湖南师范大学工程与设计学院实验考核试题(A卷)课程:计算机网络实 验 班 级:计算机科学与技术一、试题要求:1 .制作网线,并根据拓扑图连接设备;2 .在路由器的相应端口设置合适的I P 地址,实现两个路由器间的通信;3 .在三层交换机上开启路由功能,并为相应端口设置合适I P 地址,完成三层交换机与路由器间通信;4 .在二层交换机上设置相应V L A N,并划分相应端口到相应的V L A N中,实现广播流量隔离;5 .在三层交换机上设置相应的S V I,并在二层与三层交换机上相应端口设置T ru nk 链路,利用三层交换机实现不同V L A N间通信;6 .在路由器上开启R I P 路由协议,实现各P C 端的互连互通。路由器(R2)路由器(R1)二、评分标准:1 .能够根据实验要求,小组成员相互配合、独立完成实验。2 .实验过程:网络制作正常、设备连接、网络配置正确、合适。3 .实验文档中的设备配置信息准确、测试信息正常。湖南师范大学工程与设计学院实验考核实验课程 计算机网络 学生姓名 张洪林年级专业 2 0 1 5 计算机 学 号2 0 1 5 3 0 1 8 5 0 3 1配 置 清 单(给出上机实验时所编写程序清单):loopback网络一truiJc F 0/2 35Multil192.168.1.2/30 F 0/1192.168.1.1/30 F 0/1841RouterOvlanlO SwitchO184Router10.10.10.2/30192.168.2.2/30 F 0/1192.168.2.1/30 F 0/2loopback F 0/1 tnmlcMultilayeiSwitch2trunk F 0/1 J网 络 二192.168.10.10/24vlanlOLaptop-PTLaptopOF 0/2/郡 呼/Switch、F 0/3vlan20192.168.20,20/24Laptop-PTLaptoplF 0/1192.168.30.30/24F 0/3 trurJcLaptop-PTLaptop3Laptop-PTLaptop250鼻 F 0/2Switch 1192.168.40.40/24网络拓补图网络一:1、在二层交换机上配置相应的vlan,并把端口划分到相应v lan 中去SwitchSwitchASwitchenableSuitch#configure terminalEnter configuration commands,one per line.End with CNTL/Z.Switch(config)#vlan 10Switch(config-vlan)tname cesclSwitch(config-vlan)texicSwitch(config)tvlan 20Swirch(config-vlan)tname tesc2Switch(config-vlan)texicSwitch(config)tendSwitch#%SYS-S-CONFIG_I:Configuzed from console by consoleSwitch*show vlanVLANNameStatusPorta1defaultactiveFa0/l,FaO/2r Fa0/3r FaO/4FaO/Sf Fa0/6r FaO/7,FaO/8FaO/9,FaO/10,Fa0/llr FaO/12FaO/13,FaO/14,FaO/15,FaO/16FaO/17,Fa0/18r FaO/19,Fa0/20Fa0/21r Fa0/22r FaO/23,FaO/2410testlactive20rest2acxive1002fddi-defaultact/unsup1 cc?t c lr a n-b i nc-亡a c T 八,n o t,rS w itc h(c o n f ig)te x it%SYS-5-CONFIG_I:C o n fig u re d from c o n so le byS w itc h tc o n fig u re te rm in a lE n te r c o n f ig u ra tio n commands,one p e r l i n e.S w itc h(c o n f ig)f in te r f a c e f a s te th e r n e t 0/2S w itc h(c o n fig-if)ts w itc h p o r t a c c e ss v la n 10S w itch (c o n f i g-i f)te x it;S w itc h(c o n fig)S w itch*%SYS-5-CONFIG_I:C o n fig u re d from c o n so le byc o n so leEnd w ith CNTL/Z.c o n so leS w itc h#c o n fig u re te rm in a lE n te r c o n f ig u ra tio n commands r one p e r l i n e.End w ith CNTL/2.S w itc h(c o n fig)tin te rf a c ef a s te e n th e m e t 0/3%I n v a lid in p u t d e te c te daz 1*m ark er.S w itc h(c o n f ig)tin te r f a c ef a s te th e r n e t 0/3S w itc h(c o n fig-if)ts w itc h p o r t a c c e ss v la n 20S w itc h(c o n f ig-if)*e x icS w itc h(c o n fig)#e x itS w itch#%SYS-S-CONFIG_I:C o n fig u re d from c o n so le byc o n so leSw itch#show v la nVLAN NameS ta tu sP o rts1d e f a u lta c tiv eF a 0/lr FaO/4,F a 0/5r FaO/6FaO/7,FaO/8,FaO/9,F a0/101020t e s t lzesz2a c tiv ea c tiv eFaO/11,FaO/15,F a0/1 9rF a 0/2 3rFaO/2FaO/3F a0/1 2rF a 0/1 6rF a 0/2 0rFaO/24F a 0/1 3rF a 0/1 7rF a 0/2 1rFaO/14FaO/18FaO/222、在三层交换机上配置s v i (v lanlO v lan2 0),并设置相应i p,在三层与二层交换机上设置 t u rnk,并为pc 设置网关。Switch(config)ace vlan 10%LINK-5-CHANGED:Interface VlanlO,changed state to up%LINEPROTO-S-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface VlanlO,changed state to upSwitch(config-if)tip add 25S.2SS.25S.0Switch(config-if)texitSwitch(config)#int;erface vlan 20%LINK-5-CHANGED:Interface Vlan20,changed state to up%LINPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface Vlan20,changed state to upSwitch(config-if)tip add 255.255.2S5.0Switch(config-if)#exitSwitch(config)fexitSwitch#%SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configured from console by consoleSwitch#Switch#configure terminalEnter configuration commands r one per line.End with CNTL/Z.Switch(config)tinterface Fa3tEthemet0/2Switch(config-if)fswitchport mode trunkSwitch(config-if)texitSwitch(config)tSwitch(config)tinterface FastEthernetO/1Switch(config-if)tswitchport mode trunk%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface FastEthernetO/lr changed szaze zo down%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface FastEthernetO/lf changed state zo upSwitch(config-if)texitSwitch(config)texit3、三层交换机关闭交换功能并配置i poSwitch#Switch#configure terminalEnter configuration commands,one per line.End with CNTL/Z.Switch(config)finterface FaatEthernetO/2Switch(config-if)fawitchport mode trunkSwitch(config-if)#exitSwitch(config)#Switch(config)tinterface FaatEthernetO/lSwitch(config-if)#no switchportSwitch(config-if)tip address 2SS.2SS.2S5.2S2Switch(config-if)#exitSwitch(config)t网络二:1、在二层交换机上配置相应的vlan,并把端口划分到相应v lan 中去SwitchSwitchenableSwitchtconfigure terminalEnter configuration commands r one per line.End with CNTL/Z.Switch(config)#vlan 30Switch(config-vlan)#name test3Switch(config-vlan)#exitSwitch(config)#vlan 40Switch(config-vlan)#nameSwitch(config-vlan)texirSwitch(config)tendSwitch#%SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configured from console by consoleSwitch#show vlanVLAN NameStatusPorts1defaultactiveFa0/lr Fa0/2f Fa0/3r FaO/4Fa0/5r Fa0/6r Fa0/7r FaO/8Fa0/9r Fa0/10r FaO/11,Fa0/12FaO/13,FaO/14,FaO/15,FaO/16Fa0/17r FaO/18,Fa0/19r Fa0/20Fa0/21r
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