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2021年江西省吉安市堆子前中学高二英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. _ the efforts to get the kids more interested in books, the children only spent just over an hour a week reading. A. As long as B. Even though C. In spite of D. As a result of 参考答案:C略2. But for water,it _ possible to live in the desertAisBwasCwere D. wouldnt be参考答案:D3. To everyones surprise, such important and top urgent information has been _, but the police are reported to be looking into the case.A . made out B . checked out C . let out D . put out参考答案:C33. It was after he got what he had desired _ he realized it was not so important.A. that B. when C. since D. as参考答案:A略5. I tried phoning her office,but I couldnt _.Aget along Bget on Cget to Dget through参考答案:D6. -My dogs really fat.-You _ have given it so much food. A. wouldnt B. couldnt C. shouldnt D. mustnt参考答案:C7. Im going to Fuzhou tomorrow. Have you got anything _ to your parents there?A. to takeB. to be takenC. being takenD. taken参考答案:B8. The snowstorm _ our difficulties.A. added to B. added up C. added up to D. has added参考答案:9. It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it _ be rather cold sometimes.A. must B. should C. can D. would参考答案:C10. The shop is in an advantageous place _ an investment, so you must think about it carefully. A. instead of B. in case of C. in terms of D. in need of参考答案:C11. I will visit Austria _ the invitation of my friend this summer vacationAby Bfor Cto Dat参考答案:D12. What moved me most was not the Fathers Day gift from my daughter, but_ she presented it.A. in the way B. the way which C. in the way that D. the way 参考答案:D13. Travelling on the bad mountain roads is a(an)_ experience and I will never risk my life like that.A. terrifyingB. terrifiedC. astonishingD. astonished参考答案:A【详解】考查形容词。A. terrifying令人害怕的;B. terrified感到害怕的;C. astonishing 令人惊讶的;D. astonished感到惊讶的。句意:在糟糕的山路上旅行是一种可怕的经历,我永远不会像那样冒生命危险。此处是“令人害怕的”经历,故选A。14. First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get secondchance to makefirst impression.A. a; theB. the; theC.a; aD. the; a参考答案:C15. Only by imagining and creating _ a difference. ( )Acan makeByou can makeCmakeDcan you make参考答案:9.【答案】D16. _so good, the seasonal flowers blossoming provides great enjoyment and pleasure to everyone on campus. A. Smelt B. To smell C. Smelling D. Smell参考答案:C二、 填空17. 完成句子1He when his friend called him up.他刚要出门,这时他的朋友给他打电话。2The whole village in that big fire.整个村庄在那场大火中被全部焚毁。3 people by their clothes.不要根据衣着来评价人。4A secretary to assist the president.应该指派一位秘书来协助总统。5An active volcano at any time.活火山随时可能爆发。6You should a good education.你应该用好的教育来装备你的一生。7Having had a good rest,they up the mountain.休息好了之后,他们开始爬山。8I the extent of his knowledge.我对他知识的渊博感到惊奇。9His holiday ,he returned to his home and prepared for work.由于假期结束了,他回到了家并且为工作做好了准备。10The officer advance.军官指挥士兵前进。参考答案:1. was_about_to_go_out2. was_burnt_to_the_ground3. Dont_evaluate4.should_be_appointed5. may_erupt6. equip_your_life_with7. started_to_make_their_way8. was_amazed_at9. being_over10. waved_the_soldiers_to三、 阅读理解18. I was born disabledA difficult birth, feet first, my head stuckBy my first birthday, I couldnt stand or walkWhen I was three, the doctor told dad I had cerebral palsy(脑瘫)A loss of oxygen to my brain had destroyed brain signals to the right side of my bodyBut no son of my dads was going to be disabledEvery morning before breakfast and every evening before bed, my dad placed me on the bedroom floor to exercise my right legThe muscles were shrunk(收缩)and twisted(缠绕)togetherBack and forth up and down, my dad pushed and pulled the muscles into shapeBut my dads exercise of passion didnt stop thereFor my 13th birthday, he threw me a special party. When everybody was gone, he brought me to open a large box, it was a set of boxing glovesWe put them onMy dad kept on beating me mercilessly(无情地)Each time I tried to get up, leather kissed my nose, eyes and jaw. I begged him to stop. He said he beat me to get me ready for the tough world.That same year, I was the only kid in my neighborhood that wasnt picked for Little League. Two weeks later, Dad started the Shedd Park Minor League, and every kid played. Dad coached us and made me a pitcher(棒球投手). ks5uThe power of my dads love guaranteed I walked and more. In high school, I became a football
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