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2021年山东省临沂市十字路第五中学高一英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. We havent discussed _ yet.A. where we are going to put our new tableB. where are we going to put our new tableC. what we are going to put our new tableD. what are we going to put our new table参考答案:A略2. The mayor was accused of corruption but was found _, which was beyond many peoples expectation.A. guiltyB. innocentC. aware D. confident参考答案:B3. Two thirds of the work _done by Jimmy, and _was done by Nancy.Awas; the rest Bwas; the others Cwere; the others Dwere; the rest参考答案:A4. After two days we finally _ at the small village, only to be told that he _ to Beijing. A. had arrived; move B. arrived; had moved C. had arrived; had moved D. arrived; moved参考答案:B5. Tom was _ to win first prize in the competition, but his illness made him miss the chance.A. possibleB. likelyC. probableD. maybe参考答案:B6. I could see a car- _,but couldnt make out what color1 it was.A. at the distance B. from the distance C. in the distance D. off the distance 参考答案:C略7. Mr. Smith has been _ with this company since he graduated from college.A. addicted B. put C. connected D. crazy 参考答案:C8. China and Japan have set up _ closer relationship in face of _ terrible earthquake and tsunami on March 11.A. a; the B. the; a C. a; / D. /; the参考答案:A略9. Do you know he could have dealt with, if he had not passed the test?A. how B. what C. where D. why参考答案:B10. He noticed that the straight part of the dance was different in the afternoon from _ it had been in the morning. A. that B. where C. what D. which参考答案:C 解析:本题考查固定短语 be different from同时也考查名词性从句中的宾语从句,介词from后是宾语从句,但从句中it had been 后面少表语,所以what 符合语意。11. Nowadays,no country can successfully the global problems alone A. deal with Bmake use ofC. come up with Dgo through参考答案:A12. It took me quite a long time to _ the new environment here.A. adapt to B. relate to C. apply to D. attach to参考答案:A13. The Smiths went to the country for the weekend as they _ to the office. A. neednt have gone B. mustnt go C. may not go D. didnt have to go参考答案:D14. _, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.A. Quiet student as he may beB. A quiet student as he may beC. Be a quiet student as he mayD.Quiet as he may be a student参考答案:A试题分析:考查让步状语从句。句意:尽管他可能是个沉默寡言的学生,但课下谈论喜爱的歌手时,他话很多。本题考查as引导的让步状语从句的倒装用法,这里的as 相当于though意思是“虽然、尽管”,从句中常使用倒装语序,常把表语成分提到as前面,但应注意被提前的名词前不用冠词a/an,the.15. Many children,_ parents are away working in big cities,are taken good care of in the villageA. their B. whose C. of them D. with whom 参考答案:B略16. We have _ head notepaper.A.run out B. been used up C. run out of D.been used up参考答案:C二、 填空17. People do many things to celebrate the coming of a New Year, an important one being making New Year Resolutions. Did you know that 45% of Americans make resolutions? But not many of 45 actually manage to keep them. Wondering how many of them actually follow through with it by the end of January each year? Actually, just a meager 8%! Resolutions 46 be very hard to keep for many reasons. Some people find it hard to stay on track. Others make their goals too broad or challenging. Remember resolutions 47 (mean) to be small goals that will become habits over time that will help your life positively, not big life-changing plans. According to USA.gov, some of the top resolutions made by folks are: *Lose weight *Volunteer to help others *Quit smoking *Get a better education * Get a better job *Save money *Get fit *Eat healthy food *Manage stress *Manage debt *Take a trip *Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Did you notice that resolutions are always 48 making positive changes? We humans recognize that health is the 49 (big) wealth for us all. The resolves to be healthy, eat well and exercise are naturally among the most popular. Yet they are some of the hardest goals to keep. Thats why you should keep your goals realistic. Cut back on soda 50 eliminate it completely. Make notebook entries of what you are aiming for, and track your progress. Write yourself reminders such as : Read for half an hour”, “No more than 125 minutes on social media!”, “dont eat too much salt, sugar and fat”, as examples. Take small steps to reach your final goal. Can you challenge yourself to be part of the 45% who make resolutions and grow the number of those who make it stick from 8%? 51 you are not the type who makes New Year resolutions, try to practice one heal
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