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内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市青城高级中学高二英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The best sewing-machines _can be _ easily have been sent to the remotest villagers in the south.A. whether; exportedB. that; operatedC. who; observedD. /; sold参考答案:B2. I am going to travel to Xian City next week. How I wish I could also have a chance like you!A. Forget it B. I cant agree moreC. I really envy you D. Help yourself参考答案:C3. As a punishment she was not permitted_part in any school activity in a week.A. taking B. to take C. take D. to be taking参考答案:B4. Bob, look what you have done! You ruined the experiment. Its not my fault. I just carried out the instructions _.A. as told B. as telling me C. as telling D. as I told参考答案:A5. The guide was enthusiastic and knowledgeable and we spent a lovely evening wandering into places which we straight past otherwise.A. had walkedB. were walkingC. would have walkedD. must have walked参考答案:C6. - Are you going to have a holiday this year?- Id love to. I cant wait to leave this place _.A. off B. out C. behind D. over参考答案:C7. _ man must fear when traveling in space is radiation from the sun.A. Which B. How C. What D. That参考答案:C8. - You can ask your brother for help.- He is not at home. If he _, I _.A. is, would B. were, would C. is, will D. were, will参考答案:B9. _ was most important to her, she told me, was her family. A. It B. This C. What D. As参考答案:C略10. The building _ now will be our dorm. A. to be built B. built C. being built D. having been built参考答案:C11. -The football game was not interesting, was it?-_. Even John, who _ to the super fans, didnt enjoy it.A. Yes, is belonged B. No, is belonged C. Yes, belongs D. No, belongs参考答案:D43. The popular media _ these findings widely, which directly affects the consumers behavior.A. recycle B. hold C. publicize D. wrap参考答案:C略13. We _Johns name on the race list yesterday but for his recent injury.A. will put B. will have put C. would put D. would have put参考答案:D14. I m tired out. I _ all afternoon and I dont seem to have finished anything. A. shopped B. am shoppingC. have been shoppingD. have shopped参考答案:C15. Poor Steve! I could hardly recognize him just now! -_. He has changed so much. A. Neve mind B. No problem C. Not at all D. Me neither参考答案:D略16. _ more visitors, the Beijing Garden Expo Park gives roses to visiting couples. A. Attracted B. Attracting C. To attract D.Having attracted 参考答案:A 17. The newly-elected president came into the hall, _ by a group of top officials. Afollowing Bto be followed Cfollowed Dhaving followed参考答案:C18. To be frank, I really dont know what they have in _,because theyre so different in character.A.commonB.ordinaryC.usualD.regular参考答案:A略二、 书面表达19. 假定你是李华,你的朋友李明写信告诉你他因不善交友而苦恼,感觉在日常学习生活中缺乏和同学之间的交流,请根据下面提示给他回信,提出建议。提示:1.友善、乐于助人;2多与他人交流,寻找自己的知心朋友;3多参加学校组织的各种活动。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当发挥,以使短文连贯;3开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Li Ming,Im sorry to hear that_Yours,Li Hua参考答案:Dear_Li_Ming,Im_sorry_to_hear_that youre feeling worried for failing to make friends.Some tips below may be helpful to you.First,be kind,friendly and polite to others and always ready to help others,through which youll get well paid.Second,try to communicate with others more,for it helps strengthen your ties with friends and lots of misunderstandings can be avoided.Third,take an active part in activities,such as sports,games,travels,parties,etc.This way,youll get more chances to communicate with others.Besides,it is also very important that friends should be faithful to each other.Anyhow,there are many ways to develop a good friendship.Hope youll get along well with your friends.Best wishesYours,Li_Hua【分析】本文书面表达属于应用文,要求写一封书信。【详解】第1步:根据提示可知,本文是一封书信:假定你是李华,你的朋友李明写信告诉你他因不善交友而苦恼,感觉在日常学习生活中缺乏和同学之间的交流,请根据下面提示给他回信,提出建议。提示:1.友善、乐于助人;2多与他人交流,寻找自己的知心朋友;3多参加学校组织的各种活动。第2步:根据写作要求确定关键词,如:be helpful to you(对你是有益的);lots of misunderstandings(许多误解);take an act
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