第二部分:图画作文写作的训练:1、寻找参照物2、两种训练方法:(1)英汉互译(2)模仿法-i m i t a t i o n2 0 0 2年写作真题study the following pictureentitled Cultures Nationaland Internationaln.In the essay you should1)describe the picture andinterpretits meaning,and2)give your comment on thephe-nomenon.You should write about 200 wordsneatly onANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)carefully and write an essay关于comment的三个写作角度:1、提建议your suggestions,your solutions;2、考虑背景及原因background and reasons;3、描述未来、预测未来;(审题构思时应注意:以小见大、把握象征寓意)描述图画的单词:发带 ribbon 耳环 earrings 项链 necklace少数民族minority group 妇女服饰accessories范文再现:This picture vividly depicts a lovely American girl intraditional Chinese costume with a sweet smile on her face.Shewears ribbons,earrings,necklaces and other accessories,thatare characteristic of the clothes of a certain Chinese minoritygroup.Undoubtedly,this costume has added oriental charm toher beautiful look.What the picture conveys goes far beyond only a fashion trend.Instead it carries cultural meanings.The fact that people fromdifferent countries are attracted to the mysterious Chineseculture,indicates that to some extent a culture can be accepted,respected,appreciated,and shared internationally.In otherwords,a nation1s unique culture can become international(走向 世界)through worldwide economic and cultural exchanges.Since the trend of globalization seems increasinglyirresistible(不可 抵 挡),cultural communications willeffectively improve mutual understanding and friendship.In my opinion,national culture as a priceless spiritualtreasure should be preserved and cherished.Yet there are goodreasons to advocate international culture.For those ideas fromthe other cultures,controversial(有争议的、格格不入的)or evenabsurd at first sight,can provide a different perspective forus to observe the world.However,when we are confronted witha different culture,we should be sensible enough to absorb itsessence and to resist its dark side(取其精华、去其糟粕).Onlyin this way can we promote cultural development positively andmake our world dimensional,colorful and vigorous.写作题型总结:1、提纲式作文(91年-9 6 年)2、图表作文(97年、99年)3、图画作文(98年、00年、01年、02年、03年)4、情景式作文(新增加,尚未考过)5、简单应用文(新增加,尚未考过)着重研究事务信函(分为建议信、求职信、申请信、表扬信、投诉信等)四大类主题题型总结:1、观点对比选择题eg.(91 年)Where to live,in the city or the country?提纲:1、城市的利与弊2、乡村的利与弊3、我的看法,我的选择(四六级 99 年)Reading selectively or extensively?(四六级 97 年)My view on job-hopping(四六级00年)大学英语口语考试是否必要?推荐题目:(1)Which to celebrate,western festivals or the Chinese?(2)Cyber-bars*advantages and disadvantages(网吧的利与弊)(3)My view on private cars2、现象阐释题eg.(93 年)TV advertisements提纲:(1)present states(2)reasons(3)my comments(94 年)On making friends阐释:(1)the need for friend(2)true friendship(3)my principle(96 年)good health阐释:(1)importance of good health(2)ways to keep fit(3)my own practice新概念:亚健康状态、全民补钙、关爱老年人健康、绿色食品、全民健身、爱滋病的蔓延、精神抑郁症、保龄秋热、瑜珈功热、健身操热、疯牛病的威胁第二段:对 keep f it的错误理解;三种可行的观点:(1)锻炼身体及方式;(2)保证饮食健康;have regular meals;go on a diet;(3)同样要保证精神健康;optimistic mentality开朗乐观的心态(02 年)Cultures National and International阐释略(看前面的范文)3、问题解决题关键:文章的第三段,如何解决问题代表作:(98 年)Such promises考题描述:图片插入语:(1)本母鸡下蛋不见棱见角;(2)保证有蛋皮、蛋清、蛋黄;蛋 清egg white;蛋 皮egg shell;蛋 黄yolk;都不必写。打油诗:各行各业兴承诺,欢迎监督不委托;原本皆为份内事,何须高唱文明歌。图画作文做题原则:构思时,需要以小见大,把握象征寓屈、O分析主题:抨击各行各业中对于完成自己职责的浮夸风;提倡少说空话、多干实事的精神。提建议的思路:先说国家、政府该怎么办,问题主要是由于国家的法律制度不健全,所以国家政府应当制定法律法规;第二条思路,自己应提高个人觉悟建议:平时多注意这类事物,有意识的自我练习。举例:(1)讽刺中小学、大学的乱收费问题overcharging;(2)讽刺电视节目对儿童的不利影响;(3)讽刺大城市的空气污染现象。尤为重要:以小见大,把一个现象看作一个普遍现象。(03年)温室中的花朵经不起风雨题目分析:温 室green house;要锻炼自己的独立生活能力,在艰苦环境下磨练自己的毅力才有前途,才能发展。4、观 点 论 证 题(01年出现)(文章第二段中)命题角度:1、举例论证段2、原因论证段3、数据论证段代表作:(0 1年)爱心是一盏灯,在越黑暗的地方越明亮。(助人为乐的主题)2000年考题Study the following two pictures carefully andwrite and essay to1)describe the pictures,2)deduce(推理)the purpose of the drawer ofthe pictures,and3)suggest counter-measures(对策).You should write about 200 words neatly onANSWER SHEET 2.As is shown in the pictures,we can see clearlyA brief History ofWorld Commercial Fishingthat with the rampancy of commercial fishing,the number of fishes considerablydecreased.In one picture,there were various kinds of fish and only one fishing-boat in1900.On the contrary,in 1995 there was only one fish,but many fishing-boats.The purpose of this picture(修正为 the two pictures 或 the pictures 与第一段一致)isto show us that due attention has to be paid to the decrease(可换为 decline、reduction、shrinkage、shrinking)of ocean resources.Owing to over-fishing the number of fisheshas obviously decreased(可换为 declined、reduced、shrunk).If we let this situationgo as it is,we wont know where fish is in the future.(一般说我不知道,你不知道,他不知道用一般现在时就够了:I dont know不管过去,现在,未来都用这个形式,于是改为:will be in the future)By that time,our environment will suffer a greatdestruction.(提示:By+未来时间:将来完成时对应结构是:will have done即我们将已经)Therefore,it is imperative for us to take drastic(firm)measures.For one thing,weshould appeal to our authorities to make strict laws to control commercial fishing.Foranother,we should enhance(cultivate)the awareness of people that the oceanresources are very vital(重要的)to us.Only in this way can we protect our oceanresources.Also I believe that
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