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Part I Writing ( 30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the chart below. You should start your essay with a brif description of the chart and comment on Chinas achievements in poverty alleviation. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part Rural population in poverty poverty headcount ratio (% of rural population) (Million people) 100.-.12 15 50 25 Sources: Chinas National Bureau of Statistics, Chinas State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) i,Jigij: EEi 2021 6 /,JatijT 2 l!Jrf1 *1tlfffi11Jrj;J mf 2 i:*11c-, flJl!:JrJ - , lz;l .tlt:f:E* MI IP JHlU! ili J?-LPart Section A Reading Comprehension ( 40 minutes) Directions: In this section , there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word. bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices; Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with. a. single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. At 43, Ive reached the stage where women are warned to watch out for the creeping sadness of middle age. Were served up an endless stream of advice on how to survive your 40s, as if were in the endurance stage of a slow limp toward 26 . This is the age women start to become invisible-our value, attractiveness and power supposedly 27 by the vanishing of youth. But I dont feel like Im fading into 28 . I feel more seen than I ever have, and for. the first time in my life, I have a clear-eyed view of myself that is 29 , compassionate and accepting. When I look in the mirror, Im proud of who I am-even those broken parts that for so long seemed impossible to love. So when advertisers try to sell me ways to turn back the clock, I have to 30 a laugh. I wouldnt go back to the crippling self-consciousness of my youth if you paid me. This hard-won sense of self-acceptance is one of the joys of being an older woman. But its a narrative often 31 out by the shame that marketers rely on to peddle us their diet pills, miracle face creams and breathable yoga pants-as if self-love is a 32 commodity. * 2021 6 )3 47 For some women I know, this sense of trust and self-belief later in life gave them the courage to leave dysfunctional relationships or 33 on new career paths. Others talked about enjoying their own company, of growth through 34 , deepening bonds of friendships, the ability to be more compassionate, less judgmental and to listen more and appreciate the small pleasures. Life past 40 is far from smooth sailing, but its so much more than the reductive 35 we see in womens magazines and on the Hollywood big screen. A) adversityB) authenticC) conveyD) depictionsE) diminishedSection B F) drownedG) embarkH) fragilityI) neglectedJ) obscurityK) outlinesL) prevalentM) purchasableN) submit0) suppressDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 . What Are the Ethics of CGI Actors-And Will They Replace Real Ones? A) Digital humans are coming to a screen near you. As computer-generated imagery ( CGI) has becomecheaper and more sophisticated, the film industry can now convincingly recreate people on screeneven actors who have been dead for decades. The technologys ability to effectively keep celebritiesalive beyond the grave is raising questions about public legacies and image rights.B) Late in 2019, it was announced that US actor James Dean, who died in 1955, will star in a VietnamWar film scheduled for release later this year. In the film, which will be called Finding Jack , Deanwill be recreated on screen with CGI based on old footage (Jtfl) and photographs, with anotheractor voicing him. The news was met with excitement by those keen to see Dean digitally brought backto life for only his fourth film, but it also drew sharp criticism. This is puppeteering the dead for theirfame alone, actress Zelda Williams wrote on Twitter. It sets such an awful precedent for the futureof performance. Het father, Robin Williams, whodied in 2014, was-keen to avoid the same:fate,Before his death, he filed a deed protecting the use of his image until 2039, preventing others fromrecreating him using CGI to appear in a film, TV show or as a hologram (.i:lfft).C) The James Dean film is a way to keep the actors image relevant for younger generations, says MarkRoesler of CMG Worldwide, the firm that represents Deans estate. I think this is the beginning ofan entire wave, says Travis Cloyd, CEO of Worldwide XR
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