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Module 1 Life in the FutureIntegrating Skills1完整版ppt1.根据语境猜测黑体词的词义。根据语境猜测黑体词的词义。(1)She is optimistic about her chances of winning a gold medal.()(2)There is a refrigerator,a freezer,an electric stove and a dishwasher in the room.()乐观的乐观的洗碗碟机洗碗碟机(3)Cut the dough(面团面团)in half and shape each half into a loaf.()(4)The word“pad”means an animals foot.()(5)Please remove the dirt from your shoes by wiping them on the doormat.()造成造成形状形状(动物的动物的)脚脚门前擦鞋垫门前擦鞋垫2.根据语境选词填空。根据语境选词填空。(1)Shes a born _ so she is _ about everything.There is always a note of _ in her voice.(optimist/optimism/optimistic)(2)“Theres been a _ improvement in your English since you arrived.”he said _.(definitely/definite)(3)It might take him ages but hell do it _ because he is sure hell be the _ winner.(eventual/eventually)optimistoptimisticoptimismdefinitedefinitelyeventuallyeventual(4)Peru was _ by the Spanish in the sixteenth century and became Spanish _.(colony/colonized)(5)The hurricane is _ to reach the coast tomorrow morning.This _ gives us a warning.(prediction/predicted)colonizedcolonypredictedprediction3.根据汉语释义补全短语。根据汉语释义补全短语。(1)_ out 小心,小心,当心当心(2)_ a start 首先首先(3)on the way _ 即将被淘汰;即将过时即将被淘汰;即将过时(4)come _ (梦想等梦想等)实现实现(5)throw _ 扔掉扔掉lookforouttrueaway4.词义匹配。词义匹配。(1)be optimistic about A.照顾照顾(2)switch on B.对对乐观乐观(3)take care of C.打开打开(4)get dressed D.结婚结婚(5)get married E.穿上衣服穿上衣服1.look out 小心;当心;向外看小心;当心;向外看【语境领悟】【语境领悟】*Look out!Were going to have an accident!小心!我们要出事故!小心!我们要出事故!*She looked out of the window and saw a policeman coming.她朝窗外望,看到一名警察来了。她朝窗外望,看到一名警察来了。*Look out for pickpockets.小心扒手。小心扒手。【归纳拓展】【归纳拓展】look out for 小心,留意小心,留意look down 向下看;俯视向下看;俯视look down on/upon 轻视轻视look into 调查;向调查;向里面看里面看look round/around 环顾四周环顾四周look through 浏览;透过浏览;透过看看look up 向上看;好转;查阅向上看;好转;查阅look up to 尊敬;敬仰尊敬;敬仰*Dont look down on/upon those old men.Instead,we should look up to them.不要看不起那些老人。相反,我们要尊敬他们。不要看不起那些老人。相反,我们要尊敬他们。*Youd better not look up the new word as soon as you come across it.你最好不要一看到生单词就查词典。你最好不要一看到生单词就查词典。【思维延伸】【思维延伸】表示表示“小心小心”的短语的短语be careful;watch out;watch it;take care,be cautious【即学活用】【即学活用】用适当的介词或副词填空。用适当的介词或副词填空。Look _!Theres a car coming!He decides to look _ the matter till the truth is out.Dont look down _ him;hes no fool.Many people have to look _ the meaning of this word in the dictionary.Youre a popular girl,Grace,and a lot of younger ones look up _ you.outintoon/uponupto _ for the glass!Its OK.Im wearing shoes.A.Look out B.Walk out C.Go out D.Set out【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词短短语语。