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Costa Rica a Green Paradise for the rest of the World.Braulio Carrillo National Park.Aurora Bermdez Reyes.Natalia Caldern Ulloa.Pilar Castillo MuozAna Mara Escalante Muoz.Claudia Garca Zapata.Jessica Rojas Douglas.Mara Elena Valverde Carrillo.Identification and description of outstanding places in Costa RicaLocation,attractions,flora,fauna,activities,etc.Braulio Carrillo National Park FloraBraulio Carrillo National ParkBraulio Carrillo National Park is located in the Central Volcanic Range.Braulio Carrillo has high mountains,forest and rivers.There are two volcanoes Cacho Negro and Barva.In this park there is dense evergreen vegetation.There are 135 mammal species,73 species of cats,5 species of bats,3 species of monkeys and 347 species of birds.The fauna includes:sloths,white-faced monkeys,tapirs,jaguars,pumas,ocelots,pacas(Tepezcuintle),white tailed deer,peccary,toucan,great green macaw,humming birds,umbrella bird and more.There are hundreds of species of orchids,ferns,palms,olive,copal,oak,mountain cypress and small cedar tree.Also there are lots of amphibians such as frogs and toads.A poisonous snake called bushmaster,the largest poisonous snake on the continent.There is a plant with big leaves called“poor-mans umbrella”.A private Aerial Tram through the jungle,located in the heart of the Rainforest.This park covers 109 thousand acres.The provinces of San Jose,Heredia and Alajuela are part of Braulio Carrillo National Park.People can enjoy different activities in this park such as:hiking trails,camping,bird and wildlife watching,aerial tram,canopy and exploring the National Park.Braulio Carrillo National Park is also the cloudiest places in Costa Rica.Braulio Carrillo National ParkActivities people can practiceBrochure
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