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Unit 8 Whats Your Dream?陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册Part A Ask and answer Sum-upWarm-up/RevisionPresentationTestHomework Ask and answerWarm-up/RevisionFree talkA:What is your father?B:He is a.A:What does your mother do?B:She is a.PresentationWhat do you want to What do you want to be?be?become a tour guide成为一名导游成为一名导游【拓展】tour guide 导游【例句】My brother is a tour guide.我的哥哥是一名导游。TryWhat did you want to be when you are 18?I wanted to become a tour guide.【拓展】travel around China/USA 【例句】I want to travel around China.我想环游中国。travel around the world 环游世环游世界界TryWhere did you go when you are 25?I hoped to travel around the world.land on the moon登录月球登录月球【拓展】land 落地,着陆【例句】I hope to land on the moon.我想登上月球。I want to land on Mars.【拓展】college大学 【例句】When I was 18,I wanted to go to college.我18岁的时候,我想上大学。go to college上大学上大学I want to go to college because I want to be a teacher.【拓展】the National Team 国家队【例句】He wanted to join the National Team.他想加入国家队。join the National Team加入国家队加入国家队They joined the National Team 10 years ago.study the stars【拓展】study v.研究【例句】I want to be a scientist because I can study the stars.我想成为一名科学家,因为可以研究星星。研究星星研究星星I want to fly up to the sky.I want to study the stars.Have a tryWhat do you want to be?I want to become a tour guide.Testa.b.c._land on the moo _go to college _study the stars 一、为下列短语选择正确的图片。一、为下列短语选择正确的图片。acbd.e.f._become a tour guide _join the National Team _travel around the world d fe()2.When I was 25,I wanted to _.A.join the National Team B.become a tour guide()1.Whats your dream?I want to_.A.go to college B.study EnglishAB二、根据图片选择正确的一项。二、根据图片选择正确的一项。Sum-upbecome a tour guide01travel around the world02land on the moon03join the National Team05go to college04study the stars06重点词汇Homework1.将所学词汇制作成卡片,并和同学交换展示。2.将本课所学新短语在四线三格内抄两遍,要求能默写。Unit 8 Whats Your Dream?陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册 Part A Lets talkPart B Lets guessPart C Listen and tick or cross Sum-upWarm-up/RevisionPresentationTestHomework Lets guess Listen and tick or crossLets talkbecome a tour guidetravel around the worldland on the moonjoin the National Teamgo to collegestudy the stars请快速说出闪现的词组并拼写请快速说出闪现的词组并拼写Warm-up/RevisionPresentation1.Whats Wu Chens dream?2.Whats her fathers dream?3.Did his dream come true?Read the dialogue think about the questions思思考考Dad:What did you talk about at your class meeting today?Wu Chen:We talked about our dreams.Dad:What is your dream then?Wu Chen:I want to be a scientist and study the stars.Dad:Sounds great.But its difficult to come true.Wu Chen:I know.And I will study hard from now on.Did you have a dream when you were young,Dad?Dad:Yes.I wanted to be a tour guide and travel around the world.Wu Chen:Did it come true?Dad:No.You see,I am a worker.1.Whats Wu Chens dream?Answer:She wants to be a scientist and studies the stars.2.Whats her fathers dream?Answer:He wanted to be a tour guide and travel around the world.3.Did his dream come true?Answer:No,he didnt.Its difficult to come true.这很难实现。【详解】Its difficult to do sth.意为“做某事很难”come true 意为“实现”【句型结构】Its+difficult+不定式to+.重点句型一When I was 18,I want to be a polit.Its difficult to come true.I will study hard from now on.从现在开始,我要努力学习。【详解】from now on意为“从现在开始,马上开始”重点句型二We will study hard from now on.Do you think so?Yes.I will study hard from now on.What is your dream then?那时你的梦想是什么?【详解】dream意为“梦想;理想”then 意为“然后,之后”,表示“将来”。【句型结构】Its+difficult+不定式to+.重点句型三What is your dream then?I want to be a singer.Lets talk 跟我一起读吧!跟我一起读吧!Act or ActressAct or ActressAct or ActressAct or ActressColin:I want to become a police officer.I like to help people.Whose dream is it?Wu Chen:I know.Its Kittys dream.Kitty:Yes.You are right.I want to be a police officer.Whose dream is it?Listen and tick or cross跟我一起读吧!跟我一起读吧!一、连词成句。一、连词成句。e,did,it,true (?)Did it come true?2.is,your,what,then,dream (?)What is your dream then?3.I,from,hard,on,will,now,study (.)I will study hard from now on.Test二、请将对话补充完整。二、请将对话补充完整。Dad:What did you talk about at your_ today?Wu Chen:We _our dreams.Dad:What is your dream then?Wu Chen:I want to be a _ and study the stars.Dad:Sounds great.But its difficult to_.Wu Chen:I know.And I will_ from now on.Did you have a dream when you were young,Dad?Dad:Yes.I wanted to be a tour guide and _.Wu Chen:Did it come true?Dad:No.You see,I am a worker.class meetingtalked about scientist come true study hardtravel around the world2重点句型13Its diffficult to come true.I will study hard from now on.What is your dream then?Sum-upHomework1.背诵Lets talk 部分内容。2.和同学谈一谈自己的理想。Unit 8 Whats Your Dream?陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册 Part B Lets learn morePart C Look and talk about Sams dreams Sum-upWarm-up/RevisionPresentationTestHomework Lets learn moreLook and talk about Sams dreamsPresentationWarm-up/RevisionIf you have a dreamIf you have a dreamYoull be able to fly.Fly into the sky,To touch every rainbow.If you have a dream,Youll be able to fly.Fly with the wind,To feel the snowflakes.Presentation阅读对话回答问题阅读对话回答问题1.What is Lemontrees dream?2.What is Superplayers dream?3.What is Rainbow123s dream?4.What is Bobos dream?1.What is Lem
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