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小学四年级英语下册四月份测试题班级姓名分数命题人:姚哥庄小学单秀娟时间 60 分钟 听一听,连一连。taller yon ger thi nner bigger 二、听音,把正确句子的序号填在括号内。()1.A.Will you take your kite?B.Will you take your cake?()2.A.It s long and wide.B.It s short and wide.()3.A.Daming is stron ger tha n Sam.B.Daming is older tha n Sam.()4.A.London is the capital of En gla nd.B.London is the capital of China.()5.A.The Chan gjia ng River is Ion ger tha n the Y ellow River.B.The Changjiang River is shorter than the Yellow River.三、根据课文或图形选词填空。better worse 1.good 7.fat 8ong 9.n ice-五、根据图片意思,判断所给的句子是否相符,相符的写”T”,不符 的写”(2.The man is taller tha n the boy 3.She can dan ce.4.I will ride a bike.5.The Great Wall is very short.六.选择()1._ your father a doctor?Yes,he is.A.Who s B.Are C.Is()2.Excuse me,are you a new student?_.A.Yes,she is.B.No,I mnot.C.Yes,they2.The elephant is than the monkey.(big,bigger)than the girl.(good,better)4.Is Dami ng taller tha n Lin gli ng A.Y es,he is.B.No,she isn t四、写出下列单词的比较级。Example:small smaller l.big 2.tall 3.good 4.bad 5.young 6.thin F”)o 1.He can play football.The boy is are.()3.What are _?They re farmers.A.his job B.her job C.their jobs()4.Howmany _ do you want?One _,please.A.kilos,kilos B.kilo,kilos C.kilos,kilo()5.What are those?_ man goes.A.Those are B.They re C.It s()6.Who s the girl with _?She s my sister.A.l ong hair B.big ear C.small nose()7.How old is your grandfather?_ sixty-two.A.I m B.He s C.She s()8.What s _ job?A policeman,I think.A.your B.her C.his()9.Is that _ apple?Yes,it is.It s _ big apple A.a,a B.an,an C.an,a()10.Is he your brother?Which one?The one _ the blue sweater.A.with B.in C.on 七.根据上下文,选择适当的单词,完成对话。(5%)watermelons,big,too,much,many,can,like,these thirty,those B:Some _,please.B:The _ ones.B:Five kilos,please.B:I d _ some B:Three kilos.How _ A:_yua n,please.B:Here you are.Bye.八.按照正确的顺序排列下列句子(10%)。1.A.She s a nurse.A:_ I help you?A:_ or _?A:How _ kilos:A:Here you are.pin eapples,_ A:How many kilos?are they?B.Who s the woman in the blue coat C.I m fine,thank you.And you?D.She s Mrs Black E.Thank you.Goodbye!F.Good morning,how are you?G.I m fine,too.H.What s her job?F B E 2.A.It s my family photo.B.Y es,he is.C.Is he a policema n?D.What s that,Sandy?E.Is that many our father?F.No,he s a doctor.D 九、阅读短文,判断对错。Beijing Books Building(建筑)is in Xi Dan,and it s not too old.But it s very big and nice.In it,there are many,ma ny books,in cludi ng Chin ese books and books of many other(其他)Ianguages(语言).Samlikes Chinese books very much.He always(总是)goes there to buy books.()1.Sam likes En glish books.()2.Beijing Books Building is in Xi an.()3.There are many books.()4.Sam doesn t always go there to buy books.
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