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GRE红宝书C(GRE红宝书C)c:N.刺耳的声音C a c o p h o n yN.仙人掌c a c t u s/15N.尸体 C o r p s eA d j.像尸体的c a d a v e r o u s,枯 槁 的(形容)C a d e t n.军校或警官学校的学生C a jo l e (以甜言蜜语)哄 骗 V.N.大灾祸C a l a m i t y,不幸之事C a l a m i t o u s a d j.造成灾祸的C a l c i f y v.使硬化,钙化C a l c i u m n.钙C a l c u l a t i n g a d j.深谋远虑的,精明的.C a l i b e r N.(枪等)口 径(人或事)品质,才能C a l i b r a t e v.量.口径,标准.N.书法 c a l l i g r a p h yA d j.结硬块的c a l l o u s,无情的C a l l u s n.老茧,皮肤硬厚处.C a l l o w a d j(鸟)未生羽毛的(人)未成熟的.N.诽 谤 c a l u m n y,中伤C a l u m n i a t e v.诽谤,中伤N.v.掩饰 C a m o u f l a g e,伪装N.谣 言 c a n a r d,假新闻C a n a r y n.金丝雀,女歌星C a n i n e a d j.犬的,似犬的A p p l i c a t i o n n.候选人的资格C a n n i b a l n.食人者,食同类的动物N,同类相食 C a n n i b a l i s mC a n o n n.经典,真作C a n o n i c a l a d j.符合规定的,经典的N.蚊 帐 C a n o p y,华盖.C a n t n.斜坡,斜面,v.使倾斜C a n t n.隐语,术语A d j.脾气坏的c a n t a n k e r o u s,好争吵的N.清唱剧c a n t a t aN.峡谷 C a n y o nEx t r e m e a d j.容量大的,宽敞的,C a p a c i t y n.容量,能力V.n.雀 跃 C a p e r,欢蹦N.人头税p o l l t a x,丁税(V投 降 c a p i t u l a t e.有条件地).N.投降 c a p i t u l a t i o nA d j.变化无常的c a p r i c i o u s,任性的C a p t i o u s a d j.吹毛求疵的V.迷 惑 C a p t i v a t e,吸引N.吸引力c a p t i v a t i o n,魅力(蟹或龟等的)甲壳C a r a p a c e.C a r a t N.(宝石重量单位)克拉,开(金子)/16C a r e e n V.(船)倾斜,使倾斜C a r e t (V,a n d n.加字符号)N.讽刺画C a r i c a t u r e,滑稽模仿N.大屠杀C a r n a g e,残杀C a r n a t i o n (n.康乃馨一种花)N.狂欢节 C a r n i v a lN.食肉动物C a r n i v o r eA d j.食肉的.C a r n i v o r o u sC a r o l n.赞美诗,颂歌C a r o u s e v.n.狂饮寻乐C a r o u s a l n.欢闹的酒宴N.腐肉 C a r r i o nN.绘制地图者C a r t o g r a p h e rV.雕 刻 C a r v e,切 成 片(把肉等)N.小瀑布Ca s c a d eN.社会等级Ca s t e,等级Ca s t ig a t e v.惩治,严责Ca s t ig a t io n n.申斥,强烈反对N.剧 变 Ca t a c l y s m,灾 难(常指大洪水或地震)Ca t a l y s t n.催化剂,促使事情发展的因素N.催化作用Ca t a l y s isCa t eg o r ic a l a d j.无条件的,绝对的Ca t eg o r y n,类别,范畴Ca t er pil l a r n.毛虫,蝴蝶的幼虫N.宣 泄 Ca t h a r s is,净化Ca t h a r t ic n.泻药Ca t h o l ic (兴趣等广泛的(a d j.),宽厚的人)N.政党高层会议Ca u c u s,核心人物V.填 塞(隙缝)使不渗水Ca u l kCa u s t ic a d j.腐蚀性的,刻薄的N.骑兵队 Ca v a l c a d eN.骑士 Ca v a l ier,武士N.骑兵部队Ca v a l r yN.大洞穴Ca v er n(牙齿等的)洞、腔Ca v it y.V.挑毛病Ca v il,吹毛求疵Y iel d s V,割 让(土地,权利)N.割 让c es s io n,转让Cel eb r a t ed a d j.有名的,F a m o u sCel eb r it y,N.,c el eb r it y,c el eb r it yCel er it y n.,f a s t,f a s tCel es t ia l,a d j.,c el es t ia l,h ea v en l yCel ib a t e n.a d j.u n m a r r ied,u n m a r r iedCelibacy n.celibacy(creed)17/Cellar,N.basement,wine cellarCemetery n.tomb,cemeteryCensor v.check(books and newspapers)Censorship n.check(system)Censorious,adj.,critical,demandingCensure