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2023届高三英语总复习 (人教版2019)名词、数词、形容词和副词考点运用考点一名词(一)考点练悟(用所给词的适当形式填空)It was late at night. Two 1._ (German) were sleeping in their room when suddenly, one of them, Mrs. Green, was woken up and found a thief slipping into their room to try his luck. She had three thousand 2._ (dollar) in her pocket. “What should I do? Many 3._ (thief) usually bring 4._ (knife) with them,” she thought in 5._ (silent). After two 6._ (minute) search, the thief happened to touch a sports suit. It seemed as if he found there was someone in the room, so he went out to the next room where two 7._ (Frenchman) were sleeping. When he was looking for 8._ (money) or some 9._ (jewel) in the next room, Mrs. Green woke up her husband quickly and called the police. And then the thief knew what had happened. He was so scared that he took out a knife. Just then the police showed up. Before the thief ran away, the police caught him. For Mrs. Green, it was really an unusual 10._ (experience)【答案】1.Germans2.dollars3.thieves4.knives5.silence6.minutes7.Frenchmen8.money9.jewels/jewelry10.experience(二)快捷技法思考趋向解题规则1.填名词的单复数若提示词是名词,分析句子成分后发现词性不需要改变,此时应考虑填名词的单复数。1.不定冠词a, an后用名词单数形式。(如题10)2.有数词或these, those, several, many, all, both等词修饰时名词用复数形式。(如题1,2,3,7,9)3.名词前有one of 时用名词复数形式。4.如果空格处作主语,且谓语动词是单数形式,则空格处应填名词单数形式;若谓语动词是复数形式,则空格处应填名词复数形式。5.不可数名词没有复数形式。(如题8)2.填名词的所有格提示词为名词时,如果作定语表示“的”,则一般考查名词的所有格。(如题6)1.单数名词和不以s结尾的复数名词通常在词尾加s。2.以s或es结尾的名词复数,形式为s或es。3.复合名词中,一般在最后一个词的词尾加s,如her brotherinlaws character。3.派生为名词作句子的主语、宾语(包括介词的宾语)时,一般设空处填名词。(如题5)可数名词考点解析Mr Smith is very busy because he runs several companies.He works seven days a week and 12 months a year.In his spare time he likes watching football matches.He likes eating tomatoes but he doesnt eat vegetables with leaves.He has two pet horses and he often rides them with his friends on Mr Blacks farm because he thinks the scenery of the farm is very beautiful.1.可数名词变复数以辅音字母加-y结尾的名词,变-y为-i加-es;以元音字母加-y结尾的名词,加-s。以-th结尾的名词加-s。以-s,-x,-ch,-sh结尾的名词后加-es(如果词尾-ch发音为/k/,要加-s,如stomach)。以-o结尾加-es 的单词有:英雄(heroes)吃土豆(potatoes)番茄(tomatoes),其他多直接加-s。以-f或-fe结尾的词,多变-f或-fe为-v,再加-es。但也有直接加-s的单词,如:屋顶(roof)上的首领(chief)有信仰(belief)。更多的可数名词是直接加-s。2.名词作定语往往是说明其中名词的材料、用途、时间、地点、内容、类别等。多为单数名词作定语,但woman,man作定语时,要用复数形式表达复数概念。3.名词的所有格有生命名词,不以-s结尾的名词加-s;以-s结尾的单数名词和复数名词都加-。无生命名词,通常用of所有格表示。双重所有格的构成形式为:“名词of名词所有格”或者“名词of名词性物主代词”。二易错点归纳1不规则变化的名词复数(1)通过内部元音变化构成复数。如:footfeet脚goosegeese鹅toothteeth牙齿mousemice老鼠manmen男人womanwomen女人(2)有些名词的单复数形式相同。如:sheepsheep绵羊deerdeer鹿ChineseChinese中国人JapaneseJapanese日本人meansmeans方法seriesseries系列speciesspecies物种(3)有的名词在词尾加-ren或-en构成复数。如:childchildren 孩子oxoxen 公牛(4)由man,woman构成的复合名词在变成复数时,与man,woman的变化形式相同。如:gentlemangentlemen先生EnglishmanEnglishmen英国男子policemanpolicemen男警察chairwomanchairwomen女主席businessmanbusinessmen商人craftsmancraftsmen工匠,手艺人注意:German的复数形式为Germans。(5)外来词的不规则复数形式。如:analysisanalyses分析basisbases基础crisiscrises危机thesistheses论文mediummedia媒介物phenomenonphenomena现象2复合名词的单复数变化(1)中间没有连字符也没有间隔的复合名词将最后一个词变成复数形式。birthdaybirthdays生日blackboardblackboards黑板bookshelfbookshelves书架gentlemangentlemen绅士(2)中间有连字符或间隔的复合词将其中主要的词变成复数形式。如:book wormbook wormsson-in-lawsons-in-lawlooker-onlookers-on passer-bypassers-bystory-tellerstory-tellers(3)无主体名词时通常在最后一个词后加复数词尾。如:grown-upgrown-upsstandbystandbys3名词所有格的特殊形式(1)并列的名词变所有格时,若表示不同的所有关系,则分别在两个名词后加-s;如果表示共有关系,则只在最后一个名词后加-s。如:Kate and Marys room凯特和玛丽共有的房间Kates and Marys rooms凯特和玛丽各自的房间(2)表示店铺或某人的家时,名词所有格之后的shop,house,home等常省去。如:at the doctors (office)在(医生的)诊所里at the barbers (shop)在理发店at Mr Greens (house)在格林先生家随堂练习单句语法填空1The team who won the three world (championship) would always get this cup.2During the festival,which lasts three or four days,people are dressed in their best clothes and participate in a variety of rich and colourful (activity)3The best solution might be to find the (weakness) in the idea and to try and strengthen them,rather than use them simply as an excuse for rejecting the whole idea.4Timmis and his team set out to seek the effects of phone use on (passer-by)5We usually expect Hollywood (hero) to show up on our screens and defeat the bad guys.6He goes to the (barber) to have his hair cut every month.7Where did you two have your (stomach) examined?At the doctors.We were examined by two famous (German)8Since most students are in need of a nap,proper arrangements should be made so that students can have a good rest after a whole (morning) hard work.【答案】1.championships2.activities3.weaknesses4.passers-by5.heroes6.barbers7.stomachs8.mornings不可数名词考点解析To learn more k
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