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新速度教育小升英语摸底试题就读学校姓名 _联系电话:(时间:80 分钟总分:100 分)题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分一、按照词的类别,仿照例子把单词的编号写在表格的适当地方。(10分)Job Animals Clothes Drinks A.dog B.water C.shirt D.rabbit E.lawyer F.manager G.dress H.milk I.goose J.coach K.whale L.repoter M.shorts N.tea O.juice P.coat Q.driver R.giraffe S.jeans T.coffee U.turtle 二、选出每组单词中与其它三个不同类的词,把其编号写在括号内。(5 分)()1、A.three B.fifth C.thirty D.eight()2、A.grass B.plant C.rose D.tulip()3、A.Canadian B.China C.Franch D.Japanese()4、A.warm B.snowy C.interesting D.cool()5、A.wash B.bowl C.plate D.fridge 三、根据中文将英文句子补充完整。(10分)1.I can _ _ the interesting things on the farm.(谈有关).2.We should help _ _ when we are in trouble.(互相)3.The kids in the Children s Park _ _ half are the babies.(多于)4.Its a little cold.Please _ _ warm clothes.(穿上)5.Let s draw elephants.Do you _ _ me?(同意)四、选出最佳答案,并把其编号写在括号内。(15分)1()My brother doesn t like pet s.I dont like pets_ A.too B.either C.also 2()A._ boy is Billy?B.That tall boy.A.Who B.Which C.Whose 3()Is this_ kite?No,it s _ A.her,his B.him,hers C.mine,his 4()Kate and I usually_supper at school.A.have B.has C.are having 5()_you at home yesterday?No,I _ A.Were,wasnt B.Do,dontC.Was,wasnt 6()What _ is it today?B:Its Thursday.A:day B:date C:time 7()Jims works in the school.What does he do?Hes _.名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 4 页 -A.a teacher B.a worker C.a doctor 8()A:Shall we go to the museum next week?B _ A.Where is the museum?B.You are so kind.C.Good idea 9()_ eggs do you need?Nine.A.How much B.How many C.How often 10()Which food do you prefer,Chinese _ Japanese?A.and B.or C.of 11()How do you ask the weather of tomorrow?A.What s the temperature?B.Whats the weather like today?C.What will the weather be like tomorrow?12()How do you invite your friends to your birthday party?A How can you go to the party?B.Would you like to go to my party?C.Do you often go to the party?13()Ben is ill.How do you ask him to the hospital?A.Dont worry,go and stay in the hospital,please.B.You should eat much fruit juice.C.You should go to see the doctor.14()How do you ask the way to the post office?A.Could you tell me the way to the post office?B.Can I take a bus to the post office?C.Is there a way to the post office?15()You are at the library.How do you find the book Little Red Riding Hood?A.Do you like the book Little Red Riding Hood B.Where can I find the book Little Red Riding Hood C.Can I borrow the book Little Red Riding Hood 五、用适当的词填空使对话成立。(5 分)(It is aftemoon A and B are on the phone)A.Hello,_ I speak to Mike?B._.Who s that please?A.It s Sally here.Where_you this morning Mike?I called you but you _at home B.I _ to the cinema.A.What film _ you see?B.The Lion kiog。.六、根据实际情况回答问题。(10 分)1、What s your favourite season?2、Do you like singing?3、How old are you?4、How do you go to school?名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 4 页 -5、Which do you prefer,fish or chicken?七、选择正确的答案填空,并把字母编号写在括号内。(9 分)I think(1)_ likes dogs.Dogs are our friends.My friend Tomson likes dogs very(2)_.He has a big dog.(3)_ name is Bobo.He s bright(聪明的).Every Saturday aftemoon Tomson takes Bobo for a long walk in the street.Sometimes Tomson takes Bobo to the park.Tomson(4)_ the frisby and Bobo catches it in the air.Bobo can open the door and close the door.When Tomson goes to school.Bobo stands in(5)_ of the door and waits door.When Tomson goes to school.Bobo stands in and waits(6)_ Tomson coming.When he sees Tomson coming.he(7)_ the door and cameshis bag.What a bright dog.I like Bobo.I often go to Tomsons home to play(8)_ him.I often give Bobo(9)_ to eat.I want to have a dog,too.()1、A.everyone B.all of us C.we()2、A.much B.many C.well()3、A.It sB.Hes C.Its()4、A.throw B.is throwing C.throws()5、A.back B.front C.iniddle()6、A.in B.for C.of()7、A.opens B.open C.is opening()8、A.to B.with C.to()9、A.something B.nothing C.anything 八、用动词的适当形式填空。(10分)1、Why dont you_(walk)to school in the morning?2、Would you like_(eat)some bread?3、How many_(knife)did you buy yesterday?4、Look!The children_(dance)in the playground.5、She_(live)in China.6.My father likes_(play)basketball.7.What about_(play)football now?8.Miss Li lives on the _(two)floor in this building.9.Listen!The students _(read)English in their classroom 10.How many_(sheep)are there on the hill?九、阅读理解。(共15 分)(一)判断对错,对的写T,错的写 F。(占 5 分)Jim is an English boy.He comes to China with his father and mother.They come here to work.Jim comes here to study.He is in No.5 Middle School.He gets up early every day.He isnt late for school.He studies hard.He can read English well.He often helps us with our English,and we often help him with his Chinese.After class he likes playing football,swimming,running,jumping and riding.He makes many friends here.We are glad to stay with him.On Sunday he often helps 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 3 页,共 4 页 -his mother clean the house,mend something or do the shopping.He likes Chinese food very much.。He likes living here.He likes Chinese students very much.We all like him,too.()1.He gets up late every day.()2.He often teaches us English.()3.After class,he likes singing and playing baske
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