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2023届中考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、Dad, can I go to the movies tonight?Sure, but you _ come back home before 9 oclock.AmustBcanCmayDmight2、_ old man behind Mary is _ university teacher.AAn, anBA, theCThe, aDThe, an3、一Mom, of my classmates glasses.一Oh, my God. You need to protect your eyes well.Athree fourths; wears Bthree fourth; wearCthree fourth; wears Dthree fourths; wear4、How do you go to school?I usually take bus. But today I went to school by taxi.Aa; theBa; aC不填;aDa;不填5、Why dont you like winter in Beijing?Because it is _ winter in Guangzhou.Aas cold asBmuch colder thanCnot so clod asDnot colder than6、 I come back to school before 10 oclock? No, you neednt.AMustBCanCMayDShould7、Which one do you like better, English-Chinese dictionary or Words app? I like_ of them. They are useful for English learners.AnoneBneitherCallDboth8、 You look so worried, James. What happened? Im still thinking _ I can pass the exam or not.Athough Bwhether Cunless Duntil9、-Eric, _ can you have your poster been ready?-Im not sure. We are still waiting for the final design.Ahow longBhow soonChow oftenDhow far10、Is it hard work that brings success? The answer is “YES”. Success follows only those _ work hard. The harder you work, the luckier you will get.AwhichBwhoCwhat. 完形填空11、One day, my father and I went to the supermarket to buy some fruit. After I looked and chose for a long time, my father bought me pomegranates(石榴) instead of others. I was surprised and 1 , Why are you buying such ugly fruit? Why not buy apples or pears? Pomegranates dont look as nice as apples or pears. 2 my father heard my words, he said nothing at all. He 3 smiled and I felt my father was so mysterious(神秘的). Only when I got home did I find out why he did so.As soon as we got home, he took me into the 4 and quickly cut one of the pomegranates with a knife. Now I will 5 you its real face! he said. Wow! I shouted. What was inside the fruit was completely 6 from its outside. The pomegranate had small rooms inside it Each room held lots of seeds. And each seed looked like a beautiful shiny diamond(宝石). Do you 7 it is beautiful? My father asked. That shows you can never judge something simply 8 its outside. You must always 9 its inside, too. I suddenly realized that my fathers words were not only about fruit, but also about some people like pomegranates. They perhaps are not beautiful, but they can still have beautiful 10 We cant judge a person only by his appearance.1Aasked Bthought Ccalled Dtold2AIf BBecause CWhen DSince3Aeven Bstill Cjust Dagain4Aroom Bkitchen Cfamily Dworkshop5Ashow Btell Cgive Dfind6Afar Bfree Cspecial Ddifferent7Awant Bthink Clike Dknow8Afor Bby Cin Dwith9Alook at Blook like Clook after Dlook for10Afaces Bseeds Cwords Dheart. 语法填空12、阅读下面短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。People spend almost a third of their lives doing one thingsleeping. Every year, there is a day for people around the world to celebrate the1 (important) of good and healthy sleepWorld Sleep Day.Sleep is like food for the brain. Healthy sleep helps the body and brain grow and develop. People of different ages need different amounts of sleep. It is said that eight hours per night2 (consider) the average amount of sleep. For students aged 10 to 17, a healthy amount is about eight to nine hours per night. However, last year, the China Youth and Children Research Center 3 (report) that about four4 (five) of middle school students didnt get enough sleep. For some students, they want to sleep early, but they keep 5 (worry) about their schoolwork and cant fall 6 (sleep) quickly. A lack (缺乏) of sleep can greatly affect (影响) a persons life. Students who dont get enough sleep may get poor grades. They cannot pay attention in class or do well in sports.7 (solve) this kind of problem, scientists advise that students should have8 (little) schoolwork and more time to sleep. There are some other ways to help people get enough sleep, such as 9 (take) a 20-minute nap (午睡) during the day, trying to go to sleep earlier and so on . Good sleeping habits are also 10 (help). For example, try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends and during the day. 阅读理解A13、 Have you ever hiccupped (打嗝)in a quiet room full of people? Have you e
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