N.V.censure,reproofCentrifugal,adj.,centrifugalCentripetal,adj.,centripetalCephalic,adj.head,headCeramics,N.,pottery,potteryCereal,N.Cereals,cerealsCerebral,adj.,brain,thoughtfulCerebration n.thinking with the brainCerebrum n.brainCessation n.aborted,(briefly)stoppedChaff n.grain husk,rice branChagrin N.V.disappointed and upsetChagrined adj.disappointed,disheartenedChameleon n.chameleon lizard.Chandelier n.chandeliers(candlesticks)Chaos n.chaosChaotic adj.confusedCharacterization n.depicts and depictsA crossword puzzle performed by charades,N.,etc.Charisma,charisma,charisma,charisma,n.Charismatic adj.has charmCharity n.mercy,charityCharitable adj.,kind and generousCharlatan n.a quack,liarCharter charter n.(company)charterChary adj.careful and prudentChase v.engraving,huntChassis n.(car)chassisChaste,adj.,chaste,artlessChastity,N.,chastity,purityChasten v.(by punishment and bad habits),correct temperChastise v.condemned the harsh punishment.Chauvinism,N.chauvinism,blind patriotismCheetah n.CheetahChicanery,N.,cheating,cheatingChide v.accused the reproach.Chimera,N.,myth,monster,fantasyChimerical adj.the dream be a wild legend.Chipmunk n.flower mouse(and small American animals likesquirrels)1 8 /Ch ir o m a n c y,N.,h a n d a r tCh ir p v.(b ir d s o r in s ec t s)c h ir pin gCh iv a l r o u s a d j.s a m u r a i,s pir it u a l,c h iv a l r o u sCh iv a l r y n.k n ig h t s y s t emCh o l er ic,A.,ir r it a b l e,h o t t em per edCh o p n.(a x,et c)c u t (w in d)s u d d en l y c h a n g e d ir ec t io nCh o r eo g r a ph y,N.d a n c e,c h o r eo g r a ph yCh o r t l e v.n.l a u g h s h a ppil yCh o ir n.(Ch u r c h)s in g in g t ea mCh o r u s n.c h o r u s,s o n g a n d Da n c e E n s em b l eCh r o m a t ic,a d j.,c o l o r f u l,c o l o r f u lCh r o m o s o m e n.c h r o m o s o m eCh r o n o m et er n.pr ec is io n t im erCh r y s a n t h em u m,N.c h r y s a n t h em u m,c h r y s a n t h em u mChuckle v.smiles softlyChunk n.short,thick wood,large quantitiesChunky adj.(human or animal)stoutChurl,N.,vulgar manChurlish adj.,grumpyCider,N.,apple juice,apple juiceCinder n.fire,slagCipher,N.,zero,no influence,passwordCircuitous,adj.,roundabout,roundaboutCircumlocution n.tortuous burdensome statementCircumscribe v.restrictionsCircumspect adj.careful and carefulCircumvent v.beat and circumvent with tricksCistern n.(toilet bowl)reservoirCivilian n.civiliansCivility n.polite,Si W enClairvoyance n.superhuman insightClam n.clams,cocklesClamour n.noisy and noisyClamorous a
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