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山东省济宁市嘉祥县第二中学2021年高二英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The President is now on a visit to Russia ,_at expanding relations between the two countries.A. aims B. to aiming C. being aimed D. aimed参考答案:D 31.Only if you ask many different questions _ all the information you need to know. will you acquire B. you will acquire C. did you acquire D. you acquired 参考答案:A略3. We offered these students a summer course , aimed _ improving their spoken EnglishAto Bin Cat Dfor 参考答案:C4. _, they had no chance of winning the war. A. As they fought bravely B. As bravely they foughtC. Bravely as they fought D. They fought so bravely参考答案:C5. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone get out.A. had toB. wouldC. couldD. was able to参考答案:D6. Ava and Jack are my lovely pet dogs, and I love _ when we play games together. A. that B. it C. them D. one 参考答案:B7. _ I ask you to do something, you always say youre too busy.A. At times B. Some time C. By the time D. Every time 参考答案:D8. every day, our web provides readers with the latest news.ATo updateBUpdateCUpdatingDUpdated参考答案:D略9. Only by shouting at the top of his voice . A. he was able to make himself hear B. he was able to make himself heardC. was he able to make himself hear D. was he able to make himself heard参考答案:D10. Dont expect too much of him. After all, he is a child of _ intelligence. A. casual B. slight C. average D. usual参考答案:C略11. As many people do, you often pretend _ work when actually you are just wasting time online. A. doingB. to doC. to be doingD. to have done参考答案:C 【名师点睛】固定短语的考查需要考生的长期积累,注意把握积累的方向,在考试时能够准确无误的应用。12. Nowadays, people in the city enjoy a _ of musical life.A. variety B. range C. extend D. width参考答案:A13. They do not provide a _ energy supply.A. stubborn B. stainableC. sustainable D. containable参考答案:C【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它们没有提供可持续的能源供应。stubborn顽固的,顽强的;stainable可染的;sustainable可持续的;containable可控制的。分析选项可知C项符合题意。14. Cathy had quit her job when her son was born _she could stay home and raise her family.A. now that B. as if C. only if D. so that参考答案:D15. Young children should be _to be honest and happy.A. brought outB. brought upC. brought in D. brought down参考答案:B16. It starts raining outside. Oh, ! A. so it does B. so does it C. it does so D. so it rains参考答案:A17. Love is _ way of life,but not _ aim of it.A. the , the B. a , the C. a, an D. the, an 参考答案:B18. Our country has many measures to improve peoples living conditions.A. admitted B. adapted C. adopted D. assessed参考答案:C二、 单词拼写46. The team captain was forced to w_ from the match due to injury.47. Does the name on the envelope c_ with the name on the letter inside?48. He _(向说) a few introductory remarks to the audience.49. Believe me, we have explored every possible _(途径)to find funding(资金).50. To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their strengths and w_.51. I have an a_ with Dr. Smith, but I need to change it.52. She is _(公认)as the best tennis-player in the world.53. What sort of _(资格)do you need for the job?54. He c_ through the files for evidence.55. Doctors have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional c_.56. The a_ of the statistics in the medical report has made many people supporters of this theory.57. I made an a_(假设,推断) that he is not a good doctor.参考答案:46. withdraw 47. correspond 48. addressed 49. avenue 50. weaknesses 51. appointment 52. acknowledged 53. qualifications 54. combed 55. competence 56. accuracy 57. assumption请在此填写整体分析!46. 考查动词。句意:由于受伤,队长被迫从比赛中退出。withdraw“撤退;离开”是动词,be forced to do sth.“被迫做某事”,用不定式作宾语补足语。故填withdraw。47. 考查动词。句意:信封上的名字与信里面的名词一致吗?correspond“一致”是动词,由does推断,空格处用动词原形。故填correspond。48. 考查动词。句意:他对听众说了几句开场白。addressed“向致辞;与说话”,根据语境可知,句子使用一般过去时。故填addressed。49. 考查名词。句意:相信我,我们已经探索了每一个可能的途径找到资金。avenue“手段;方法;途径”是名词,由every修饰用单数。故填avenue。50. 考查名词。句意:为了让团队成员表现的更好,教练首先必须了解他们的强项和弱项。strengths and weaknesses“强项和弱项;长处和短处”,故填weaknesses。51. 考查名词。句意:我与史密斯博士有一个约会,但是我必须更改。appointment“约会”是名词。故填appointment。52. 考查动词。be acknowledged as“被公认为”是常用搭配。故填acknowledged。53. 考查名词。句意:应聘这项工作你需要什么资格?介词后接名词,qualification“资格;条件”是可数名词,根据语境用复数。故填qualifications。54. 考查动词。句意:他梳理这些档案寻找证据。comb throu
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