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Unit 6 ShoppingLets talk&Lets play Part ALearning goals1.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。2.能够在情景中运用”Can I help you?/Can I try them on?/Here you are./Theyre too small.“等句型对话3.能够在Lets play中,编对话分角色表演。Revision glovescarfumbrellasunglassesThere is a big clothes shop.What do you want to wear?Pants,hats,dress,skirt,coat,sweater,socks,shorts,jacket,jeans and shirt.Whose hat is this?Whose are these?Lets talk try onsizeof coursetoojust试穿尺码;号当然太;过于正好;恰好New wordsCan I help you?Yes.These shoes are nice.Can I try them on?Size 6,please.Of course.Here you are.John,are they OK?No.Theyre too small.Hmm.OK.Lets try size 7.Theyre just right!Good!Answer the questions1.What are they doing?_2.What does John want to buy?_3.What is Johns size?_They are shopping.Shoes.Size 7.句型公式购物时提供帮助的句型:Can I help you?这是一个由can引导的一般疑问句。是店员对顾客的礼貌用语,用来询问对方是否需要帮助。常用于商店、餐馆等场合。同义句有:What can I do for you?或May I help you?Yes,I want some apples.Can I help you?Example句型公式描述物品性质特征的句型:These shoes are nice.这是一句描述衣物特征的陈述句。句式“衣物名称+are/is+描述衣物的形容词”常用来描述或评价衣物是什么样的。表示衣物的词可以是名词,也可以是代词it或they。表示衣物的名词或代词是单数时,be动词要用is;反之是复数时,be动词就用are,描述衣物特征的词可包括衣服的大、小、长、短、颜色、外观特征等类词。句型公式请求许可的句型:Can I try them on?这是一个由can引导的一般疑问句。句式“Can I try on?”是顾客在购买衣物时,询问售货员是否可以试试的一句常用语。意为“我可以试试吗?”答语通常为:Sure(当然)/Of course(当然).Here you are(给你).等;如果不能让别人试穿,售货员要回答:Sorry,you cant.(对不起,您不能)。Sure!Can I try it on?ExampleThank you!Your hat is nice!Summary描述物品性质特征的句型:These shoes are nice.购物时提供帮助的句型:Can I help you?请求许可的句型:Can I try them on?Lets play Talk about what you have gained from this lesson!Exercise一、英汉对照。连线题。too smalltry onof coursehere you arejust right当然给你试穿刚好太小 Exercise二、情景交际。()1.当你走进商场后,售货员通常会说:_A.Can I help you?B.How are you?C.Is this yours?()2.你想试穿鞋时,应该这样问售货员:_A.Whats it?B.Here you are.C.Can I try them on?ACHomeworkPlay roles with your classmates.Learn to buy things in the shop.Unit 6 ShoppingLets learn&Complete and say Part ALearning goals1.能够听、说、认读有关生活用品的单词sunglasses、umbrella、gloves、scarf。2.能够在语境中正确运用这几个单词来编对话。3.能够完成Complete and say的活动,观察12张小图,写出适合冷、热不同天气的衣服单词,并运用示范句型”Its hot,so I put on my T-shirt.“进行表述。Lets learn glovescarfumbrellasunglassesNew wordsglovescarfumbrellasunglasses名词,(分手指的)手套名词,围巾;披巾名词,伞;雨伞名词,太阳镜课 文Can I help you?The gloves are nice.Can I try them on?Sure.Read these words three times.glovescarfumbrellasunglasses名词,(分手指的)手套名词,围巾;披巾名词,伞;雨伞名词,太阳镜Complete and sayExercise连线。sunglassesumbrellascarfglovesHomeworkCompare(比较)you with your classmates and write an essay.Use the words and sentence we learnt today.Tips:sunglasses,scarf,umbrella,gloves Can I help you The gloves are nice.Can I try them on?Unit 6 ShoppingLets spellPart ALearning goals1.能够根据er、ir、al、or、ur、ar、le的发音规则先读出已学的发音例词,再试读Try this部分的生词;然后听录音确认是否正确,强化学习发音规则。2.能够通过看图、听录音、写单词活动学习按发音规则拼写单词,填充短语或句子,并进一步强化在四线格中正确书写单词。3.能够跟读歌谣,在有节奏地吟唱中强化学习ir、al、le、er等发音规则。Revision 购物时提供帮助的 句型:Can I help you?Yes,I want some apples.Can I help you?描述物品性质特征的 句型:These shoes are nice.请求许可的句型:Can I try them on?Sure!Can I try it on?Thank you!Your hat is nice!Lets spell Listen and puter dinnergirlwallhomework worldnursecardlittle peopleRead these words aloud three puter dinner girl wallhomework nurse cardlittle people worldTry this!work sir turncircle park mallRead these words aloud.Pronunciation Look,listen and write.在四线格中抄写下列句子。ExerciseListen and chant.Two little birds are sitting on a wall.One is big and the other is small.A cute little girl is playing with a ball.Be careful,little girl!Don t knock them off the wall!SummaryExercise选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的一项。1.circle A.table Bputer A.bird B.under3.tall A.wall B.uncle4.car A.scarf B.waterTalk about what you have gained from this class!HomeworkPractise the sounds in this book.Unit 6 ShoppingLets talk&Lets actPart BLearning goals1.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。2.能够在购物情景中运用句型”How do you like this skirt?“询问对于某商品的意见;能够运用句型”How much is this skirt?Its$89.”问答商品的价格;能够在情景中恰当运用句型”Its very pretty.Its too expensive.“描述某件商品。3.能够完成Lets act在50元总价内选择适合寒冷天气衣着的任务,能够运用所学句型模拟购物场景,如”That scarf is pretty.How much is it?Its 10 yuan.Ill take it.“。Revision Read these words aloud three puter dinner girl wallhomework nurse cardlittle people worldwork sir turncircle park mallRead these words aloud.Two little birds are sitting on a wall.One is big and the other is small.A cute little girl is playing with a ball.Be careful,little girl!Don t knock them off the wall!Lets talk Review wordstry on 试穿size 尺码;号of course 当然too 太;过于just 正好;恰好glove 手套scarf 围巾umbrella 雨伞sunglasses 太阳镜SentenceCan I help you?Yes.These shoes are nice.Can I try them on?Of course.how mucheightydollar多少钱八十美元New wordsSarah,how do you like this skirt?Its very pretty.Its$89.Can I help you?How much is this skirt?Oh,thats expensive!I like it,mum!Sorry,Sarah.Its too expensive.Answer the questions1.What are they doing?_2.What does Sarah want to buy?_3.How much is the skirt?_They are shopping.A skirt.It s$89.句型公式询问对方对某物看法的句型:How do you like this skirt?这是一个由how引导的特殊疑问句。句式“How do you like+表示地点或物品的名词或代词?”主要用来询问对方对某物的看法,意为“你觉得怎么样?”。其答语It s/They re+形容词.注意:答语中用it还是they,要取决于问句中like后词语的单复数。How do you
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