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SH/T 3903-A.4 定位测量报验申请表Inspection Request工程名称Works Title:唐山中润煤化工有限公司20 万吨/年粗苯加氢精制项目一期10 万吨/年工程编号Item No:致 抚顺诚信石化工程项目管理有限公司(监理单位)To(CS/CMC)我单位已完成了循环水 CWS CWR 管线定位测量 工作,经自检合格,现报上该工程报验申请表,请予以审查和验收。We have completed the works,after the self inspection,the works is on spec,now we submit the inspection request for this works,please inspect and accept.附 Attached:工程定位测量记录1 份承包单位(章)Contractor(Chop)项目经理Project Manager 日期Date 审查意见Review comments:项目监理机构CS/CMC 总/专业监理工程师Chief/discipline supervision engineer 日期Date 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 8 页 -SH/T 3903-A.4 定位测量报验申请表Inspection Request工程名称Works Title:唐山中润煤化工有限公司20 万吨/年粗苯加氢精制项目一期10 万吨/年工程编号Item No:致 抚顺诚信石化工程项目管理有限公司(监理单位)To(CS/CMC)我单位已完成了消防水FW 管线定位测量 工作,经自检合格,现报上该工程报验申请表,请予以审查和验收。We have completed the works,after the self inspection,the works is on spec,now we submit the inspection request for this works,please inspect and accept.附 Attached:工程定位测量记录1 份承包单位(章)Contractor(Chop)项目经理Project Manager 日期Date 审查意见Review comments:项目监理机构CS/CMC 总/专业监理工程师Chief/discipline supervision engineer 日期Date 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 8 页 -SH/T 3903-A.4 定位测量报验申请表Inspection Request工程名称Works Title:唐山中润煤化工有限公司20 万吨/年粗苯加氢精制项目一期10 万吨/年工程编号Item No:致 抚顺诚信石化工程项目管理有限公司(监理单位)To(CS/CMC)我单位已完成了含油污水PWW 管线定位测量 工作,经自检合格,现报上该工程报验申请表,请予以审查和验收。We have completed the works,after the self inspection,the works is on spec,now we submit the inspection request for this works,please inspect and accept.附 Attached:工程定位测量记录1 份承包单位(章)Contractor(Chop)项目经理Project Manager 日期Date 审查意见Review comments:项目监理机构CS/CMC 总/专业监理工程师Chief/discipline supervision engineer 日期Date 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 3 页,共 8 页 -SH/T 3903-A.4 定位测量报验申请表Inspection Request工程名称Works Title:唐山中润煤化工有限公司20 万吨/年粗苯加氢精制项目一期10 万吨/年工程编号Item No:致 抚顺诚信石化工程项目管理有限公司(监理单位)To(CS/CMC)我单位已完成了废芳烃 SL1 管线定位测量 工作,经自检合格,现报上该工程报验申请表,请予以审查和验收。We have completed the works,after the self inspection,the works is on spec,now we submit the inspection request for this works,please inspect and accept.附 Attached:工程定位测量记录1 份承包单位(章)Contractor(Chop)项目经理Project Manager 日期Date 审查意见Review comments:项目监理机构CS/CMC 总/专业监理工程师Chief/discipline supervision engineer 日期Date 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 4 页,共 8 页 -SH/T 3903-A.4 定位测量报验申请表Inspection Request工程名称Works Title:唐山中润煤化工有限公司20 万吨/年粗苯加氢精制项目一期10 万吨/年工程编号Item No:致 抚顺诚信石化工程项目管理有限公司(监理单位)To(CS/CMC)我单位已完成了废溶剂 SL3 管线定位测量 工作,经自检合格,现报上该工程报验申请表,请予以审查和验收。We have completed the works,after the self inspection,the works is on spec,now we submit the inspection request for this works,please inspect and accept.附 Attached:工程定位测量记录1 份承包单位(章)Contractor(Chop)项目经理Project Manager 日期Date 审查意见Review comments:项目监理机构CS/CMC 总/专业监理工程师Chief/discipline supervision engineer 日期Date 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 5 页,共 8 页 -SH/T 3903-A.4 定位测量报验申请表Inspection Request工程名称Works Title:唐山中润煤化工有限公司20 万吨/年粗苯加氢精制项目一期10 万吨/年工程编号Item No:致 抚顺诚信石化工程项目管理有限公司(监理单位)To(CS/CMC)我单位已完成了含油污水OD 管线定位测量 工作,经自检合格,现报上该工程报验申请表,请予以审查和验收。We have completed the works,after the self inspection,the works is on spec,now we submit the inspection request for this works,please inspect and accept.附 Attached:工程定位测量记录1 份承包单位(章)Contractor(Chop)项目经理Project Manager 日期Date 审查意见Review comments:项目监理机构CS/CMC 总/专业监理工程师Chief/discipline supervision engineer 日期Date 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 6 页,共 8 页 -SH/T 3903-A.4 定位测量报验申请表Inspection Request工程名称Works Title:唐山中润煤化工有限公司20 万吨/年粗苯加氢精制项目一期10 万吨/年工程编号Item No:致 抚顺诚信石化工程项目管理有限公司(监理单位)To(CS/CMC)我单位已完成了雨水RD 管线定位测量 工作,经自检合格,现报上该工程报验申请表,请予以审查和验收。We have completed the works,after the self inspection,the works is on spec,now we submit the inspection request for this works,please inspect and accept.附 Attached:工程定位测量记录1 份承包单位(章)Contractor(Chop)项目经理Project Manager 日期Date 审查意见Review comments:项目监理机构CS/CMC 总/专业监理工程师Chief/discipline supervision engineer 日期Date 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 7 页,共 8 页 -SH/T 3903-A.4 定位测量报验申请表Inspection Request工程名称Works Title:唐山中润煤化工有限公司20 万吨/年粗苯加氢精制项目一期10 万吨/年工程编号Item No:致 抚顺诚信石化工程项目管理有限公司(监理单位)To(CS/CMC)我单位已完成了新鲜水PW 管线定位测量 工作,经自检合格,现报上该工程报验申请表,请予以审查和验收。We have completed the works,after the self inspection,the works is on spec,now we submit the inspection request for this works,please inspect and accept.附 Attached:工程定位测量记录1 份承包单位(章)Contractor(Chop)项目经理Project Manager 日期Date 审查意见Review comments:项目监理机构CS/CMC 总/专业监理工程师Chief/discipline supervision engineer 日期Date 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 8 页,共 8 页 -
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