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202L2022学年浙江省宁波市高二(下)期末英语试卷一、阅读理解(本大题共10小题,共25.0分)ASwiss designer Didier Rudolf Quarrozs love of Chinese tea culture has inspired him to designinnovative new items to brew the tea.Quarroz developed an interest in Chinese tea afterworking at a Shanghai-based design company,where he was by chance engaged in a tea project.His research helped him develop a deep understanding of the differences between Chinese andWestern tea products.And this made him think about designing items fbr foreigners to brewChinese tea.4 i hope to design easy-to-use and modern tea-making tools to help foreigners tryChinese traditional tea and give them an interesting experience in brewing tea/1 Quarroz says.In 2017,he moved to Hangzhou,capital of East Chinas Zhejiang province and a majortea-production base,to explore the possibilities of applying Western concepts in designingobjects for Chinese tea.UI want to focus on the tea industry,and Hangzhou is a great fit becauseof the long history and profound culture of tea here,Quarroz says.QUHITOZ began to concentrate on the design of a tea inftiser(注射器)to make brewing easierfor fbreigners.Its a glass container with a silicone(桂胶)lid.All users need to do is to put theleaves inside,place in a cup and add hot water.J,The infuser can be taken out from the cupeasily without users*fingers being hurt by the hot water,Quarroz says.Hangzhou has a booming tea industry,which has offered the Swiss designer many opportunitiesto cooperate with local plantations and companies.Driven by the love of Chinese tea,Icooperate with local companies and help them to develop new kinds of tea products.Also,wesometimes organize workshops to introduce different teas to the public/Quarroz says.Hangzhou also enables smooth business operations,he adds,In general,it is easy to start abusiness in Hangzhou.And the government and agencies are increasing efforts to help andsupport young entrepreneurs,including us from foreign countries,he adds.Quarroz says heplans to design 10 innovative tea-related products by combining Chinese tea culture withinternational elements.1.Quarrozs new items have the following features E X C E P T.A.being designed by handB.using Western conceptsC.making brewing easier for foreignersD.providing interesting brewing experiences2.The underlined word it in Paragraph 4 probably refers to the.A.container B.infuser C.lid D.leaf3.What makes Hangzhou an ideal place for Quarroz to start a business in China?A.Quarroz obtained many chances to cooperate with state-owned companies,B.Hangzhou features a newly-built tea industry and has abundant tea projects.C.Hangzhou organizes many workshops to introduce different teas to the public.D.Quarroz can receive much help and support from the government and agencies.4.What type of writing is the passage?A.A biography.B.A news story.C.A travel journal.D.An advertisement.BNothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.Ralph Waldo EmersonBeing enthusiastic about something means being excited about a given project.Enthusiasminvolves having a strong interest in the task at hand.If you decided to learn a newlanguage,which is not easy anyhow,you would have to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to thecause.Anything less would result in failure.What is real enthusiasm?In your pursuing success,enthusiasm means that you believe deeplyin what the company is doing.You also believe that your job is important and contributes to thecause.lt means that youre willing to make every effort to achieve the companys goals.Realenthusiasm is when you leap out of bed in the morning and attack your day with muchenthusiasm and energy.You have great enthusiasm for the work you do and the people youwork with.This pushes you to improve and become a better person.Enthusiasm means that youare stimulated by your work,and are able to find new challenges and keep growingprofessionally.Furthermore,most jobs have some elements that are less fun and more difficult to carry out.Thisis where passion really comes into play.Passion helps you get ahead.Enthusiasm about a job orproject usually translates into positive energy.That is,if you are excited about a project,you willbe anxious to get started and get results.The mere fact of looking forward to your work willhelp make you more productive and effective.You will plan more effectively and pay carefulattention to detail.You will carry out your plan more carefully and aim for the best results第2页,共21页possible.Increase your enthusiasm.Most men arent bom great they become great.Similaiiy,noteveryone is the enthusiastic type that falls in love with their work.However,do notdespair.There are ways to become more passionate.5.Whats the purpose of quoting Emersons saying at the beginning of the passage?A.To introduce the topic.B.To arouse readers*enthusiasm.C.To illustrate Emerson*s influence.D.To summarize great peoples enthusiasm.6.What is the authors attitude towards enthusiasm?A.Objective.B.Negative.C.Positive.D.Indifferent.7.What is most likely to be discussed i
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