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英 语(二)试题年10月全国高等教育自学考试 英 语(二)试题课程代码:00015一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题1 份,共 10分)I.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point each)1.Skillful farming A them to support a large population.A.enabled B.forced C.authorized D.required2.The findings of the survey went contrary D what wasexpected.A.in B.on C.for D.to3.James refused to be B about his future plans.A.distinct B.specific C.relevant D.individual4.Young A he was,he was equal to the task.A.as B.if C.although D.unless5.You should read this novel.It is B recommended by allcritics.A.fairly B.highly C.mainly D.strictly6.Its a great place to live in,except for the increasingvolume of B that passes under my window every day.A.activity B.traffic C.movement D.circulation7.He should C to what hes good at,and not try and dosomething heknows nothing about.A.look B.lead C.stick D.point8.We take this oppommity to express our sincere D ofyour help.A.explanation B.obligation C.demonstration D.appreciation9.I dont know ifthe story is tree,but Ill try to C it.A.modify B.simplify C.verify D.specify10.The old man spoke A length about his experiences inAfrica.A.at B.in C.from D.toII.Cloze Test(10 points,1 point each)Scientists are learning more and more about the link betweenyour mind and your health.Stress and depression have beenshown to give rise to illness and disease.11,if you feel goodabout yourself and have a 12 attitude,and maintain an activeinvolvement in life,youre more likely to be happy-and 13.Many things 14 your emotional state.But at the heart of itis how you regard yourself.If you have a healthy level of self-esteem,you not only cope with lifes challenges better thanpeople 15 low self-esteem,but youre probably morecontent,16,and successful.Youre probably also healthier.Most peoples sense of worth is deeply rooted in theirchildhood-in the early approval or disapproval of parents andfriends.17,as we get older,most of us judgeourselves 18 our sense of how effectively were managing inthe world,especially in the areas of love and work.Our 19 tolove and be loved can give our lives a sense of purpose.We canalso find 20 in work-related accomplishments,and the peoplewe meet and work with can reinforce our sense of self and ourrole in life.(B)11.A.In additionB.In contrastC.Inreality D.In general(A)12.A.positiveB.commonC.critical D.personal(D)13.A.respectableB.energeticC.lovely D.healthy(C)14.A.explainB.maintainC.influence D.simulate(B)15.A.at B.with C.for D.upon(A)16.A.confident B.dependent C.sensitive D.emotional(D)17.A.Therefore B.Likewise C.Instead D.However(B)18.A.on(A)19.A.abilityintention(C)20.A.prooftrothB.by C.of D.inB.dream C.goal D.B.interest C.pride D.Ill,Reading Comprehension(:30 points,2 points each)Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.If you start each day desperately wishing for an extra hour inbed,the following is likely to leave you feeling even more bad-tempered.Scientists have identified a sleepless elite-a smallgroup of people for whom staying in bed longer is a waste oftime.Rather than being tired and bad-tempered losers,they are anenergetic,outgoing and optimistic group who can happily andhealthily get by on just four or five hours of sleep a night.And,they tend to be slim,able to hold down two jobs at the sametime,and handle their extra-long days easily without needingcoffee or catnaps(小睡).Working out how the gene(基因)cuts sleep without anyobvious impact on health could help in the design of drags thatgive us all a few extra hours in our day.The bad news is thatwhile many of us get by on a few hours sleep a night,just oneto three people in 100 qualify to be part of the sleepless elite.The research team is now calling for members of the luckygroup to come forward to allow their DNA to be studied.Harvard University researcher Dr.Christopher Jones said:Mylong-term goal is to learn enough someday so we can control thesleep mechanism without damaging our health.Everybody canuse more waking hours,even if you just watch movies.Many of those who have already volunteered sharefascinating characteristics.They are cheerful,thinner thanaverage,and seem to have a high tolerance for physical pain andpsychological setbacks.Dr.Christopher Jones told the New York Times:Typically,at the end of along phone interview,they will admit they havebeen sending short text message sand surfing the Internet anddoing word games at the same time,all on less than six hours ofsleep.21.According to the passage,the sleepless elite(C)A.perform less well than others B.regard sleep as awaste of timeC.are energetic despite less sleep D.are likely to makeothers angry22.Researchers study the sleepless elite to(B)A.develop the mechanism of sleep B.invent a healthyway to cut sleepC.find the impact of sleep on health D.design drags forsleepless people23.The phrase come forward(para.4)is closest in meaningto(D)A.decide B.donateC.contribute D.volunteer24.According to Dr.Jones,it is typical of the sleepless elite to(C)A.sleep at least six hours a night B.watch more moviestha
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