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Unit 6 一、看图片,选单词,只填序号。(10分)A.eleven B.twelve C.thirteen D.twenty E.sixteen 201113( )1. ( )2. ( )3. 1216( )4. ( )5.二、 选出不同类的一项。(10分)( )1. A. giraffe B. bird C. kite D. fish( )2. A. boat B. car C. bus D. ball( )3. A. cat B. fifteen C. eleven D. twelve( )4. A. look B. thirteen C. find D. see( )5. A. five B. ten C. fourteen D. black三、选择填空。(10分) ( )1.How many can you see? A. an apple B. apples C. apple( )2. This kite is you.A. for B. on C. at ( )3. Lets a kite.A. flying B. flies C. fly( )4. Count from 14 20.A. on B. at C. to ( )5. 6 and 9 makes .A. fifteen B. thirteen C. fourteen 四、对话配对。(10分) ( )1. How many pencils do you have? A. I have 18. ( )2. Where are you from? B. I see 11.( )3. How many cats do you see? C. Im from China.( )4. Nice to meet you! D. Very well, thanks.( )5. How are you today? E.Nice to meet you,too.五、情景选择。(10分)( ) 1. 当你想问别人看见多少只猫时,应说: A. How many kites can you see?B. How many cats can you see?C. How many cats do you have?( ) 2. 当你想和朋友去放风筝时,可以说: A. Lets fly a kite.B. Lets draw a kite.C. Lets fly a cat.( ) 3. 当你想吃梨时,你会说: A. I like pears.B. I dont like pears.C. Can I have some pears?( ) 4. 当你夸奖别人的风筝漂亮时,可以说: A. Lets fly it. B. Oh, its beautiful.C. Its your new kite.( ) 5. 当你想表达你有20支铅笔时,可以说: A. I have twelve pencils.B. I have twenty pencil.C. I have twenty pencils.六、阅读短文,判断下面说法是否正确,正确的写(T),错误的写(F)。(10分)There are four people (人) in my family, my grandma, my father, my mother and I. My father is a doctor (医生) . My mother is an English teacher. My grandma doesnt work. She is old. Sometimes (有时) , she helps my mother do the housework (家务活) . I am a pupil. I study hard(努力学习). I love my family. ( )1. There are three people in my family.( )2. My mother is a teacher.( )3. My grandma doesnt do the housework.( )4. My grandma is old.( )5. My father works in a hospital(医院) . He is a doctor.答案一、CADEB二、CDAAB三、BACCA四、ACBED五、BACBC六、FTFTT
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