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1.Lawyers charged such high fees,but they neverseem to be short of clients.2.Julian says he hopes to get a job and find a way tofulfill a college education.3.The rain was heavy and consequently the land wasflooded.4.We cant afford to fall behind other businesses inusing new teachnology.5.He cannot go without wine evenfor one day;he is acomplete slave to drink6.Happiness doesnt necessarily go with money7.The mother couldnt help laughing at her little boysamusing appearance.8.Thougu the plan didnt work well,he persisted infollowing it.9.Dont swear at other in any situation no matter howangry you are.10.The other day,I came upon a friend when I waswalking aimlessly on the street.11.Why didnt you ask him to prepare for the test inadvance?He could have alone it better.12.I will by no means give up my plan,despite allkinds of challenges and difficulties.13.If you have no objection,I would like to ask yourdaughter to marry me.14.After the party the mother need some volunteers tohelp with the washing-up in the kitchen。15.We dont serve anything fancy,just plain,ordinary food。16.If I tell my father what I have done,he will bemore than a little angry。17.Women in older times were forbidden from goingout without wearing long clothing。18.While I was taling with my friend,the kidswanished into nearby pet store where theydiscovered a nice little dog。19.You seem awfully tense why dont you have adrink and try to relax。20.The emphasis was to be laid mainly on the traffic ininner city areas。21.This is an important matter,so we must give itpriority over all other business。22.Bill enroll in a four-year teacher training program。23.A ting baby soon learns to distinguish its mothersface from other adults?faces24.It is very important to confine your speech to thesubject o25.She has a tender heart;she is never harsh or cruelto any body。26.I need an intermediate text book because myEnglish lever is between the beginner and theadvanced。27.Janet decived herself with dream of success but theynever came true。28.Look at the photographs and see if you can point outthe man who attacked y o u。29.If you keep trying youH make something ofyourself someday。30.mother taught me to keep going even in face ofgreat difficulties。31.It is very popular play,and it would be wise toreserve seats in advance。32.Where unemployment and crime rates are high,itcan be assumed that the latter is due to the former。33.I have a packed time table this week,could yousubstitute for meat the meeting at the head office?I 翻译句子1.She wouldnt take a drink much less would she stayfor dinner o2.How do you account for the fact that you have the lateeveryday.3.We have already poured a lot of time energy intoproject,so we have to carry on。4.The people siting next to him did publish somenovels,but hes by no means an great writer。5.He doesnt interst in football and is indifferent to whowins or loses.6.This is the first time that he makeshift a speech in thepresence of so many persons。7.It doesnt matter whether a cat is black or white,aslong as it catches mins。8.Please let me take part in the project,I am more thana little interested in it。9.Everyone knows he is special:he is free to came andgo anywhere。10.Just as a machine needs regularly so does the bodyneed。11.To our despair,he turned down our invitation。12.Most of the girls in my class,seemed to be in atease when asked to answer the question。13.The more I konw about the nature,the more I amaddicted to its mystory。14.By contrast,American parents lend to attributetheir childrens success to gift。15.One of a teachers priorities is to stimulate studentsinterest and creativity。16.I think the police are mean to protect people。17.I went to see him yesterday,only to find that hehad gone abroad several days before。18.If only I havent said those sill wordes!At thattime,I was too young to distinguish right formwrong o19.Im sure I will make something of myself,eventhough I have got no success so far。20.From my standpoint,mother has to hard thenwithout considering my feeling into account。21.You should know better than to play football in thestreet。
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