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大学英语语法精练I.选择题 Everything on ihe earth_all the limeA is changed B.is changingC.has changed D.has been changed2.Elections_ every four yeais and Congress meets once a year.A.are lake place B.are lo be taken placeC look place D.take place3.Will you come and join us when w e a feiewell party?A.mil give B.giveC gave D.haveg iven4 We should start early to make certain that we all_ there m timeA,get B.should getC will gel D.got5.It has been about 7 years since they _ .A.got married B.got marryC.gel married D.have manied6.By the time the course ends_a lot about Britain-2-大学英语语法精练A.we?U learntC.we have learnt7.What do with the house?A.are you about toC.are you going to8.The book of Fairy Tales】editedB.we are learningD.well have leamtB.will you be going toD.have you been tosoon.A.is appearing B.is to appearC.is about to appear D.shall appear9.When I returned home firom a long journey,I found my houseA.wad broken into B.had been broken intoC.had koken intoD.is koken into10.He will come to call on you the moment h e_ his wotk.A.finishesC.will finish11.By good fortune,the ledcA.would doC.did12.He Irft home in 1970 and.A.hacbt beenC.not has been13.Tliey_ than he called.B.had finishedD.finishedno damage yet.B.had doneD.has doneheard of since.B.wasn thas not beenA.have no sooner returnedC.had no sooner netumed14.We had hardly sal down when sheA.had broughtC.has broughtB.D.have hanfly retumedhad hardly returnedJates of food for usB.broughtD.was bringing15.Henry would rather that his girl friend_in the 8ame departmeiit as he does.A.woilcsC.workedB.had workedD.has been worked16.He fulfilled the plan earlier than he_A.was expected B.would expectC.expected D.had expected17.Jim would rather that JiU _ to class yesterday.A.went B.goesC.had gone D.wmiid18.W e_ the cold winter for the past 2 year?.A.would have B.hadC.have had D.have been having19.Your mother for you everywhere.Where have you been?A.has looked B.has been ioolingC looked D.was looking20.How long ago _ playing football?A.have you sloped B.did you slopC.would you stop D were you stopping2】Mr.Wilson asked mfe if these i s l a n d s Japan.A.have been belonged to B.a Are belonging toC.belong to D.beloved to22.I will take no steps until the director_ _.A.arrives R.would airiveC.wili arrive D.could arrive23,You_ thal book for ages.Please slop and have a rest.A.have been reading B have readC.are reading D.read24 She _when that young man dived in and saved her.A.drowned B,was drowni耍;C,was goi喀 to drown D.had drowned25.When I was in the city,visited the univeraity where 1.A.had studied B.studiedC.did study D.was studying26.H e_TV when I dropped in last night A.was watching B.had watchedC.watched D.have been watchir27.H e_ many of the experiences be ever in his childhood.A.gradually forget hadB.is gradually 仙getting hadC.was gradually forgetting .had had-4-大学英语语法精练D,have gradually Gomen had28.We have sometimes accidents no this line,but no accidentsA.have occurred are occurringC.occur D.occurring29.He used to have a lot cf money but h e _ any more.A.couldnt have B.doesnl haveC didnt have D.hasnt havesince last winter be taking into considerationD.needed to have taken into consideration7.The professor was profound and eloquent and_with enthusiasm.A.was always listenedB.was always listened toC.always was listened D.always lislened lo8.By the time the author comes back from abroad the books _ _.A.will have published B.will have been publishedC.will be published D.have been published9.J wondered_ to come to the party.A.should he been asked B.if he is askedC.if he should have been asked D.if he should ask10.Some form of physical education.A has been practicedC.which practiced11-The pressure of water m the pipeA.has comparedC,may be compared12.The electric wires in a house 一A are coveredby all people and nations.B.practicedD.have been practicedU the electric potential.B.might compereD,will be comparedwith some kind of insulation.B.were coveredC.is coveredD.will been covered13.By signing this applicationt J ask that an account for me and a credit card issued as 1 request.A.be openedB.is openedC.opens D.will be opened14.1 found ihat my cheating in yesterdays E咽 i$h t e s t to my parents that veryevening.A.was reportedC,had reported15.When the fire bnAe out,_ _A.the house had emptiesC.the house was made emptyB,had been nepoiledD.was being repoitedB.the house had emptiedD.the house became emptying16.By Htmoling more even income distribulicm in a devdoping country,a lower birthrale wouldA.be achievedB.achievedC achieveD.be achieving-10-大学英语语法精练17.The children_ many times not to go near the lake-A.have told B.toidC.have been lold D.were being told18.B e s i d e s,he had to pay hack all ihe money he had received from bribes.A.jailing B.being jailedC.to be jailed D.jailed9.There are problems with nuclear enei M have yei.A.to solve B.to be solvedC been solved D.bei噪 solved20.Your hair wants_.Yot/d better have it tomorrow.A.culti 增.done B.cutting.to be doneC.being cut.done D.to be cut.,.to be
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