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2022年湖北省孝感市广水益众中学高三英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. -How about thebook you are reading?-Good indeedIt_many problems we have come across in our study.Asays Btalks Ccovers Drefers 参考答案:28C 考察动词词意,cover“包括,涉及;论及”。略2. that we are taking next exam? On June 7AIt is when BWhen it is CIs it when DWhen is it参考答案:D略3. MrSmith is a good teacher except that he some of his students by criticizing them whenever they make a mistakeAputs down Bputs up Cput s off Dputs away参考答案:A4. measure A. greatly B. weave C. break D. sweat 参考答案:D 5. Would you please keep me with the latest news?A. informing B. to inform C. informed D. being informed 参考答案:C6. _ the house is empty, memories flood my mind of a time when it was filled with life.A. Since B. Unless C. As if D. Even though 参考答案:D7. With the little boy the way, we found the house easily.A. leadedB. leadingC. leads D. to lead参考答案:B8. Along with the letter was his promise he would visit me this coming ChristmasAwhich Bthat Cwhat Dwho there参考答案:B9. Studying Toms menu, I found that many of the items are similar to _ of McDonalds.A. those B. ones C. any D. all参考答案:A【考查方向】考查动词的用法。句意:研究一下Tom的菜单,我发现菜单中的许多都与麦当劳的那些类似。代词大多是用来代替上文中已出现过的名词的,因此代词的选择应基于其所代名词的性质来进行。在本题中,根据句意,首先排除C和D选项,因为既然是many of the items就不可能are similar to any/all of McDonalds。其次,其所代的名词是items,是McDonald的items,是特指,因此选A,those,相当于the items。故选A。10. The accident clearly resulted _ your carelessness.Ain Bby Cfrom Dfor参考答案:C11. In his victory speech before a huge crowd of his supporters,Obama declared that “change has come to America”. A. having delivered B. to be delivered C. delivering D. delivered参考答案:D 12. Finally, my thanks go to my tutor, who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and _ every page of my draft. A. approvedB. polishedC. quotedD. folded参考答案:B13. She got stuck in a terrible traffic jam on the highway to Shanghai,or she dinner with her family nowAwill be having Bwould be having Cis having Dwas having参考答案:B14. If youre looking for , you can make it when it is on sale. A. price Bbargain C. cost D. bill参考答案:18. B考查名词词义辨析。on sale 表示“廉价出售”, 因此应用bargain(特价商品)与之相呼应。故选B。略15. At one time most women made their own clothes, the cloth in small stores.A、to buy B、bought C、buying D、being bought参考答案:C解析句意:过去大部分妇女自己做衣服,在那些小商店里买布。这里用现在分词作补充说明。16. Why do you look so worried? My MacBook Pro broke down and my paper _ unfinished since. A. was left B. has left C. left D. has been left参考答案:D略17. The big strike of the workers would _ the production of cars for several months.(原创 考查动词词组辨析) A. hold down B. hold on C. hold with D. hold up参考答案:d略18. In no way _ leave _ little children alone.Awe must; so Bwe must; suchCmust we; so Dmust we; such参考答案:D二、 单词拼写19. A (调查) showed that housing is the top concern of the Chinese public参考答案:survey三、 阅读理解20. 下面文章中有5处(第6165题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Prepare for Rainy DaysB. Watch Your SpendingC. Get AggressiveD. Start SavingE. Set the GoalF. Save MoreSteps to Retire a MillionaireHaving a million-dollar portfolio is a retirement dream for many people. Making that dream come true requires some serious effort. While success is never a sure thing, the steps outlined below will go a long way toward helping you achieve your objective. 61. _Vacations, car, kids and all of lifes other expenses take a big chunk out of your paycheck. To maximize your savings, you need to minimize your expenses. Buying a home you can afford and living a lifestyle that is below your means and not funded by credit cards are all necessities if you want to boost your savings. 62. _If you dont save, youll never reach your goal. As obvious as this might seems, far too many people never even start to save. If your employer offers a 401(k) plan, enrolling in the plan is a great way to put your savings on autopilot. Simply sign up for the plan and contributionswill beautomatically taken out of your paycheck, increasing your savings and decreasing your immediate tax liability. If your employer offers to match your contribution
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