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1、难得糊涂是一种境界,心平如境是一种修养9/4/2022 12:06:51 PM12:06:5104-9月-22。9月-229月-222、顺其自然是一种超脱,威武不屈是一种品格。9/4/2022 12:06 PM9/4/2022 12:06 PM9月-229月-22 12:06:5112:06Sep-2204-Sep-224、富贵不淫是一种情操,常笑就是健康,快乐成就人生。12:06:5112:06:5112:06Sunday,September 4,20225、积极向上的心态,是成功者的最基本要素。9月-229月-2212:06:5112:06:51September 4,20226、人言纷杂,保持自我;工作勤奋,娱乐适度。04 九月 202212:06:51 下午12:06:519月-227、积极的人在每一次忧患中都看到一个机会。九月 2212:06 下午9月-2212:06September 4,20228、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2022/9/4 12:06:5112:06:5104 September 20229、9/4/2022 12:06:51 PM12:06:5104-9月-22。12:06:51 下午12:06 下午12:06:519月-2210、上帝说爱情需要缘份,两个命中注定相爱的人。9/4/2022 12:06:51 PM12:06:5104-9月-2211、爱已欠费,情已停机,缘分不在服务区。9/4/2022 12:06 PM9/4/2022 12:06 PM9月-229月-22国际贸易术语大全(ppt 69页)第二节第二节 国际贸易术语国际贸易术语INTERNATIONAL TRADE TERMS一、概述1、INCOTERMS只限于销售合同当事人权利义务中的一部分内容,不能涵盖全部;只涉及“有形”货物买卖问题而不涉及“无形”货物;2、INCOTERMS具有任意性;3、INCOTERMS中买卖双方的权利义务是以对应方式呈现的。nThe global economy has given business broader access than ever before to markets all over the wold.Goods are sold in more countries,in large quantities,and in greater variety.But as the volume and complexity of global sales increase,so do possibilities for misunderstandings and costly disputes when sale contracts are not adequately drafted.The Incoterms rules,the ICC rules on the use of domestic and international trade terms facilitate the conduct of global trade.Reference to an Incoterms 2010 rule in a sale contract clearly defines the parties respective obligations and reduces the risk of legal complications.nSince the creation of the Incoterms rules by ICC in 1936,this globally accepted contractual standard has been regularly updated to keep pace with the development of international trade.nThe Incoterms rules explain a set of three-letter trade terms reflecting business-to-business practice in contracts for the sale of goods.The Incoterms rules describe mainly the tasks,costs and risks involved in the delivery of goods from sellers to buyers.nAs in the Incoterms rules,the sellers and buyers obligations are presented in mirror fashion,reflecting under column A the sellers obligations and under column B the buyers obligations.These obligations can be carried out personally by the seller or the buyer or sometimes,subject to terms in the contract or the applicable law,through intermediaries such as carriers,freight forwarders or other persons nominated by the seller or the buyer for a specific purpose.4、对INCOTERMS2000做简要介绍nINCOTERMS2000共13个术语,分为E、F、C、D四组,排列顺序呈现出买方义务越来越小、卖方义务越来越大的特点。nINCOTERMS2010的主要变化:n(1)术语分类进行了调整n(2)数量由原来的13种变为11种n(3)E、F、C组贸易术语从内容看与2000相比变化不大术语分类术语分类Incoterms2000Incoterms2010E组EXW,工厂交货EXWF组FCA FAS FOB FCA FAS FOBC组CFR CIF CPT CIP CFR CIF CPT CIPD组DAF DES DEQ DDU DDPDAT DAP DDP二、如何使用INCOTERMS2010n1、在买卖合同中写入国际贸易术语解释通则2010的术语n2、选择合适的国际贸易术语。n3、尽可能对地点和港口做出详细说明。n4、切忌国际贸易术语并没有给你一个完整的买卖合同二、How to use the Incoterms 2010 rulesn1.Incorporate the Incoterms2010 rules into your contract of sale If you want the Incoterms2010 rules to apply to your contract,you should make this clear in the contract,through sucn words as,”the chosen Incotrerms rule including the named place,followed by Incoterms2010”.n2.Choose the appropriate Incoterms rulen3.Specify your place or port as precisely as possibleThe chosen Incoterms rule can work only if the parties name a place or port,and will work best if the parties specify the place or port as precisely as possible.A good example of such precision would be:”FCA 38 Cours Albert 1er,Paris,France Incoterms2010”.n4.Remenber that Incoterms rules do not give you a complete contract of sale.三、Incoterms2010 术语专用词解释术语专用词解释n承运人:在Incoterms2010 rules中,承运人是签约承担运输责任的一方。n海关手续:指为遵守任何适用的海关规定所需满足的要求,并可包括各类文件、安全、信息或实物检验的义务。n交货:在贸易法律与实务中,此概念有多种涵义。但在Incoterms2010 术语中,它所指的是货物灭失与损坏的风险从卖方转移至买方的点n交货凭证:此词现为A8的标题。它是指证明已交货的凭证。在Incoterms2010 许多术语中,交货凭证是运输凭证或对应的电子记录。但是,在使用EXW、FCA、FAS和FOB时,交货凭证可能仅仅是一张收据。交货凭证也会有其他作用,比如作为支付安排的构成部分。n电子记录或程序:由一条或多条电子信息组成的整套信息,同时如适用时与对应的纸质凭证具有同等效力。n包装:此词可用于不同目的:n1)为满足买卖合同的要求对货物进行包装。n2)为适应运输需要对货物进行包装。n3)在集装箱或其他运载工具中装载包装好的货物。n在Incoterms2010 术语中,包装所指的是以上第一种和第二种情况。国际贸易术语解释通则2010中的术语不涉及各方在集装箱内的装载义务,因此,如需要的话,各方应在买卖合同中作出约定。nCarrier:For the purpose of the Incoterms2010 rules,the carrier is the party with whom carriage is contracted.nCustoms formalities:These are requirements to be met in order to comply with any applicable customs regulations and may include documentary,security,information or physical inspection obligations.nDelivery:This concept has multiple meanings in trade law and practice,but in the Incoterms 2010 rules,it is used to indicate where the risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes from the seller to the buyer.nDelivery document:This phrase is now used as the heading to article A8.It means a document used to prove that delivery has occurred.For many of the Incoterms 2010 rules,the delivery document is a transport document or corresponding electronic record.However,with EXW,FCA,FAS,FOB,the delivery document may simply be a receipt.A delivery document may also have other functions,for example as part of the mechanism for payment.nE
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