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精品基础教育教学资料,仅供参考,需要可下载使用!九年级全册UnitlLessonl-2随堂基础同步练习单选题1.His mother_terrible yesterday.But she is feeling_ now.A.fell;well B.fell;better C.felt;well D.felt;better2.Her friend_in a white skirt yesterdayA.wore B.dressed C.was wearing D.was dressed3.I dont regret_her what I thought.A.to tell B.telling C.talking D.to talk4.The little baby is sleeping.Dont_.A.wake up him B.wake him upC.to wake up him D.to wake him up5.-Must I finish my homework at once,Mum?6.-No,you_.A.mustnt B.neednt C.shouldnt D.may not7.David has a toothache,so_.A.he should go to bedB.he should eat everything for 24 hoursC.he should see a dentistD.he should lie down and have a rest8.Why did the patient refuse_the medicine?A.to take B.taking C.took D.take9.My English teacher is a young_.A.France B.America C.Germany D.German10.He has no choice but_the difficulty.A.face B.facing C.to face D.faced11.Jack likes reading a newspaper_he is having breakfast.A.and B.while C.because D.until二、单词造句12.now,how,he,feeling,is13.?14.hospital,he,go,should,the,to15.16.dressed,got,and,out,L i Ming,went17.18.drawing,saw,boy,in,he,the,next,the,room19.20.mother,she,look,needs,after,her,to21.22.was,how,I,scared23.!24.fixed,my,tooth,was,achingXX学 校 用 心 用 情 服 务 教 育!26.kind,like,music,do,of,you,what27.28.toothache,he,woke,a,with,terrible,up29._30.an,mum,saying,told,old,German,me31.三、选词填空regret,fever,pale,pain,take an X-ray1.My grandma had a high last night.She was taken to the hospital.2.Danny has a in his stomach.3.L ily looks.She must be ill.4.-My head hurts.Doctor.-You need to.5.Sandra that she cannot come.四、单词拼写-单句1.P,could you speak slowly?I didnt hear you clearly.2.He will have a math e next week.3.Her friend invited her to the party.But she r him.4.David likes to eat candies.Now he,s had at all day.5.The old man fell off the bike.But f he didnt hurt.6.These G come from Germany.五、完成句子1.我的头从未这么疼过.My head this much before.2.妈妈,请你在5 点钟叫醒我.Mum,please at five oclock.3.如果你感觉身体不适,你该怎么办?If you,what should you do?4.她害怕去看牙医.She is to the dentist.5.他认为我的一颗牙齿可能已经坏了.He thought one of my pr oba bl y.6.我除了和她一块去别无选择.I had to go with her.7.在牙医办公室有许多穿着奇怪衣服的人.There are many people strange clothing.8.医生告诉我,你没必要害怕二The dentist told me,You afraid.”9.这个男孩发烧,他父亲把他送去了医院.The boy.His father sent him to the hospital.金榜题名 2 前程似锦答案、l.C 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.B8.D 9.C 1 0.B-、1 1.H o w i s h e f e e l i n g n o w1 2.H e s h o u l d g o t o t h e h o s p i t a l1 3.L i M i n g g o t d r e s s e d a n d w e n t o u t1 4.H e s a w t h e b o y d r a w i n g i n t h e n e xt r o o m.1 5.S h e n e e d s t o l o o k a f t e r h e r m o t h e r1 6.H o w s c a r e d I w a s1 7.My a c h i n g t o o t h w a s f i xe d1 8.Wh a t k i n d o f m u s i c d o y o u l i k e1 9.H e w o k e u p w i t h a t e n*i b l e t o o t h a c h e2 0.Mum t o l d m e a n o l d G e r m a n s a y i n g三、1.f e v e r 2.p a i n 3.p a l e 4.t a k e a n X-r a y 5.r e g r e t s四、1.P a r d o n m e2.e xa m3.r e f u s e d4.t o o t h a c h e5.f o r t u n a t e l y6.G e r m a n s五、1.h a s n e v e r p a i n e d2.w a k e m e u p3.d o n t f e e l w e l l4.a f r a i d t o g o5.t e e t h w a s;r o t t e n6.n o c h o i c e b u t7.d r e s s e d i n8.n e e d n*t b e9.h a d a f e v e r6.C 7.AXX学 校 用 心 用 情 服 务 教 育!精品基础教育教学资料,仅供参考,需要可下载使用!九年级全册UnitlLesson3-4随堂基础同步练习 V32.单选题Reading in the sun is harmful_your eyes.A.to B.at C.for D.with33.I cant_the risk of losing you in order to achieve my goal.A.bring B.take C.carry D.get34.My parents_the habit of taking a walk after supper.A.get on B.get off C.get into D.get out of35.He was late_a result of the heavy snow.A.while B.as C.when D.for36.Did you know that the earth is home to_,animals?A.million B.millions C.million of D.millions of37.We should eat_.A.health B.healthily C.healthy D.unhealthy38.Tofu,soy milk and other bean products are_protein food.A.both B.neither C.all D.none39.People should eat all kinds of foods to have a _diet.A.balance B.balancing C.balances D.balanced40.Protein helps your body_and_strong.A.grows;stays B.growing;stayingC.grow;stay D.grow;staying41.Eating calcium foods makes your bones_.A.keep strong B.stay strongly C.become strong D.turn strong 、单词造句milk,they,soy,also,drinkare,protein,alL good,foods,theylike,would,you,to,fruit,try,a,salad?are,countries,popular,Western,salads,inand,vegetables,are,vitamins,rich,in,fruits三、阅读填空Smoking is bad for your(1)_.It can cause diseases of the heart and lungs.Youare also(2)_the people around you with your secondhand smoke.Smoking inpublic places is now(3)_the law.So we shouldn*t touch(4)_.If your familymembers smoke,encourage them to stop(5)_.Stay away from cigarettes andyou can live a long,healthy and happy life.四、选词填空一句子harm,whenever,smoke,be bad for,stay healthy金榜题名 4 前程似锦1.You can ask for help you need it.2.Watching too much TV your eyes.3.It*s important for us to.4.The doctor asked him to give up because of his illness.5.1 have done nothing to anyone.五、单词拼写.单句1.The desk is made wood.2.Paper is made wood.3.The machines were made
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