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陕西省咸阳市田阜中学2023年高一英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, _ about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.A. have caused B. causing C. caused D. to be causing参考答案:B略2. Its cold here. _ I switch on the heating?A. Should B. Will C. Would D. Shall参考答案:D3. The country life he was used to _ greatly since 1992.A. change B. has changed C. changing D. have changed参考答案:B4. _this magazine _ Jane?A .Is; belonged to B. Does; belong to C .Is ; belonging to D. Does ; belonging to 参考答案:B略5. The aging of the population will have a great _ on our society in many ways. A. goodB. harmC. effectD. danger参考答案:C6. _ that the way people spend their holidays has changed a great deal in the past ten years.A. Which is reported B. What is reported C. As is reported D. It is reported参考答案:D7. How long has your brother been working here?_ he graduated from college in 2006.AWhen BUntil CEver since DLong before参考答案:C答语的完整形式是:My brother has been working here ever since he graduated from college in 2006。四个选项中,只有ever since引导的时间状语从句能与现在完成进行时连用。30. All the doctors in the hospital insisted that he _badly wounded and that he _at once.A. should be; be operated on B. were; must be operated onC. be; was operated on D. was; be operated on参考答案:D略9. We have every reason to believe the print media are usually more _ and reliable than the Internet.Aurgent Bridiculous Caccurate Dshallow参考答案:C10. - They are quiet, arent they?- Yes, They are used _ at meals.Ato talk Bto talking Cto not talking Dnot to talk参考答案:C试题分析:句意:他们很安静,不是吗?是的,他们习惯于吃饭时不说话。be used to doing习惯于做某事,此处是否定形式,故选C.11. The fine weather make _possible for us to go outing.A. what B. this C. it D. that参考答案:C12. I ll never forget Mr. Smith, help we had made great progress.A. with his B. with whose C. his D. who参考答案:B13. Id like to arrive 20 minutes early_ I can have time for a cup of tea.Aas soon asBas a resultCin case Dso that参考答案:D解析考查连词。句意:我想早到20分钟,目的是为了我能有时间喝杯茶。so that 引导目的状语从句。14. When I met her this morning, I went up to greet her but I _ and she continued her way. A. was kept away B. was ignored C. was left alone D. was kept away 参考答案:B15. A student of Fudan University _ Huang Yang, was reported _ by his roommate, _ the whole nation.A. named; to have been poisoned; which shocked B. naming; being poisoned; shockingC. named; to be poisoned; shocked D. named; poisoned; as shocked参考答案:A16. It is the third time that he _ the first prize in the competition. A. wins B. won C. has won D. to win 参考答案:C17. Three were killed in the accident _ a baby. A. containing B. included C. contained D. including参考答案:D18. “Why didnt she come to the meeting yesterday?” “Im not so sure. She _ ill.”A. should beB. should have beenC. must beD. might have been参考答案:D从时间上看,由于是昨天没来开会,所以推测他生病也应指昨天,故排除A和C。从语境上看,既然上文说 Im not so sure,那么说明说话者对自己的推测没有很大把握,故选D。19. Because of the traffic jams ahead, the policeman, whose voice came out of the fog, was trying to _ Polly down.A. break B. turn C. wave D. bend参考答案:C考查动词辨析。A. break打破;B. turn变得;C. wave挥手;D. bend弯曲。句意:因为前面有交通堵塞,那个警察的声音从雾中传来,正挥手试图让Polly停下来。指警察指挥交通,故选C.二、 新的题型20. If happy is what you want to be, you must take responsibility and stop expecting things or people to make you happy. You are the source of your own happiness, so stop looking elsewhere. 36 Here are a few ways for you to follow:Be thankful to others. 37 It is too easy to take those around us for granted. Show them the same consideration you would like shown to you. 38 This goes beyond(超过) politeness; it is a form of giving. Treat everyone you meet as if they have a big sign on their chest saying “make me feel important.” If you do this you will discover a hidden source of joy.Perform acts of kindness. Dont wait to be asked. 39 It doesnt need to be a big thing, hold the door for a stranger, or smile at anyone you make eye contact with. Look for chances to make others feel good.Make a decision to be happy. This is the most important step on the road to a happy life. 40 You are the key to your own happiness, so go ahead, unlock it once and for all.A. Respect other people.B. Be polite to other people.C. Instead of looking for happiness, start creating it.D. You can change your feelings by acting th
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