Unit 1 enjoy your fee lin gs!I IC B D A DI Listening InTask 1 what a cIumsy man!Keys:A C D C BTask 2 causes of depressionKeys:(Dfam i I ies(2)chemi cals(3)inform ation(4)certa i n(5)se I f-esteen(6)th i nk i ng patterns(7)mood(8)d i vorce(9)phys i caI abuse(10)fin a n cia l d iffic u ltie s (11)stress(12)anx i etyTask 3 happ i ness i ndexKeys:B D A A CI Let s TalkKeys:(1)shy(2)cry i ng(3)scared(4)came down(5)fun(6)nice(7)two step(8)argue(9)touch(10)bad time(11)speak(12)comfortabIe(13)brother(14)adults(15)chi Idren(16)secondary(17)growing(18)I earnI Further Listening and SpeakingTask 1:Big John is coming!(S1)owner(S2)running(S3)drop(S4)run(S5)local(S6)yel I ing,(S7)lives!”(S8)As he,s picking himself up,he sees a large man,almostseven feet tall.(S9)The bartender nervous Iy hands the b i g man a beer,handsshak i ng.(S10)“I got to get out of town!Don,t you hear Big John iscomi ng?”Task 2 Reason and emot i onKey:A B C C DTask 3 Every cIoud has a si Iver IiningKey:T F F T FI Viewing and speak i ngKey:(1)seven(2)150(3)favor i te(4)br i dge(5)111(6)fast(7)simple(8)trusted(9)stupid(10)did(11)No way(12)u11imate(13)I imits(14)skywards(15)&60(16)cheapUnit 2f d a e h i b c jI I BACDBI I I1.CAADB2.C orrect answerthe endd i scountsT-sh i rtsb i g-name brandsInterchangeabIe piecesbI ack tro u se rsseveraI tim ess imp Ie sts ty Ii sh and fash iona ble3.ABACDV let s talkTask 1wealthycIothing stylesfiguresIimmerconstructionI ightlargerforma Ibrightly coloredthe r ich and the poorone classoccasionsPoorer peopleFurther Iistening Task 1CAABATask 2BABABTask 3She chose two colors,then b u ilt her wardrobe around them.She has a pa i r of b I ack dress s I acks,with b I ack shoes to match.If she wears that with her turquoise s ilk bIouse and a matchingneck I ace and earr i ngs,she wiI I look dressed up.I f she wears a T-sh i rt with the b I ack dress s I acks,she i s morecasuaI.If she br ings a pashmina,or another dress scarf,she can dressup the T-shirt i nto casuaI ch i c.Her suitcase wi I I be near ly empty,with lots of room forshopping.Viewing and speaking Task 1(1)combining cIothing withnew technology(2)brand-new sty Ie(3)new i ndustr i a I des i gnsolutions(4)electronics and fashion(5)into your col lar(6)went i nto partnersh i pwith(7)br i ng them together(8)the modern-day worker(9)600 pounds(10)to what we might expectUnit 3Bas i c Ii sten i ng DACBCL i sten i ng i nTask 1 BCADCTask 2 BBABATask 3Correct answerdroughttsunamiundersearesult indry spelIfloodwater suppIiesfamineagr icultureheavy ra i nfaI Imeltingswel Iman-made damsLet s talkTask 1Correct answereruptedburyingfewoverseasrescueinjureddamagedislanderssevenbiggestcloseaftershockstrap20 m illion poundsdiseaseFurther Ii sten i ng Task 1 BADACTask 21.S i nee the company was composed ent i re I y of men over 65,therewas doubt that they wouId be of any ass i stance.But the farmercal led the company anyway because the fi re proved to be morethan the smaI I town f i re department couId hand Ie,and therewas no other he Ip avaiI able.2.The truck drove stra i ght toward the f i re and,i nstead ofstopp i ng i n front of the f i re,drove right i nto the middle ofthe f I ames.3.After an hour of intense fighting,they had extinguishedthe f i re.4.After an hour of intense fighting,they had extinguishedthe f i re.5.The captain said,“The f i rst thing we re going to do is toget the brakes f ixed on that stupid f i re truck.That suggeststhat they drove r i ght i nto the middle of the fIames becauseof useless brakes rather than bravery.Task 3 ABCDCViewing and speaking Task 1rescuedworst fIood i ngsurpr i sefloodedmy sonscrewsbursth itsaveh i gh t i defurniturenorma Icomputer systemdrugsheavyIII 3A naturaI d i saster i s the consequence of a hazardous event,occurring when human activities are affected by adversenatura I phenomena such as flood,drought,ha i I storm,heat wave,forest f i re,hurr icane,typhoon,tornado,tsunami,IandsIideand muds I i de,or volcanic eruption.The scale of the resultingdeaths or property damage depends on the human ab ility tores i st the d i sasters.Somet i mes two seemingly d i fferent d i sasters may be re I ated toeach other.For example,an undersea earthquake may result ina tsunami.While there is a Iong dry spel I in one area,theremay be a great flood in another.A drought is a Iong-lasting weather pattern consisting of dryconditions with very Ii ttIe or no precipitation.Dur i ng th i sper iod,food and water suppl ies can run Iow,and otherconditions,such as famine,can occur.Droughts can Iast forseveraI years and are particularly damaging in areas in whichthe residents depend on agr iculture for survi vaI.A flood fol lows too much rain or water in a location,and couldbe the result of many different conditions.FIoods can becaused by heavy ra i nfa I I from a storm,including thunderstorms,rap i d melting of Iarge amounts of snow,or r i vers which sweI Ifrom too much precipitation upstream,causing widespreaddamage to areas downstream.Another poss i bIe cause of fIoods
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