2021-2022学年福建省南平市建阳第一初级中学高二英语月考试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. —I plan to pay a visit to Peter this Sunday.     —I agree. You know, he ________come to see us on Sundays when we were in USA..     A. might          B. would         C. should    D. could 参考答案: B 略 2. When the earthquake took place, I ____ the evening news. A. was watching  B. watch                            C. had watched        D. am watching 参考答案: A 略 3. Now that spring is here, you can ______ these fur coats till you need them again next winter. A. put forward   B. put down       C. put away     D. put off 参考答案: C 4. The story of imprisonment happened to Dr.Manette because_______. A. he was an avenger to take lives from the aristocrats B. he exposed the Evremonde twins to the government C. he stood in the way of Darnay’s love for his daughter D. he tried to stop the Evremonde brothers from taking a poor man’s wife 参考答案: B 【详解】考查课外阅读《双城记》。曼马内特医生被囚禁,是因为他给政府写信揭露厄弗里蒙地侯爵兄弟,不料控告信落到被告人手中,医生被关进巴士底狱,从此与世隔绝,杳无音讯。故选B。 5. Having no child of their own, Mr. and Mrs. White decide to _______ one in their hometown. A. acquire B. adopt C. adapt D. attach 参考答案: B 6. Nowadays teenagers like to go to fast food restaurants, _________, as the name says,    eating doesn’t take much time. A. which       B. who         C. where    D. that 参考答案: C 7. 35.       all the required papers, he didn’t answer the questions fluently in class.          A.Having not read                                                B.Not having read          C.Not read                                                                D.Not to read 参考答案: B 略 8. The thing that        is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.        A. means                  B. minds                   C. matters                 D. considers 参考答案: C 9. The teacher demanded that the exam _____ before eleven. A. must finish    B. would be finished   C. be finished  D. must be finished 参考答案: C 10. ——Mr. Smith is no longer the man who he used to be. ——So he is. Success and wealth have          his character. A.trained B.translated C.transported D.transformed 参考答案: D 略 11. The________look on his face told us that the boy was________of what he had seen. A.terrified;terrified  B.terrified;terrifying C.terrifying;terrified  D.terrifying;terrifying 参考答案: 9.【答案】A 句意为:男孩脸上恐惧的表情告诉我们他害怕看到的一切。因“激动、吃惊、害怕”等呈现的面部表情,发出的声音,应用过去分词修饰,故第一个空用terrified;第二个空用terrified做表语,强调小男孩的状态;be terrified of.“害怕……”,为固定搭配 【解析】 12.   —Ken, why do you look so tired?  —I _______ myself ______ the climate since I came here. A. hadn’t adapted; to                              B. haven’t adapted; to C. don’t adapt; from                        D. didn’t adapt; from 参考答案: B 略 13. The most important ________ of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for the people. A.element    B.spot    C.sense    D.point 参考答案: D 句意:他讲话中最重要的一点是我们应该全心全意地为人民工作。point“要点;论点;主旨”,符合题意。element“要素,成分”;spot“地点”;sense“感觉”。 14. They desired that they __________ the right to attend the meeting. A. had                 B. have              C. are                D. were 参考答案: B 略 15. It was the training _____ he had as a young man _____ made him such a good engineer. A. what ; that     B. that ; what     C. that ; which      D. which : that 参考答案: D 二、 翻译 16. be enthusiastic (about) 参考答案: 感兴趣的,热心的   三、 阅读理解 17.   Grown-ups are often surprised by how well they remember something they learned as children but have never practiced ever since. A man who has not had a chance to go swimming for years can still swim as well as ever when he gets back in the water. He can get on a bicycle after many years and still ride away. He can play catch and hit a ball as well as his son. A mother who has not thought about the words for years can teach her daughter the poem that begins "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" or remember the story of Cinderella or Goldilocks and the Three Bears.   One explanation is the law of overlearning(过度学习), which can be stated as follows: Once we have learned something, additional learning trials (尝试) increase the length of time we will remember it. In childhood we usually continue to practice such skills as swimming, bicycle riding, and playing baseball long after we have learned them. We continue to listen to and remind ourselves of words such as "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" and childhood tales such as Cinderella and Goldilocks. We not only learn but overlearn.   The multiplication tables (乘法口诀表) are an exception to the general rule that we forget rather quickly the things that we learn in school, because they are another of the things we overlearn in childhood.   The law of overlearning explains why cramming (突击学习) for an examination, though it may result in a passing grade, is not a satisfactory way to learn a college course. By cramming, a student may learn the subject well enough to pass the examination, but he is likely soon to forget a
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