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2021年安徽省黄山市长陔中学高一英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. What about having a cup of tea some day? _.A. Go ahead, please B. Help yourself C. Good idea D. Me too参考答案:C2. _ is no doubt _ Jennifer will come to see me this weekend as usual.A. There; that B. It; whether C. It; that D. There; whether参考答案:A略3. It was a matter of _ would take the position.A. who B. whoever C. whom D. whomever 参考答案:A4. She was so amused with the magicians tricks that she _ a smile. A. burst out B. burst into C. burst forth D. burst in参考答案:B5. Chairman Xi Jinping had a talk with President Putin in a friendly _. A. atmosphereB. distance C. celebration D. patience 参考答案:A6. The old man is very _ about the neighbourhood affairs for he is always willing to help others.A. amazed B. enthusiastic C. disappointed D. brilliant参考答案:B7. Often things dont _ as we expect, so we cant predict everythingA.find outB.work outC.break outD.put out参考答案:B8. Why does the lake smell terrible? Because large quantities of water _.A. have polluted B. is being pollutedC. has been polluted D. have been polluted参考答案:C9. How did you find the fashion show? _.A. A friend of mine showed me the way B. It was fascinatingC. The designer invited me D. By taking a No.11 bus 参考答案:B10. She said that it _ the second time she _ the film. A. was ; had seen B. is; has seen C. would be; had seen D. was; saw参考答案:A11. Studies show that people are more _ to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.A. likelyB. possible C. probableD. sure参考答案:A12. Mr. Smith is _a teacher. He is _our good friend.Aonly; as well Bmore than; also Cno more than; either Dnot more than; neither参考答案:B13. Look at the_ here and there! Smoking is not allowed in the park. A. symbols B. signals C. signs D. marks参考答案:C14. _ about sons future, the mother has been sleeping very badly these months.A. Concerning B. Concerned C. To concerned D. Having concerned参考答案:B15. You need to _ here,for the ground is wet and soft on either side of the path.A. watch outB. stand outC. figure outD. work out参考答案:A【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:你需要小心这里,因为路的两边都是湿软的。A. watch out当心;注意;B. stand out突出;站出来;C. figure out解决;理解;D. work out算出;锻炼。根据句意故选A。16. The book on your desk is just_we have been looking for all the time.A.that B.which C.it D,what参考答案:D二、 填空17. They a_ (争辩)that they needed more time to finish the project.参考答案:argued句意:他们争辩说他们需要更多的时间来完成这项工程。根据从句中的谓语动词needed可知,该句主句要用一般过去时态。三、 阅读理解18. Plants are very important living things. Life could not go on if there were no plants. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals and man cannot make food from air,water and sunlight. Animals get their food by eating plants and other animals. Therefore animals and man need plants in order to live.This is why we find that there are so many plants around us. If you look carefully at the plants around you,you will find that there are two kinds of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering plants.Flowering plants can make seeds. The seeds are protected by the fruits. Some fruits have one seed, some have two, three or four, and some have many seeds. But a few fruits have no seeds at all. An example of a fruit without seeds is the banana fruit. Most non-flowering plants do not grow from seeds. They grow from spores(胚芽). Spores are very small. Some spores are so small and light that they can float in the air. We may say that spores are quite the same as seeds. When these spores are all on wet and shady places,they usually grow into new plants.32. The main idea of the first paragraph is that _.A. plants are important for life B. plants cannot grow without airC. there are many plants in the world D. we can not live without water33. Plants can make food from_.A. flower,water and air B. water,sunlight and airC. air, water and soil D. air, sun and light34.This passage may be taken from_.A. a medicine book B. a novelC. a science magazine D. an experiment report35. The underlined word protected in the third paragraph can be replaced by _.A. damaged B. polluted C. prevented D. guarded 参考答案:32-35 ABCD
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