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牛津新版七年级上册Unit 3 Grammar教案主备人:尤文燕时间2014-9-27 地点七年级办公室召集人课题Unit3 Grammar 课时 8 课时(总第 4 课时)科任教师授课时间教学目标知识与水平:(1)、learn personal pronoun:subject form&object form(2)、learn some new phrases:look at,let me see,after class,say hello to sb,on the phone(3)、learn some new sentences:Do you know the teacher over?I have some new friends./Pardon?过程与方法:Lead-in-self-learning-presentation-practice情感态度价值观:热爱学校,向他人介绍校园环境。善于与人交往,培养和谐的人际关系。重难点学习人称代词主格宾格的用法,学会使用准确的人称代词实行表达。教学过程Step1导入新课、揭示目标Revise some sentences in Reading.Step 2学生自学,质疑问难A.Show the students learning aims on the screen.B.1.复习人称代词主格及宾格的用法。C.翻译短语1.向某人问好2.和某人是朋友3.和某人是朋友4.通过电话5.在墙上Step 3合作探究,解决疑难Presentation 1 Useful sentences(1)It is our school.Do you like it?(2)You study here.Teachers can help you with your study.(3)I teach English here.You can ask me some questions.说出句中的人称代词作主语或宾语2 We can use personal pronouns to replace nouns for people/things.We use the object form when the noun is the object of a verb or pre position.列出一组句子,让学生说出句中的人称代词作主语或宾语。:1.It is my pet dog.2.He studies here.3.She always helps others.4.We often get up early.5.They can teach us Chinese.6.Do you say hello to her every day?协助学生总结人称代词的用法。3.完成 PartA,Page 35.小组讨论核对。4A 师生对话,谈论同学或朋友,复习人称代词的用法。S1:Please look at the pictures of my friends on the wall.教研活动记录教研活动记录自主备课记录自主备课记录T:OK.Let me see.Is this Daniel?S1:Yes,it is.He is clever.He is good at Maths.T:Is that Simon?S2:Yes.Simon is tall.He is in our school football team.B 1)小组相互检查 Page36 Part B。2)分角色朗读表演 PartB 对话。C.知识点拨1)You are good friends with them,right?be friends with sb“与某人是朋友”。2)I like to play with them after class.play 不及物动词,与动词work(工作)相对,play with sb。a、play 作及物动词,意为“打(球),演奏(乐器)”;作名词,意为“游戏,剧本”。注意:球类前不加冠词,而乐器前加定冠词the。b、player 是名词,意为“球员,运动员,选手”。3)I d like to say hello to her.我想要向她问好。say hello to sb“向某人问好,跟某人打招呼”。总结本课所学语法。人称代词(主格)第一人称第二人称第三人称单数复数单数复数单数宾格人称代词主格在句中作_,人称代词宾 格 在 句 中 作 _,通 常 放 在_和 _ 后面。Step 4.巩固新知,当堂训练一、根据提示和句意完成句子,使句子意思完整准确。1.Millie keeps (日记)every day.2.P?Can you say it again?3.Tom tells me this story on the (电话).4.On the(墙),there are some pictures.5.(看着)this book,its not yours.二、用准确的人称代词填空。1.My aunt is a teacher._ is nice to her students.2.Tom and I are in the same school,but _ arent in the same class.3.Hi,David.How are _?Fine,thank you.4.Here is some news.Is _ good?5.David and Kitty go to school together because _ live near each other.6.My name is Kitty and _ live in Nanjing.7.Where is your mother?I cant find _ anywhere.8.Mr.Wu and his students are over there.Now _ is talking to _._ are going to have a class.三、根据首字母完成短文。Tom and Helen a 1 in Paris this weekend.They f 2 from London and get to the airport at 10 on Saturday morning.They t 3 a taxi from the airport to their hotel.On the way,they r 4 a lot of comic books in a bookstore.In the evening they h 5 dinner in a French restaurant.On Sunday they v 6 the Labour.Museum.They e 7 all the things in the museum and l 8 a lot.Though they are very t 9 ,they feel very happy.They get h 10 on Sunday evening.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 课外作业,拓展延伸1.Recite the useful vocabulary.2.Complete some exercise.板书设计Unit 3 welcome to our schoolGrammar Are you free today?=do you have time today In one s free time=when sb be free Don t open the box be friends with sb“与某人是朋友”。play with sb。球类前不加冠词,而乐器前加定冠词the。say hello to sb“向某人问好,跟某人打招呼”。人称代词(主格)第一人称第二人称第三人称单数复数单数复数单数宾格教学反思
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