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Post-war NovelsRevisionWhat is drama?Who is called the founder of American Drama?Name some of the representatives of American Drama and tell us their major works.Major feature Diversity“The child born in 1900 would be born into a new world which would not be a unity but a multiple”-Henry AdamsDiversified 20th century American novel(postwar novels)Jewish FictionSouthern FictionRealistic FictionBlack FictionJewish Fiction犹太小说犹太小说vSaul Bellow(1915-2005)v Bernard Malamud(1914-1986)v Flannery OConnor(1925-1964)Southern FictionRealistic Fictionv Norman Mailer(1923-)v John Updike(1932-)v J.D.Salinger(1919-)Black Fictionv Richard Wright(1908-1960)v Ralph Ellison(1914-1994)v Toni Morrison(1931-)v Alice Walker(1944-)v Langston Hughes(1902-1967)Jewish Writers “to portray the dilemmas of misfit heroes yearning for meaningful lives and moral regeneration”Saul Bellow(1915-2005)Bernard Malamud(1914-1986)Saul Bellow(1915-2005)索尔索尔贝娄贝娄Winner of the 1976 Nobel Prize in Literaturethe voice of the modern intellectualSaul Bellow(1915-2005)Works:Dangling Man,1944.摇来晃去的人摇来晃去的人 The Victim,1947.The Adventures of Augie March,1953.(won the National Book Award)奥吉奥吉玛琪历险记玛琪历险记 Seize The Day(1956),只争朝夕只争朝夕 Henderson The Rain King(1959),Herzog(1964),赫索格赫索格Mr.Sammlers Planet(1970).Humboldts Gift(1975),洪堡的礼物洪堡的礼物was awarded the Pulitzer Prize.Both Herzog and Mr.Sammlers Planet were awarded the National Book Award for fiction.Saul Bellow(1915-2005)Themes:Saul Bellows basic themes are essentially three-fold:(p430)Characters are Jews,especially Jewish intellectuals or writers who,facing violence and victimization,try to discover“the queerness of existence”and overcome it.HERZOG(1964)a man seeking balance,trying to regain a foothold on his life.Themes:1.Alienation2.QuestSaul Bellow(1915-2005)Protagonist:Herzogundergoesasignificantchangeinhispersonalityandhiswayofperception.Weseeagradualbutclearmovementfromrestlessnesstotranquility,fromcoldandicyfeelingstowarmrecollectionsofthepastandjoyfulcontactwithchildandnature,andfromanegativeoutlooktoanattitudeofaffirmation.A.Thelengthylettersthathewroteallindicatehisdesireforimprovementofthehumancondition.Saul Bellow(1915-2005)B.However,hecouldnothopetosaveanybodybeforehesaveshimself.Hehastotouchgroundandplacehimselfunderclosescrutiny.C.Thentobepositive,seeingpositivethingsinpeople,andbeginningtoforgiveandloveevenhisfoes,ItisinterestingtonotethatHerzogschangeis,inasense,archetypalofthechangeinthetemperofthetimes.Saul Bellow(1915-2005)The style:Herzog reflects both modernism and postmodernism characteristics aspects well.It is basically a stream of consciousness work,especially in the first two thirds of the book.Saul Bellow(1915-2005)The difference between modernism andpostmodernism:p435The 1950s and 1960s witnessed a transformation on the literary scene from Modernism to Postmodernism.This manifested itself in both thematic and formal terms.Saul Bellow(1915-2005)a.Thematically,there is,between the two phases of literary creation,a difference in attitude toward life.The modernists tend to impose shape and significance on life with which they feel at odds,while the postmodernists accept life for what it is,chaotic and contingent as it is,and try to make sense of it for survival.b.In formal aspect,modernist writings tend to be ponderously retrospective,often full of interior monologues,and stream of consciousness.Postmodernist writings,however,while feeling free to borrow technically from modernist works,feel equally free to borrow from every other mode of writing that serves their purpose.Bernard Malamud(1914-1986)伯纳德伯纳德马拉默徳马拉默徳The effects of suffering are central to Malamuds fiction.His Jews symbolize all victims.Bernard Malamud(1914-1986)Comment:Americannovelistandshort-storywriterwhomadeparablesoutofJewishimmigrantlife;HehasbeenregardedasoneofthemajorwritersoftheJewishgroupinthepostwarperiod.Bernard Malamud(1914-1986)His works,except his first book,The Natural,are all about Jews and their lives:The Assistant,A New Life,The Fixer,The Tenants.As a major 20th-Century writer,Malamud helped introduce marginal ethnic culture to mainstream America.Bernard Malamud(1914-1986)Malamud was basically an autobiographical writer.He converted the facts of his Jewish life and immigrant background into imaginary fiction.To Malamud,a Jew is a good person.One does not have to be one of the Jewish race and faith to be a Jew.Everyone is a Jew in the sense that the Jewish condition is universal to all mankind.The Assistant(1957)店员店员mans struggle to survive against all odds,and the ethical underpinnings of recent Jewish immigrants.Morris BoberIda Bober Helen BoberFrankie Alpine Thematic Issues1.Suffering and Endurance 2.Father and Son RelationshipsSouthern WriterFlannery OConnor(1925-1964)弗兰纳里弗兰纳里奥康纳奥康纳She Told Stories About People Living in Small Towns in the American South.Flannery OConnor(1925-1964)Late in her life someone asked the American writer Flannery OConnor why she wrote.She said,Because I am good at it.Andalusia,H
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