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天津北仓第二中学高二英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Maintaining eye contact with the interviewers will help you make a good _ on them.A. reputation B. contribution C. impression D. character参考答案:C2. -Why do you turn back?.-Oh, the bridge ahead_.A.repaired B.repairs C.is being repaired D.has been repaired参考答案:C3. A double-decker sleeper coach fell off Changjiang Bridge in Jingzhou. It was because it tried to turn _away from a motorcycle that it crashed killing 14 passengers. A. merely B. abruptly C. exactly D. cautiously 参考答案:B4. Barrack Obamas recent visit to the Asian nations clearly sent a message to the world _ Asia is important in Americas global partnership.A. which B. where C. that D. what参考答案:C5. Its helpful to put students in a situation _ they can learn how to cooperate with each other. A. that B. when C. which D. Where 参考答案:C考查定语从句。先行词是situation,关系词在定语从句中充当地点状语。句意:把学生置身于他们能够学会彼此合作的情景里是有益处的。6. When I study English, I like to put my dictionary_my reach so that I can refer to it when necessary. Aout of Bbeyond Cwithin Din参考答案:C试题分析:句意:当我学习英语,我想把我的词典放在我够得着的地方,这样我可以在必要时参考它。out of/beyond reach 够不着;within ones reach够得着。根据句意故选C。考点:考查介词的用法。【解析】7. Many children seldom communicate with adults,_ it difficult for their parents to know what they are thinking about. A. making B. makes C. made D. to make参考答案:A略8. Zhang Ze took on a victory in the 2019 French Open, _we all regard as the highest-ranked Chinese male player.A. whichB. whenC. whoD. where参考答案:C【详解】考查定语从句。句意:张泽在2019年法国网球公开赛上取得了胜利,我们都认为他是中国排名最高的男单选手。此处Zhang Ze是先行词,指人,在后面的非限制性定语从句中作宾语,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,故选C。9. One suggestion is to have a picnic and the other is to go to the museum. Personally, I prefer the _.A. last B. next C. later D. latter参考答案:D10. Usually a childs behavior is a _ of his family environment.A. recognition B. reflection C. return D. record参考答案:B11. I wish I _ play tennis with them this afternoon, but I have to study for a test.A. can B. should C. could D. shall参考答案:C12. - Would you mind if I opened the door?- _.A. Yes, go ahead B. No, go ahead C. Yes, please D. Never mind参考答案:B13. The short-answer test is a kind of between the composition and selection types.A.mixtureB.collectionC.compoundD.compromise参考答案:D提示:句意为:“简答题是作文和选择题相互折中的产物。”mixture“混合物”;collection“收集品”;compound“复合句,复合词”;compromise“妥协;让步;折中”。14. In our class there are 50 students, _ half wear glasses.A. in whom B. in them C. of whom D. of them参考答案:C15. Youre the only person _Ive ever met _could do it.A. who;/ B./; whom C. whom;/ D./; who 参考答案:D略16. Whether the sports meeting will be put off has not been decided. Yes. .A. It all depend B. It is all dependingC. It is all depended D. It all depends参考答案:D17. Order me a pot of tea; Im _ thirst. A. dying of B. dying out C. dying to D. dying down参考答案:A18. The girl is an excellent student but not once in these years_ caught being late.A. has she got B. she has been C. was she D. she got 参考答案:A二、 书面表达1. 有人认为金钱是幸福之本.有钱能吃美味佳肴,穿时尚衣服,住高档房屋;2. 有人认为金钱是万恶之源.为了挣钱有的人从事非法勾当,损害他人利益甚至危害他人性命.3. 那么你的看法是什么呢?4. 请以“Can money buy happiness?” 为题,谈谈你对金钱的看法和自己的观点。 要求: 一篇100多字的短文,字数不超过150. 词语: 1)source of happiness 幸福之本 2) root of all evils 万恶之源参考答案:Can money buy happiness? Different people have different attitudes toward money. Some people think money is the source of happiness. In their opinion, everything in the world can be bought with money. Only when you have enough money can you taste delicious food, buy luxurious cars and magnificent houses. Therefore , they think money is the basis of happiness. However, others think that money is the root of all evils. Owing to the keen hunger for money, people do illegal things and even hurt others. For example, some people fight against each other for money, some kill others for money. All these evils are under the control of money.In my opinion, money can bring us misery as well as happiness. Only when your money is made through your honest efforts, can you lead a decent life. If we use money to help the poor and homeless, we will enjoy the true happiness.20. 在学习、生活和工作中,学会与人合作是非常重要的。请你根据下列所提供的信息,写一篇题为“Being a Good Partner”的英文演讲稿。词数为120.为何与人合作:(1)现在社会必备的能力(2)可省时间和精力(3)更多互相学习机会 与不同人合作:(1)与喜欢的人合作(2)心情愉快,同甘共苦(3)与不喜欢的人合作(4)学会容忍,努力挖掘其优点如何与人合作:(1)你的看法注意:演讲稿的开头与结尾已给出。参考词汇:合作cooperate with Good afternoon, ev
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