句句意意:小小心心玻玻璃璃!没没关关系系。我我穿穿着着鞋鞋子子。look out小小心心;walk out走走出出;go out出去;出去;set out出发,开始。出发,开始。2.shape vt.造成造成形状;使成形;塑造形状;使成形;塑造n.形状形状【语境领悟】【语境领悟】*By the year 2000,housewives will probably have a robot shaped like a box with one large eye on the top.到到2000年年,家家庭庭主主妇妇可可能能拥拥有有机机器器人人,它它的的形形状状像像盒盒子子,顶顶部有一只大眼睛部有一只大眼睛*She shaped the mud into a cup.她把泥塑成了一个杯子。她把泥塑成了一个杯子。*His attitudes were shaped partly by early experiences.他的想法在一定程度上是由他早期的经历决定的。他的想法在一定程度上是由他早期的经历决定的。*The box was in the shape of a heart.盒子呈心形。盒子呈心形。*The woman is still in shape while her husband is out of shape.这位女士很健康,然而她的丈夫身体不健康。这位女士很健康,然而她的丈夫身体不健康。【归纳拓展】【归纳拓展】be shaped like 形状像形状像shape.into.把把塑塑(造造)成成in the shape of 以以形状形状/式式in shape 健康;在外形上健康;在外形上out of shape 变形的;不健康变形的;不健康take shape 成形;变得更有条理成形;变得更有条理【巧学助记】【巧学助记】形记形记shape【思维延伸】【思维延伸】shaped作后缀作后缀shaped作作后后缀缀,表表示示“形形状状的的”,如如heart-shaped心心形形的的;bullet-shaped像像子子弹弹的的;pear-shaped梨梨形形的的;V-shaped V形形的;的;cup-shaped杯子形状的等。杯子形状的等。【即学活用】【即学活用】完成句子。完成句子。我喜欢这块形状像心的巧克力。我喜欢这块形状像心的巧克力。I like the chocolate _ a heart.只有少吃多锻炼才能健美,否则你的身体就会走形。只有少吃多锻炼才能健美,否则你的身体就会走形。Youll never be _until you eat less and take more exercise,or you will be _.shaped likein shapeout of shape3.Not all predictions come true.并非所有的预言都能成真。并非所有的预言都能成真。【句式分析】【句式分析】此此句句中中“not all+n.或或all+n.+not”表表示示“不不是是所所有有的的都都”,是是部部分分否否定定的的用用法法。当当all,both,every等等词词与与not连连用用时时,表示部分否定。表示部分否定。*All horses are animals,but not all animals are horses.所有的马都是动物,但并不是所有的动物都是马。所有的马都是动物,但并不是所有的动物都是马。*All that glitters is not gold.谚发光的未必都是黄金。谚发光的未必都是黄金。【即学活用】【即学活用】一句多译。一句多译。不是所有的学生都支持这个规章制度。不是所有的学生都支持这个规章制度。_他两个姐姐并未都同意他的提议。他两个姐姐并未都同意他的提议。_Not all the students are for the rule.All the students are not for the rule.Both of his sisters dont agree to his suggestion.Not both of his sisters agree to his suggestion._ the boys in our class went to the playground to play basketball.Tom and Jack were in the library.A.AllB.Every one ofC.None ofD.Not all【解解析析】选选D。句句意意:我我们们班班的的男男生生没没有有都都去去操操场场打打篮篮球球。汤汤姆姆和和杰杰克克在在图图书书馆馆。根根据据句句意意可可知知,此此处处是是部部分分否否定定,所所以用以用not all。A、B两项是完全肯定;两项是完全肯定;C项是完全否定。项是完全否定。4.Thirty years from now people will be wearing clothes made of paper which they will be able to throw away after wearing them two or three times.从从现现在在起起三三十十年年后后人人们们将将穿穿着着纸纸制制的衣服,穿过两三次以后就可以把它们扔掉。的衣服,穿过两三次以后就可以把它们扔掉。【句式分析】【句式分析】*The bike made of iron is heavy.用铁制造的自行车很重。用铁制造的自行车很重。*The book written by Mo Yan which is to be published next month will sell well.莫言写的下个月要出版的那本书将会卖得很好。莫言写的下个月要出版的那本书将会卖得很好。【思维延伸】【思维延伸】分隔式定语从句分隔式定语从句定定语语从从句句的的功功能能是是修修饰饰名名词词或或代代词词,其其位
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