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百度文库人教版小学英语六年级上册单词表Unit 1by bai经,乘foot fut脚bike baik自行车bus bs公共汽车train trein火车plane plein飞机ship ip船;舰subway sbwei地铁how hau怎样go to school 上学fifth fif第五traffic trfik交通traffic light lait交通灯traffic rule ru:l 交通规则stop stp停,停车站wait weit等待remember rimemb记住get to到达find faind寻找;找到11百度文库difference difrns不同;区别same seim相同的every evri每个;所有的country kntri国家always :lweiz, -wiz总是mean mi:n意思是drive draiv驾驶right rait右边的side said边England ilnd英国Australia streilj 澳大利亚however hauev但是left left左边的if如果must必须know知道Unit 2Library laibrri图书馆Post pust officefis, :-hospital hspitl医院cinema sinm电影院22邮局百度文库bookstore bukst:书店science sains museum mju:zim科学博物馆excuseikskju:z, ikskju:s me对不起where在哪里,到哪里please请next to与相邻far 远supermarket sju:p,m:kit超市bank bk银行after school放学以后want想要buy买a pair of一双shoe store鞋店get off 下车minuteminit分钟north n: 北south sau, sau南east i:st东west west西turn t:n转弯33百度文库right右边left左边straight streit成直线地then en然后twelfth twelf第二十party p:ti聚会;晚会tell告诉start st:t开始take teik乘坐look for 寻找Unit 3next week 下周this morning 今天上午this afternoon 今天下午this evening今天晚上tonight tnait今晚tomorrow tmru 明天take a trip trip去旅行read a magazine ,mzi:ngo to the cinema sinm去看电影44阅读杂志百度文库theme i:mpark p:k主题公园the Great reit Wall w:l长城busy bizi忙碌的together te一起地comic kmikbook漫画书post pust card k:d明信片newspaper nju:s,peip, nju:z-magazine ,mzi:n杂志dictionary dik nri词典 ;字典buy bai购买fruit stand stnd水果摊pet shop 宠物商店need ni:d需要plant pl:nt, plnt植物else els其他;另外shop p商店Unit 4Hobby hbi爱好ride a bike-riding a bike骑自行车55报纸百度文库divediving 跳水play the violinplaying the violin,vailin拉小提琴make kitesmaking kites制作风筝collectklektstampsstmpcollecting邮showstmp展览pen pal 笔友deardi亲爱的twintwin双胞胎之一something smi某事物must 一定;肯定fun 快乐;乐趣with 同TV reporter 电视台记者live lives居住teachteaches 教gogoes 去watchwatches 看readreads读,看doesdoesnt=does not66stamps 集百度文库different difrnt不同的week wi:k星期;周say sei说soon su:n不久excited iksaitid兴奋的;激动的Unit 5singer si歌唱家,歌手writer rait作家actor kt男演员actress ktris女演员artist :tist画家TVreporter rip:t电视台记者Hong Kong香港engineer ,endini工程师accountant kauntnt会计policeman pli:smn男警察 salesperson seilz,p:sn销售员cleaner seilz,p:sn清洁工company kmpni公司where hw 在哪里,到哪里work w:k工作77百度文库factory fktri工厂design dizain 设计tip tip有用的小建议help help帮助money mni 钱well 好;对;满意地enjoy indi 从获得乐趣tourist turist 旅行者;way wei 路;道motor cycle saikl 摩托车police pli:s 警方;警察部门Unit 6rain rein雨cloud klaud云vapour veip 蒸汽;水汽sun sn太阳streamstri:m河,溪comefrom来自,从来shine ain照耀become bikm变成little litl小的88百度文库drop drp一滴wake weikup醒来feel fi:l 感觉到think ik想;思考meet mi:t遇见high hai高的other 其他的fall f:l落下down daun向下into intu: 进入come out 露出again en又seed si:d种子soil sil土壤sproutspraut苗,芽plantpl:nt, plnt植物,种植then然后garden :dn 花园easy i:zi简单的put put放several sevrl一些day 天99should应该百度文库see 看见pot pt锅碗瓢盆lovely lvli 可爱的make sure u, : 核实month mn 月份still stil 仍然hardly h:dli几乎不seed si:d 种子soil sil 土壤sprout spraut 苗,芽plant pla:nt, plnt 植物,种植should 应该then 然后garden ga:dn 花园1010
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