2020新牛津译林版高中英语选修第二册课文原文 Unit1 Beware and take care Reading Fighting the hidden enemy — a war we must win An enemy appeared without warning, attacking its unsuspecting victims with efficiency. This silent and invisible enemy moved swiftly through communities and secretly crossed borders.The world soon learnt that the enemy we faced was Covid- 19. Covid-19 is caused by a new strain of coronavirus. Once entering the body, the virus multiplies inside the cell quickly and infects neighbouring cells. Common symptoms can include fever, tiredness, a dry cough, a headache, loss of taste or smell. However, in some cases, the virus causes the body’s own immune system to overreact, resulting in the body killing its own healthy cells. Consequently, the disease can become worse, causing damage to the body’s organs and tissues. Covid-19 is a highly infectious disease that can be transmitted easily and swiftly from person to person. This typically happens when people take in respiratory droplets and particles from an infected person. They can also catch Covid-19 by touching a surface or an object contaminated with the virus, and then touching their own mouth, nose or eyes. Research shows that there are certain settings that allow the virus to spread more easily. For instance, it favours cool, dry conditions and crowded indoor spaces with poor ventilation. What makes this disease even more dangerous is that infected people who show no symptoms may become unknowing carriers and spreaders of the virus. In early 2020, the threat posed by Covid-19 came to be fully recognized on a global scale. It spread rapidly across the world, affecting millions of people. More dangerously, new and even more infectious variants of the virus, such as the Delta and Omicron variants, gradually began to evolve in various parts of the world, presenting an increased threat to the health of the world’s population. To beat this silent enemy, the world pulled together. Governments joined forces with leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies so that vaccines could be produced, distributed and administered in record time. Doctors and nurses stepped forward to join the fight and went wherever they were needed, risking their own lives to tirelessly serve and care for patients. Community workers and volunteers worked round the clock to deliver food and medicines to residents. Ordinary people from all walks of life united in helping those affected by the pandemic. Simple acts of kindness and generosity were everywhere. In the darkest days when Covid-19 was doing its worst, the human spirit shone at its brightest. While the fight against Covid-19 is a global effort, there are preventive measures that everyone can take to help control the spread of the disease. Firstly, personal hygiene is key. Clean your hands with soap and water thoroughly. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available,and avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes with unwashed hands. At home or at work, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects. Secondly, when in public places, remember to wear a face mask, practise social distancing and avoid large crowds. Thirdly, receive a Covid-19 vaccine to help your body build up immunity against the virus. Finally, seek medical attention if you show any of the symptoms or have reason to believe that you have been exposed to the virus. By staying alert and following government advice and regulations, we not only protect ourselves, but also help protect our fellow citizens. Our fight against Covid-19 has shown us that we are now living in a human community with a shared future. Only by working together, while accepting our individual responsibilities, can we solve both national and global problems. We need to support each other so that we can march confidently, arm in arm, into a better and more secure future. Extended reading Say no to drugs Good morning, everyone. As a police officer who has spent many years working in the front line of the fight against drugs, I have witnessed, all too often, the destructive impact that drugs can have on individuals, families and the wider community. I have seen how drugs can destroy people’s physical and mental well-being and ruin young lives before they even begin. I have seen how families are torn apart after a family member has become addicted to drugs. I have also seen how tirelessly the forces of law and order work together in fighting against drugs. I will not exaggerate the scale of the problem, as the facts speak for themselves. According to the 2021 World Drug Report, it is estimated that around 275 million people used drugs worldwide and over 36 million people suffered from drug use disorders in the last year. These shocking figures indicate that drug abuse is a very serious global problem. Therefore, it is everyone’s responsibility to say no to drugs. Drug abuse hurts an individual drug user both
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