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Unit 13 Text A Live and Learn 活到老,学到老Good grades and a good job are easy to get.A good education is a different story.好分数和好工作都不难获得,但接受良好的教育却是另一回事。Her eyelids sank from lack of sleep,but Teresa s exams were always perfect,由于睡眠不足,特丽萨的眼睑松垂,但她考试成绩总是出类拔萃,her writings longer than required(被动语态),作文写得比要求的长,and her math problems rewritten to ensure cleanness.数学题目要再做一遍,以保证卷面整洁。She played the violin and the piano,volunteered at the hospital,participated in various school clubs and enjoyed none of them.她拉小提琴、弹钢琴,去医院做志愿者,参加学校里的各种俱乐部活动,虽然这些她一样也不真的喜欢。It seemed that she was born to succeed and was more than willing to sacrifice herself in the name of achievement.她好像天生就是为了取得成功,甘心情愿地把自己牺牲在成就名声当中。I watched her as her laughter stopped.我一直关注着她,直到她笑不出来。And on Teresas graduation day,she wore the valedictory medal,but her eyes were empty.特丽萨毕业的那天,她带着全优毕业生的奖章,双眼却空洞无神。Many students today display a worrying tendency to choose universities,fields of study and careers on the basis of earning potential.当今许多学生表现出一种让人不安的倾向,他们基于将来能挣多少钱的考虑来选择院校、研究领域和职业。In a large 1989 survey of college students all over the U.S.,72 percent of the students reported that their primary goal in attending college was to make more money upon graduation.1989 年对全美国大学生的一项调查显示,72的学生承认他们上大学的目的就是为了毕业后多挣钱。This state of mind came with the present generation.这种精神状态同当代大学生一起而来。Studies show that the majority of baby boomers attended college to develop themselves,their critical(批判性的)thinking skills and their personal philosophies of life.研究表明,1947-1961 年间人口生育高峰时出生的大学生上大学是为了自我发展,培养批判思维能力和个人的人生哲学。Nationally,the number of students going into business-related fields has sharply increased,and this rise has been attributed primarily to the change in educational and career emphases.从整个国家来看,从事与经济相关工作的毕业生人数已明显增长。这一增长主要由于教育和职业重点的转变所致。At Duke,economics is now the most popular major,attracting nearly 15 percent of the undergraduates,while history majors are only 5 percent of the undergraduate population.在杜克大学,经济学是现在最热门的专业,吸引了大约整个学校15的本科生,而历史学系的学生仅占整个本科生比例的5。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 8 页 -Thirty years ago the situation was reversed,with economic and business administration majors together being 8.7 percent of the undergraduates and almost 12 percent of the undergraduates declaring themselves history majors.三十年前,情况恰好相反,主修经济学和商业管理的学生仅占本科生比例的7,而几乎12 1本科生是主修历史学的。The number of English majors has also decreased,from 9 percent in 1969 to 5.5 percent today.现在,主修英语语言文学的学生数量也有所下降,从1969 年的 9下降到当今的55。Degrees in economics are popular and likely to offer their holders high salaries without the added effort of medical or law school.经济学学位现在很是吃香,很有可能让毕业生拿到高薪,也不用像攻读医学或法律那样需要付出更多的努力。And given the goals of the college students of this generation,such options are attractive.从当代大学生的目标来看,经济学类确实很吸引人。But certainly,everything has its price.当然?办任何事情都要付出代价。With this wrong idea of education,students convince themselves again and again that learning is a mechanism by which one reaches other goals.由于这种错误教育观点的误导,学生们更加相信学习是个机械的手段,通过它可以实现其他的目标。Having accepted this idea,students learn to demand little from their courses,little from their professors and little from themselves.接受了这种观点之后,学生变得不愿再从所学课程中学习知识,不愿再从老师、再从自己那里学习知识。They are satisfied with the game of institutionalized education play by the rules,cheat in the exams,win the degree.他们满足于这种程式化的教育-按规则游戏,考试时作弊,最后获得学位。Educational administration encourages this attitude with an overemphasis on grades and standardized tests.教育机构鼓励这种态度,过分强调考试成绩和标准化考试。The college admission process,an imperfect science,can rarely distinguish between those students committed to learning and those committed to other aims.大学录取的过程并不完备,很难区分哪些学生是致力于学问研究的,哪些学生是想实现其他目的的。As a result,the selection process often unintentionally reinforces this overemphasis on concrete indicators of achievement.结果,录取过程无意间更加强调突出了学生的具体考分。In this environment students are reminded that the measure of success in the GPA,and that their energies are best spent in pursuit of the goal rather than an exploratory pursuit for understanding.在这种环境下,学生提醒自己成功的标准就是各科成绩的平均积分点,把绝大部分精力花在了追求目标而不是探求知识的理解上。More often than not,they destroy themselves in the process.在这一过程中,他们经常毁了自己。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 8 页 -Despite all the facts above,there is still hope to remain.虽然有上面提到的各种现实,但仍能看到希望存在。Weak signs of idealism have been found in this generation,and strong individuals with deep desires to learn remain calm by the goals of their fellows.理想主义的微弱迹象已经在当代人身上发现。有人意志坚强,渴求知识,不为同伴的目标吓倒。Those students whose curiosity cannot be satisfied are few,but easy to identify in person.这些求知欲难以满足的学生虽然数量不多,但能够相对容易地分辨出来。They learn for the sake of learning,ask questions on any subject and regard each experience as an opportunity for a mental adventure.他们为知识而学习,提问涉及各学科的问题,把每一次经历都看做思维探险的机会。It is both idealistic and practical to suggest that universities should encourage a“life of the mind”.大学应该鼓励思维生活,这既具理想化,又切合实际。The person who likes to go to work in the morning will be more productive and more creative,and he will stop working late in life.喜欢一大早就工作的人更具有创造性,效率也高,
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