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Unit 5 MusicReading for Writing年年 级:高一级:高一 学学 科:英语(人教版科:英语(人教版必修二必修二)Learning objectivesIn this class,you will1.acquire the detailed information of the speech;2.summarize the general outline of a speech;3.identify the language features of a speech;4.produce,check and revise a speech about how music can change a persons life.Music is the universal language of mankind.Henry Wadsworth LongfellowSarah WilliamsTalk about the photoActivity 1:Read for the main idea.A speech about how music changed Sarahs life.Activity 2:Read for the details.What was Sarahs problem?How did she overcome the problem?What is her advice to others?notes/mind map/graphic organizerSarahs problem a serious disease difficult to cure musicmade her feel much better“medicine of the mind”Sarahs advice use music to help when you have problemsActivity 2:Read for the details.Activity 3:Read for the outline of a speech.How many parts are there in a speech?What are they?Activity 3:Read for the outline of a speech.Good morning!Welcome the audienceActivity 3:Read for the outline of a speech.My name is Sarah Williams.Welcome the audienceIntroduce yourselfActivity 3:Read for the outline of a speech.Its an honor to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life.Welcome the audienceIntroduce yourselfPurpose of the topicActivity 3:Read for the outline of a speech.the second paragraphWelcome the audienceIntroduce yourselfPurpose of the topicPersonal anecdoteActivity 3:Read for the outline of a speech.the third paragraphWelcome the audienceIntroduce yourselfPurpose of the topicPersonal anecdotePersonal feelingActivity 3:Read for the outline of a speech.Welcome the audienceIntroduce yourselfPurpose of the topicPersonal anecdotePersonal feelingClose the speechthe fourth paragraphActivity 3:Read for the outline of a speech.Welcome the audienceIntroduce yourselfPurpose of the topicPersonal anecdotePersonal feelingClose the speechThank the audienceThank you.Activity 4:Listen/Read for the language features of a speech.1.Match the names of rhetorical devices to the lettered sentences in the speech.2.Circle the phrases Sarah used to talk about how music can make us feel.Activity 4:Listen/Read for the language features of a speech.1.Match the names of rhetorical devices to the lettered sentences in the speech.修辞Rhetorical devicessimilemetaphorrhetorical questionpersonificationquoterepetition Rhetorical devices1.That business man is as cunning as a fox.2.That business man is a real fox.similemetaphor明喻暗喻Rhetorical devices3.How could that business man be so cunning?设问rhetorical questionRhetorical devices4.as Longfellow says,“Music is the universal language of mankind.”引用quoteRhetorical devices5.I came,I saw,I conquered.重复repetition Rhetorical devices6.The sky weeps.拟人personificationActivity 4:Listen/Read for the language features of a speech.1.Match the names of rhetorical devices to the lettered sentences in the speech.2.Circle the phrases Sarah used to talk about how music can make us feel.Activity 4:Listen/Read for the language features of a speech.Have you ever faced a time when things looked dark and you had no hope at all?rhetorical questionActivity 4:Listen/Read for the language features of a speech.John A.Logan said,“Music is the medicine of the mind.”quoteActivity 4:Listen/Read for the language features of a speech.Music gave me happiness.Music gave me strength and brought me relief.Music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction.Activity 4:Listen/Read for the language features of a speech.Music gave me happiness.Music gave me strength and brought me relief.Music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction.repetition Activity 4:Listen/Read for the language features of a speech.it made my spirits fly like a kite in the wind.Activity 4:Listen/Read for the language features of a speech.it made my spirits fly like a kite in the wind.simileActivity 4:Listen/Read for the language features of a speech.It was the rock I leant on to become strong and to get through those hard times.metaphorActivity 4:Listen/Read for the language features of a speech.It became my best friend.personificationActivity 4:Listen/Read for the language features of a speech.2.Circle the phrases Sarah used to talk about how music can make us feel.Welcome the audienceIntroduce yourselfPurpose of the topicPersonal anecdotePersonal feelingClose the speechThank the audiencePara.3Welcome the audienceIntroduce yourselfPurpose of the topicPersonal anecdotePersonal feelingClose the speechThank the audiencePara.3Para.2Activity 4:Listen/Read for the language features of a speech.Para.2Para.3Activity 4:Listen/Read for the language features of a speech.The song made me feel so much better Music gave me happiness.it made my spirits fly like a kite in the wind.Music gave me strength and brought me relief.Activity 4:Listen/Read for the language features of a speech.It was the rock I leant on music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction.It spoke words of encouragement to the dee
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