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广东省深圳市宝安区2022-2023学年七年级上学期招生考试英语试卷一、单项选择(20分)1_ umbrella is _ useful thing; you can use it on both rainy and sunny days. AA; aBThe; anCThe; theDAn; a2 Would you like some drinks, boys? Yes, _, please.Asome orangesBtwo boxes of chocolates Csome cakesDtwo bottles of orange juice3 I ate _ vegetables and _ meat than I did last year. Thats why you are getting fatter.Afewer; moreBmore; lessCless; moreDmany; much4 How old is your grandpa? _. We had a special party for his _ birthday last Sunday.ANinety; ninetyBNinetieth; ninetiethCNinety; ninetiethDNinetieth; ninety5The man was so tired that he could _ go on with his work. AeasilyBhardlyCnearlyDalmost6Listen, Lily _ the piano again. AplaysBplayedCis playingDplay7Mary, I guess this book is _. _ is in my schoolbag. Ayour; MyByours; MyCyours; MineDyour; Mine8The pair of glasses _ in my handbag. AisBareCamDbe9I cant see _ durians, but I can see _ pineapples. Asome; someBany; someCany; anyDsome; any10_ Beibei. And Beibei is _ name. AIts; itsBIts; itsCIts; itsDIts; its11There _ some bread and some apples on the tables. AisBareCbeDam12The old lady _ blue is blind. She cant see _ her eyes. Aof; withBwith; byCin; byDin; with13My mother _ a bicycle to school. But I go to school _foot. Aon; byBby; onCrides; onDtakes; by14-Which would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of milk?- _. I think Ill just have a glass of water.A BothBNeitherCNoneDEither15 What about having some drinks first? _?AWell, will youBOK, shall weCYes, dont weDSure, why not16Some of the students are _; some are _. AJapaneses; AmericansBJapanese; Americans CJapanese; AmericanDJapaneses; American17Im new. So I have _. Afew friendBfew friendsCa few friendDa few friends18 _ are these shoes? They are my sisters.AWhoBWhomCWhoseDWhat19It was a long holiday. They _ Shanghai on Mar. 2nd and _ to Harbin on the 3rd. Aleave; gotBleft; getCleft; gotDleaved; getted20Sit _. The teacher has _ to tell us. Aquiet; important somethingBquite; something importantCquitely; important somethingDquietly, something important二、完型填空(10分)完形填空 Do you have a beautiful dream? I know almost everyone 21 their own dreams in their life. The dreams are very important 22 them. The dreams can make them 23 harder.I am studying in a school now. My dream is 24 a teacher in West China. Many Children there want to go to school 25 they cant. Their families are very poor and the parents have 26 enough money to send their children to school. But going to school and studying is the only 27 to change their life. Teachers are greatly needed there, so I want to be a teacher to help them. I 28 kind to my students and make friends with them.I will give them love and teach 29 how to be a useful person. I think it is 30 job in the world.21AhasBhaveCisDare22AatBtoCinDwith23Ato workBto studyCworkDworking24AbeBto makeCto doDto be25AandBbutCorDso26AnotBmuchCmanyDany27AwayBbookCschoolDroom28AamBwill beCwasDam going to29AtheyBtheirCthemDtheirs30AgreatBgreaterCthe greaterDthe greatest三、单词拼写(10分)单词拼写When the Americans were getting r31 to send their first men to the moon, an old Irishman was watching them o32 television in the bar of a hotel.There was an Englishman in the bar too, and he said to the Irishman, The Americans are very clever, a33 they? Theyre going to send some men to the moon. Its a very long way f34 our w35 . Oh, thats nonsense, the Irishman answered quickly. The Irish are going to s36 some men to the sun in a few m37 time. Thats much farther away than the moon, you know.The Englishman was very surprised when he h38 this. Oh, yes, it is, he said, but the suns too hot for people to go to.The Irishman laughed and answered, Well, the Irish arent stupid, you know. We wont go to the sun during the day, of c39 . Well go there d40 the night.四、阅读理解(20分)阅读理解Bill went shopping in Chongqing one day. Here is the receipt.Welcome to QuanduMay 15, 2008 15:08 Name Number Price shirt 2 ¥150 each bag 2 ¥60 each sweater 1 ¥200 Total ¥62041Quandu is a _ in Chongqing. AschoolBshopChospitalDroom42When did Bill do the shopping? AOn May 6.BIn the afternoonCOn May 17.DIn the evening43The sweater was _
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