注 意事项NEXTPart 1 Cloze(with four choices provided)(每小题:2.5分)Directions:Read the following passage carefully and choosethe best answer from the four choices given for each blank.Questions 1 to 20 are based on the following passage.When I was growing up,I went to Catholic(天主教的)school.Some people think that Catholic schools are 1.-3 for cultivating religious beliefs.However,many Catholic schools concentrate on 2.臼the behavior of kids who have donepoorly in public schools.In public schools there are 3.-3rules.Rules are plentiful at Catholic schools,and someone is always making sure they are 4.I3.Most people believe that nuns(修女)are kind women whohave 5.I 3 th e ir lives to their religion.Ourheadmaster,Sister Mary Elizabeth,was the meanest woman I6.I She smoked and 7.勺and carried a ruler through the halls.Sheduse it to hit students who were not 8.I 勺.Sheeven kept an even bigger stick in the storage closet in thegym.When a student 9.I 3someone,she hada solution.The same solution existed for a student who hadpoor 10.I 勺 And if a student was too 11.勺or did something wrong,they were notsent to the headmasters office.12.I 勺,theywere sent to the gym closet.I went to the gym closet once.The room was 13.J lit when I arrived.It was also 14.二!Iwith cigarette smoke when I got there.Sister Mary Elizabeths constant bad 15.勺was even worse that day.It happened thather 16.I 勺baseball team,which she had beton,lost.The experience really 17.I 二I me.Thats how it 18.I I with most students.Theytook their 19.I 勺once and were toofrightened to do anything wrong again.Some people say thatthis experience teaches students the discipline and the abilityto 20.I 二I pressure that they will need in life.However,many people doubt it.art 6 Cloze(with four choices provided)(句小曲:1 分;总分:20 分)T、期得分对精我的笔案客观1.1primarilyprimarily2.1reformingreforming3.1fewerfewer4.1observedobserved5.1/committedcommitted6.0X(未答)ever7.1cursedcursed8.1behavingbehaving9.1insultedinsulted10.1attendanceattendance11.1energeticenergetic12.1InsteadInstead13.1dimlydimly14.1thickthick15.1rnoodmood16.1favoritefavorite17.1scaredscared18.1wentwent19.1punishmentpunishment20.1endureendure0 注意事项NEXT PREVIOUSNEXT卜 卜Part 2 Reading Comprehension(BankedCloze)(每小题:2.5分)Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following passage byselecting suitable words from the Word Bank.You may notuse any of the words more than once.Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage.Why do we always assume that a good student is one that gets really good grades?Oddlyenough,it is often not the students that got the best grades that succeed in life,but rather theones that exhibited the most heart.Indeed,if you want to 1.I 勺on how fara student might get in life,a better measurement than grades might be how hard they try.Many teachers actually 2.who work hard to learn.is,and boost the final grades of studentsOne teacher of English grammar said,If a student is giving his or her utmost effort,I makesure that is 3.I lin the final grade.You cant simply look at a 4.-3of test results to determine how well a student has done in your class.Students 5.I Iduring class are much more important than what they puton paper.They 6.I t h e ability to help others around them succeed.When there is a 7.I 3(jiscussion about something,they are alwaysparticipating.As a teacher,I am primarily 8.I 勺with helping students todevelop strong character.Those who I can help in this way will become more 9.J h a n any who simply got high scores.Attitudes like this teachers are ensuring that our students have a 10.J o f intelligence and good values.This is a combination for real success.Part 4 Reading Comprehension(Banked C lo z e)(何小题:2 分;满分:20 分)小曲得分对措我的答案客税1.2speculatespeculate2.2acknowledgeacknowledge3.2reflectedreflected4.2/succession 踮succession5.2contributionscontributions6.2possesspossess7.2/vigorousvigorous8.0Xconsequenceconcerned9.2/fruitfulfruitful10.2/mixturemixtureSubtotal:184 PREVIOUSNEXTPREVIOUS交卷!OPart 3 Reading Comprehension(MultipleChoice)(每小题:5分)Directions:Read the following passages carefully and choosethe best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C and D.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.Before going to high school,I had a very simple view of life.Iusually did not think about the subjects of crime,poverty,orhomelessness.As far as I knew,these things did not exist.Thearea around my school forced my eyes open as early as the firstday of school.On the long bus ride through the city,I saw homelessdogs walking the streets.I also clearly recall seeing a homelessperson picking through a trash can for the first time ever.Thepoverty of the area around my school made me see how truly luckyI was.I now began to appreciate everything which had beenhanded to me in life.In the long run,this led me to put a lot morefaith in God because of all that He had given me.I started going toreligious services more often.This also indirectly led to myinvolvement in the community around the school.Students lives become enriched
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