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山西省临汾市吴村中学2022-2023学年高二英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. More and more scientists are afraid that the genes that make crops _ pests and disease could be harmful to humans. A. to resistB. resistant toC. go againstD. to go against参考答案:B略5. Jeff and Mike come from _ different backgrounds. Thats why they cant get along well with each other. A. accurately B. gradually C. entirely D. commonly参考答案:C略3. The outbreak of the Ebola virus primarily affects 3 countries in West Africa. However, ithas become a little _ and over 15,900 cases and 5,689 deaths have been reported globallyby the WHO recently.A. out of placeB. out of sightC. out of reach D. out of control参考答案:D4. What caused the party to be put off? _the invitations.A. Tom delayed sending B. Toms delaying sendingC. Tom delaying to send D. Tom delayed to send参考答案:B5. If we live on _ top floor of a building, well have _ better view. A. x; the B. x; a C. the; a D. the; the 参考答案:C6. What troubled the teacher was that no one present made an answer when asked who had broken the glasses, so he didnt know who .A. was blamed B. was to be blamed C. would be blamed D. was to blame参考答案:D7. Id like to have _window seat reserved so that I can enjoy _ better view. A. /;the B. the ;the C. the; a D. a;a参考答案:D8. The manager _ one of the hotel servants of stealing the money.A. charged B. complained C. blamed D. accused参考答案:D9. . The teacher suggested that he _ happy to give help to his classmates.A. was B. should be C. had been D. would be参考答案:A略10. Despite the previous rounds of talks, no agreement_ so far by the two sides. A. has been reached B. was reached C. will reach D. will have reached参考答案:A2015天津卷考查动词的时态。so far用于现在完成时,reach与agreement是被动的关系,故用现在完成时的被动语态。故选A项。11. Excuse me,but I havent got the iPhone 4 ordered through the InternetSorry madam, Im sure you _ have it by this FridayAmust Bmay Ccould Dshall参考答案:D略12. _Why didnt you _ for the job? _ I would have , but I didnt see the advertisement in the newspaper.A. call B.apply C.care D.answer参考答案:B略13. She likes to show her new clothes in public,which makes other girls a little angry.A.aroundB.inC.upD.off参考答案:D提示:句意为:“她喜欢在公共场合炫耀她的新衣服,这使得其他的女孩有点生气。”show around“带某人参观”;show in“领进来”;show up“显露,出现”;show off“炫耀”。14. -What are you going to do this weekend? -_. If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.A. Dont mention it. B. It doesnt matter. C. Forget it. D. It depends.参考答案:D略15. Some Chinese students find it difficult to understand native speakers when in London. Exactly, _ theyve learned a lot about grammar and known many words.A. what if B. now that C. as if D. even if参考答案:D16. The box was too heavy for me _.A. to lift it B. to lift C. to be lifted D. to be lifting参考答案:B17. There are a couple of matters which I want to _ today for discussion.A. bring upB. build upC. make upD. put up参考答案:A18. The party last night was _success. We sang and danced until it came to _end at 12:00.A. A; an B. a; the C. the; an D. /; an参考答案:A二、 书面表达19. 书面表达(满分25分)假设你是一名高三的学生,即将毕业,现在写一篇人物评价,赞扬自己的老师,发表在学校博客的“感恩”栏目上。王老师是我们的英语老师,说话细言慢语,文质彬彬,课下待人和善,课上特别严厉,不容许同学们做其他的任何事情。他讲课时诙谐幽默,言简意赅,深入浅出,他的英语课生动有趣,同学们都愿意听他讲课。 王老师非常喜欢自己的工作,他总是竭尽全力地让我们提高英语水平。他的座右铭是“我有足够的理由让你们知道得更多”。因此,他总是受到我们的好评。参考答案:参考范文Mr.Wang is our English teacher.He speaks slowly and politely.After class,he is kind to us.But at class,he is especially strict with us.He doesnt allow us to do anything else except study.When he is having a class,he is humorous.He can explain a complicated question in a simple way with just a few words.His class is lively and interesting.All of us are fond of his speaking.He enjoys teaching English.He does everything in his power to improve our English level.His motto is “I have every reason to teach you more knowledge”.So he is always highly thought of by us.20. 书面表达 (满分25分) 假设你是中学生李华,听说沈阳将在棋盘山风景区附近建一座发电站(power station)。请给某英语报社写一封信,阐明自己的观点。信的内容须包括以下内容:1.反对计划2.陈述理由1)修建发电站需砍伐树木。2)风景区一旦被破坏,将无法恢复。要求:1)100词左右。2)可适当增加内容,使行文连贯。3)信的开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear Editor,_
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