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23考研英语长难句打卡内容学习说明: 本材料句子均来自考研英语(一)、(二)真题。目的在于提升词汇量与长难句分析的能力。请大家先阅读每句话下面的必背生词与中文翻译,然后填空。填空时,部分单词需要变形。填空后,请在“解析”部分阅读原句和长难句分析。祝大家:考上!l.The company, a major energy in New England,justified in123考研英语长难句打卡内容宾语从句1: that引导宾语从句,peer pressure宾从主语can also be a positive force系表结构 谓语宾语从句2: what引导宾语从句,作为through的宾语,she宾从主语calls宾从谓语the social cure 宾语非限制性定语从句:,+ in which引导非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句中:organizations and officials 主语 use 谓语 the power of group dynamics 宾语 to help individuals improve their lives and possibly the world 动词不定式作宾语补足语。11. While show that Britonsthe countryside alongside the royal family,Shakespeare and the National Health Service (NHS) as what make them of their country,this has limited political support.必背生词rate rei t v.打分;n比率poll paul n.投票、民意测验、投票站proudest prau di st adj.最骄傲的alongside a. 10 g sal d prep. 在旁边、与一起参考翻译:尽管民意调查显示,英国人将“乡村”评为令他们最自豪的事物之一,与皇室家庭、莎士比亚 以 及英国国民健康服务并驾齐驱,但这一结果却只获得了有限的政治支持解析:While polls show that Britons rate the countryside alongside the royal family, Shakespeare and the National Health Service (NHS) as what make them proudest of their country, this has limited political support.让步状语从句:while连词,引导让步状语从句部分,polls从句主语show从句谓语宾语从句:that引导宾语从句,嵌套在让步状语从句中,Britons宾从主语rate宾从谓语“the countryside, alongside the royal family, Shakespeare and the National Health Service (NHS) 宾 语as宾从 what 主语 make 谓语 them 宾语 proudest of their country 宾补主句:this 主语 has 谓语 (limited political support 宾语)。12. So what Kennedy was was that while GDP has been the most common method forthe economic activity of nations, as a measure, it is no longer enough.1023考研英语长难句打卡内容必背生词measure: Tmej or n.措施;v.测量refer to:参考,涉及,谈到解析:So what Kennedy was referring to was that while GDP has been the most common method for measuring the economic activity of nations, as a measure, it is no longer enough.主语从句作主句主语So what Kennedy主语 was referring to,was that系动词+表语从句,作主句谓语在表语从句中嵌入让步状语从句while GDP主语has been the most common method系表结构 作表从谓语 (for measuring the economic activity of nations 定语)as a measure 状语,it表语从句主语 is no longer enough 系表结构,表从谓语参考翻译因此,肯尼迪的意思是,尽管GDP 一直是衡量一个国家经济活动最常用的方法,但其作为一 种衡量手段已经不太适用了。13. Orin Kerr, a law professor, compares the explosion and digital information in the 21stcentury with the of automobile use as a necessity of life in the 20th: the justices had tospecify novel rules for the new personal of the passenger car then; they must sort out how theFourth Amendment applies to information now.必背生词establishment i staebli f mant n.确立、确定、制定、设置、公司、设施domain du mei n n.领域、域名、产业、领地digital d工 d3 工 tl adj.数字的accessibility ak( sesa bi hti n.可得到、易亲近、可及性、可达性virtue fv3 rtj un.美德,优点参考翻译:法学教授奥瑞科尔将20世纪时确立汽车为生活必须品与21世纪数字信息爆发与可获得性做了 一个对比:法官们当时必须为私家车中的个人空间详细地制定一些创新规则;现在他们必 须弄 清楚如何将第四修正案用在数字信息上。解析:Orin Kerr, a law professor, compares the explosion and accessibility of digital information in the 21st century with the establishment of automobile use as a virtual necessity of life in the 20th:the justices had to specify novel rules for the new personal domain of the passenger car then; they must sort out how the Fourth Amendment applies to digital information now.1123考研英语长难句打卡内容Orin Kerr 主句 1 主语,a law professor 定语插入语,compares 主句谓语 the explosion andstaccessibility of digital information in the 21 century 宾语 1 with the establishment ofthautomobile use as a virtual necessity of life in the 20 宾语 2.核心结构在于:compare A with B,将A和B作比较用于对后面内容的介绍或解释分句1: the justices分句主语had分句谓语to specify novel rules宾语for后接定语the new personal domain of the passenger car then;分句2: they分句主语must sort out分句谓语,为情态动词+动词原形结构,how引导宾语 从句作sort out的宾语宾语从句:the Fourth Amendment从句主语applies to从句谓语digital information从句宾语 now.14. At issue is the TMTs planned location on Mauna Kea, a volcano worshiped by someHawaiians as the piko, that the Hawaiian Islands to the heavens.volcano vol kei ndU n.火山connect ka nekt vt.连接、联合、关联dormant do : mon。adj.休眠的、静止的、睡眠状态的参考翻译:引来争议的是TMT计划兴建的地址位于莫纳克亚山,这座休眠火山被夏威夷人尊崇为连接夏 威夷和天堂的入口。解析:At issue is the TMTs planned location on Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano worshiped by some Hawaiians as the piko, that connects the Hawaiian Islands to the heavens.At issue表语,is系动词,此处系表结构作主语,且倒装。the TMTs planned location on Mauna Kea作主语;a dormant volcano worshiped by some Hawaiians as the piko 作为插入语,其中 worshiped 作 a dormant volcano的后置定语;that 定从 指代 a dormant volcano 作主语,connects 谓语,the Hawaiian Islands宾语 1 to the heavens宾语2,本句核心结构为:connect A to B,将A与B连接起来。15. Calls to all telescopes on Mauna Kea or to ban future development there ignore thereality that and Hawaiian culture both seek to answer big questions about who we are,where we come from and where we are going.1223考研英语长难句打卡内容必背词汇:telescope tell skau p n.望远镜 vt.使精简、使压缩disassemble , di so sembl vt.拆卸;拆开astronomy o strD mmi n. 天文学参考翻译:那些要求拆除莫纳克亚山上所有的望远镜,或者禁止在那儿进行未来发展的呼声忽视了 个现 实:天文学和夏威夷文化都在寻求关于“我们是谁”“我们从哪里来”以及“我们要去哪”这 些深奥问题的答案。解析:Calls to disassemble all telescopes on M
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