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贷款合同书(英文版)(房屋贷款合同)欢迎借鉴与参考文章贷款合同书(英文版),请看下文的具体内容。This LOAN AGREEMENT, dated as of the later of the two signature dates below, is made by and among AAA CORPORATION (AAA), a _(PLACENAME) Corporation, _(address) (Lender), and BBB CORPORATION (BBB), a _(PLACENAME) corporation, _(address) (Borrower).RECITALSA. Borrower develops and markets computer software products, including without limitation a search engine software for searching and inde*ing information accessible through the Internet.B. Lender develops, manufactures, distributes and markets computer software products and services.C. Borrower and Lender desire to enter into a business relationship pursuant to which, among other things, (i) Borrower would (a) develop software for Lender to implement desired features for a Lender search engine, (b) provide search results for Lender using Borrowers search engine customized with, among other elements, the features developed for Lender, (c) provide software hosting and maintenance services for Lenders benefit, and (d) purchase additional hardware and software necessary or desirable to service Lenders needs, and (ii) Lender would make certain payments to Borrower, and provide loans to Borrower to facilitate Borrowers purchase of additional hardware and software necessary or desirable to service Lenders needs.D. This Loan Agreement and a Security Agreement between the parties of even date, are intended to set forth the terms and conditions applicable to the loan aspects of such business relationship.NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows:AGREEMENTS1. Loan to Borrower. Pursuant to the terms and conditions of that certain Software Hosting Agreement between Borrower and Lender of even date herewith (the Hosting Agreement), Borrower may be required, after consultation with and approval by Lender, to purchase additional Hosting Servers, as that term is defined in the Hosting Agreement. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Lender shall from time to time make advances (Advances) to Borrower during the period from the date hereof until the termination of this Agreement. In no event shall Lender have any obligation to make Advances to Borrower following the occurrence of any Event of Default as defined in section 11 of this Agreement.A. Advances. Advances shall be made only in amounts separately agreed between Lender and Borrower to be sufficient to purchase the additional Hosting Servers required by Lender. Each such Advance shall be evidenced by a promissory note (the Promissory Note) with a term of * (*) * in substantially the form of the sample note attached hereto as E*hibit A. The terms of all such Promissory Notes are by this reference incorporated in this Agreement. The proceeds of each Advance shall only be used by Borrower to purchase the additional Hosting Servers for which that Advance is made.B. Persons Authorized. Lender is hereby authorized by Borrower to make Advances only upon the written requests (including requests made by tele*, telegraph or facsimile), of any one of the following persons (the Responsible Officers and each a Responsible Officer): Dave Peterschmidt, Jerry Kennelly and Randy Gottfried; each of whom is and shall be authorized to request Advances and direct the disposition of any Advance until written notice by Borrower of the revocation of such authority is received by Lender. Any Advance shall be conclusively presumed to have been made to or for the benefit of Borrower when made in accordance with such a request. Requests for Advances shall be on the Borrowing Notice form attached hereto as E*hibit B. Any such Borrowing Notice shall be directed to the following Lender representative (or such other person as Lender may direct from time to time) for approval prior to disbursement: Shirish Nadkarni.C. Assumption of Risk. It is important to Borrower that Borrower have the privilege of making requests for Advances by e mail, tele*, telegraph or facsimile. Therefore, to induce Lender to lend funds in response to such requests, and in consideration for Lenders agreement to receive and consider such requests, BORROWER ASSUMES ALL RISK OF THE VALIDITY, AUTHENTICITY AND AUTHORIZATION OF SUCH REQUESTS, WHETHER OR NOT THE INDIVIDUAL MAKING SUCH REQUEST HAS AUTHORITY IN FACT TO REQUEST ADVANCES ON BEHALF OF BORROWER. UNLESS AN UNAUTHORIZED OR INVALID ADVANCE IS MADE AS A RESULT OF GROSS NEGLIGENCE ON THE PART OF LENDER, LENDER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE, UNDER PRINCIPLES OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, FOR ANY LOSS SUSTAINED BY BORROWER RESULTING FROM ANY UNAUTHORIZED OR INVALID ADVANCE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE AMOUNT OF ANY ADVANCE. Borrower agrees to repay any sums, with interest as provided herein, that Lender so advances. Borrower agrees to give Lender prompt written confirmation of all e mail,
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