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1 温馨提示:此套题为 Word 版,请按住 Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭 Word 文档返回原板块。课堂课堂 1010 分钟达标分钟达标.用所给词或短语的适当形式填空 1.By the time Edison was ten,a chemistry lab _(build).2.The dish _(eat)up when I got there.3._ the new plan _(discuss)before the meeting?4.Was the boy reminded that his homework _(not hand in)?5.Which hospital _ Mary _(send)to before midnight?答案:1.had been built 2.had been eaten 3.Had;been discussed 4.had not been handed in 5.had;been sent .单句语法填空 1.Yesterday our teacher told us that light _(travel)much faster than sounds.【解析】travels。句意:昨天老师告诉我们光比声音传播得快得多。直接引语是客观真理和永恒不变的事实时,变为间接引语时,时态不变。2 2.Were you late for the film?Very late.Half of it _(show)by the time we _(reach)the cinema.【解析】had been shown;reached。你看电影迟到了吗?迟到了,当我们到电影院的时候,电影已经演了一半了。by the time+时间状语从句,当从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时,主句的谓语动词则用过去完成时。【补偿训练】By the time he finished his homework,he _(feel)very tired.【解析】felt。句意:到他写完作业的时候,他觉得累极了。根据句意可知,finish 和 feel 两个动作几乎同时发生,所以都使用一般过去时态。3.What made the school famous was that more than90%of the students _ _(admit)to key universities.【解析】had been admitted。句意:使这所学校出名的是 90%多的学生被重点大学录取。more than90%of the students 与 admit 之间是被动关系,且 admit 这一动作发生在谓语动词之前,故用过去完成时的被动结构。4.Ann,what did the teacher say?She said _ film was moving.【解析】that。句意:安,老师说什么了?她说那部电影很感人。在直接引语中指示代词用 this,在间接引语中用 that。5.Tim _(ask)me to repeat my address.3【解析】asked。句意:蒂姆要我重复一下我的地址。若直接引语是表示请求或命令的祈使句,变为间接引语时,应使用 ask sb.(not)to do sth.结构。6.He said that he _(visit)most places of interest in Europe by then and that he _(leave)for China the next day.【解析】had visited;would leave。句意:他说那时他已经参观了欧洲的大部分名胜,他将于第二天前往中国。直接引语中的现在完成时转换为间接引语时应改为过去完成时;直接引语中的一般将来时转换为间接引语时应改为过去将来时。.完成下列句子 1.She said,“Do you like to sing?”She asked me _ _ liked to sing.2.“When will you go fishing?”Jane asked her father.Jane asked her father when _ _ _fishing.3.The teacher said to the student,“Dont be late again”.The teacher _the student _ _be late again.4.The teacher said,“The earth goes round the sun.”The teacher said that the earth _ _the sun.5.He said to me,“I was born in1973.”He told me that _ _born in1973.答案:1.if I 2.he would go 3.told;not to 4.goes round 5.he was 4.语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Everybody knows how to learn.Learning is a1._(nature)thing.It begins the minute we are born.Our first teachers are our families.At home we learn to talk and to dress and to feed ourselves.We learn these and other skills by2._(follow).Then we go to school.Are we really educated?Lets think about the real meaning of learning.Knowing facts doesnt mean being able to solve problems.Solving problems requires3._(create),not just4._good memory.Some people who dont know many facts can also be good at solving problems.Henry Ford is a good example.He5._(leave)school at the age of 15.Later,his company couldnt build cars fast enough.After the assembly line 6._(think)of,he solved the problem.Today the answer seems simple.What does a good teacher do?We must sometimes remember facts,but a good teacher7._(show)how to find answers.He brings us to the stream of knowledge so we can think for ourselves.When we are thirsty,we know 8._we should go.True learning combines intake9._output.We take information into our brains.Then we use it.Think of a computer,it 5 stores a lot of information,10._it cant think.It only obeys commands.A person who only remembers facts hasnt really learned.Learning takes place only when a person can use what he knows.答案:1.natural 2.following 3.creativity 4.a 5.left 6.had been thought 7.shows 8.where 9.with 10.but 关闭 WordWord 文档返回原板块
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