cinemaI want to see a doctor.Where can I go?hospitalI want to send a letter.Where can I go?post officepost officebookstorecinemascience museumhospitalWhere can I go?1.I want to see a doctor._2.I want to post a letter._3.I want to see a film._hospital4.I want to buy a book._5.I want to see robots._post officecinemabookstorescience museumscience museum hospitalbookstorepost office cinemaIts near the hospital.Excuse me,where is the cinema?next to 挨着挨着 Where is the_?Lets guesshospitalIts near the _.next tobookstoreLets guessWhere is the_?bookstoreIts near the _.post officenext toLets guess Where is the_?post officeIts near the _.science museumnext to1、怎样询问某地的位置、怎样询问某地的位置 当你想知道某地的位置时,可以用where引导的特殊疑问句来询问。知识点讲解:知识点讲解:Where is+地点名词地点名词意思:意思:在那里在那里解读:解读:where副词,意思副词,意思“在哪里,到哪里在哪里,到哪里”答语:答语:It is+表示位置的介词表示位置的介词+地点地点例句:例句:Where is your school?It is near the museum.bookstoreScience museumhospitalcinemapost office在在前面前面bookstoreScience museumhospitalcinemapost office在在后面后面Robin:Wu Yifan:Where is the hospital?Robin:Its in the middle of the post office and the cinema.(在在的中间)的中间)betweenandin front of:在:在前面前面behind:在:在后面后面near:在:在附近附近next to:与:与邻接的邻接的 in the middle of 在在.中间中间between and 在在.和和.中间中间方位介词方位介词2、excuse me 有礼貌有礼貌 excuse me 在口语中应用非常广泛,常用在以下几种情形:知识点讲解:知识点讲解:Excuse me用于引起别人(尤其是陌生人)的注用于引起别人(尤其是陌生人)的注意,意为意,意为“劳驾,请原谅劳驾,请原谅”用于客气地请别人让路,意为用于客气地请别人让路,意为“对不对不起,劳驾起,劳驾”用于因打扰别人或失礼而表示歉意,用于因打扰别人或失礼而表示歉意,意为意为“对不起,请原谅对不起,请原谅”Its near the science museum.Excuse me,where is the post office?What a great museum!多么好的一座博物馆呀!What引号的感叹句结构:主要有以下三种.What多么结构例句What+a/an+形容词+单数名词+其它!What a great pity you missed the leeture again.你又一次错过了讲座,真是太遗憾了!What +形容词+可数名词复数+其它!What interesting books youWhat interesting books you ve given me.ve given me.你给我的书真有趣啊!What +形容词+不可数名词复数+其它!What cool water this is.!多清凉的水啊!science museumcinemanearhospitalpost officebookstore next tobookstorescience museumcinemanearpost officebookstorenext tobookstorescience museumcinemanearhospitalpost officebookstorenext tobookstorescience museumcinemanearhospitalbookstorenext to bookstorescience museumcinemanearhospitalpost officebookstorenext to bookstorescience museumcinemanearhospitalpost officebookstorescience museumcinemanearhospitalpost officebookstorenext tobookstorecinemanearhospitalpost officebookstorenext tobookstorescience museumcinemanearhospitalpost officebookstorenextbookstorescience museumhospitalpost officebookstorenext tobookstorescience museumcinemanearhospitalpost officebookstoreext tobookstoreThis is my left hand and this is my right hand.turn leftturn leftparkTurn left at the park.turn rightturn righthospitalTurn right at the hospital.go straightcrossingcrossingTurn right at the crossing.turn leftturn rightgo straightturn left turn rightgo straightcrossing知识点讲解知识点讲解2、怎样表达在某地向左、怎样表达在某地向左/右转右转Turn left/right at+地点地点turn作动词,意为作动词,意为“转弯转弯”,表示改变方向,表示改变方向,left和和right作副词,作副词,left左,左,right右。右。Turn left at the cinema.到电影向左转。到电影向左转。Turn right at the museum.到博物馆向右转。到博物馆向右转。Post officebus stopbookstoreparkPet hospital libraryScience museum cinema hospitalmapschoolShoe storego straighton the leftHow can I get to the science museum?hospitalcinemaScience museumGo straight,Turn right at the cinema,Then go straight.It s on the left.post officebookstorecinemaschool hospitalparkWhere is the post office?.turn leftBe a tour guideHow can I get to the post office?go straightaton the lefton the leftpost officebookstorecinemaschool hospitalparkWhere is the hospital!How can I get to the hospital?turn rightatgo straightpost officebookstorecinemaschool hospitalparkWhere is the school?How can I get to the school?post officebookstorecinemaschool hospitalparkWhere is the bookstore?How can I get to the bookstore?知识点讲解知识点讲解1、How can I/we get(to)+地点?来问路地点?来问路 意思:我意思:我/我们怎么到我们怎么到呢?呢?How意为意为“怎样怎样”,用来询问做事情的方式,引导特殊疑问,用来询问做事情的方式,引导特殊疑问句。句。can是情态动词,意为是情态动词,意为“能够能够”,“get to+地点名词地点名词/get+地点副词地点副词”表示表示“到达某地到达某地”答语:答语:(1)指示路线,如)指示路线,如“Turn left/right at(在(在处左处左/右右转)转)Its on the left/right.(在在处左处左/右边)右边)”(2)说明交通方式,如)说明交通方式,如“You can go on foot/by+交通工具交通工具”你你/你们可以步行你们可以步行/乘乘去)去)pastasteakpizzaItalian dishItalian foodItalian restaurantanWhere is the Italian restaurant?
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