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2022-2023学年江西省赣州市河田村中学高一英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. In our company, there is _ is called Jim. A. no such man as B. no such a man as C. no such man D. no such a man that 参考答案:A2. The young lady is very about what she eats and wears, because she grew up in a very rich family.Aspecial Bespecial Cparticular Dpositive参考答案:C3. Bills just _ himself a part in a Broadway show.A. led B. landed C. argued D. lost参考答案:B4. Janes pale face suggested that sheill, and her parents suggested that she a medical examination.A.be; should beB.was; have C.should be; hadD.was; was参考答案:B5. The school shop, _ customers are mainly students, is closed during the holidays. A. which B. that C. its D. where参考答案:D略6. Sunglasses are sometimes worn to the eyes strong sunlight. A. prevent; from B. care; of C. defend; against D. protect; from参考答案:D略7. Mary has got many books from her elder school mates, which _ 1000.A. adds up B. adds up to C. add to D. add up to参考答案:B略8. _?Well,not too bad.The engine is running well at present.AHow are youBHow are you goingCHow is it goingDWhats wrong with it参考答案:C由答语知问的是“机器运行如何”。A、B两项不对;D项“有什么问题”与语境不符。9. Dont _ women. They are as important as men for the development of society.A. look up to B. look down upon C. look out for D. look forward to参考答案:B略10. The computers system suddenly while he was searching for information on the internet.A. broke outB. broke downC. broke upD. broke in参考答案:B11. The students competed _the honor of winning _each other _the school sports meet. A.in ;with;against B.against;for;at C.for;against;in D. about;in;with参考答案:C12. I am _ every part of the city, that is to say, every part of the city is _ me.A. familiar to; familiar with B. familiar to; familiar toC. familiar with; familiar to D. familiar with; familiar with参考答案:C13. According to my grandma, it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold.- , scientists agree with her.A. Sooner or later B. Once in a while C. To be exact D. Believe it or not.参考答案:D略14. Electronic devices such as iPods and headphones can do great harm to our hearing if _ improperly. A. being used B. used C. to be used D. having been used参考答案:B略15. Ill make a_visit to Paris.Abelief Bchief Cbrief Dgeneral参考答案:C解析考查名词。句意:我将去巴黎作短时间的访问。make a brief tour“作简短的访问”。16. When we visited our hometown again ten years later, we found it changed so much that we could hardly _ it. A. agreeB. rememberC. settle D. recognize参考答案:D17. To_ telling lies, he asked his friend to help him cheat his parents. A. get rid of B. get away with C. throw away D. get down to 参考答案:B略18. If you frequently headaches, your children may also have the same problem.A. suffer B. suffer forC. suffer through D. suffer from参考答案:A句意:如果你经常遭受头痛,你的孩子可能也有同样的问题。suffer表示“遭受,忍耐”,是及物动词。故选A。二、 单词拼写19. 单词拼写51. Dora seemed to be _ (未意识到的) of the amusement she had caused.52. The crowd _ (惊慌) at the sound of the gunfire.53. You cant smoke here, because it is strictly f_(禁止).54. Davy knew that he had d_(确定地) been wrong about Lisa.55. Many people prefer the _(方便) of working at home while the children are small.56. People _ (系,贴,连接) too much importance to economic forecasts nowadays.57. The small country is facing the threat of nuclear _(毁坏).58. We were happy to know that the service is free of _(费用).59. This kind of snake has been declared an endangered _(物种).60. Their performance is the most _ (给人印象深刻的) for me.参考答案:51. unconscious 52. panicked 53. forbidden 54. definitely 55. convenience 56. attach 57. destruction 58. charge 59. species 60. impressive55. convenience 考查名词。定冠词the的后面要接名词convenience,一起作为动词prefer的宾语。句意:当 孩子小的时候,很多人更喜欢在家里工作的便利。三、 阅读理解20. Would it surprise you to learn that, like animals, trees communicate with each other and pass on their wealth to the next generation?UBC Professor Simard explains how trees are much more complex than most of us ever imagined. Although Charles Darwin thought that trees are competing for survival of the fittest, Simard shows just how wrong he was. In fact, the opposite is true: trees survive through their co-operation and support, passing around necessary nutritio
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